Integral transforms | Theorems in complex analysis | Laplace transforms

Mellin inversion theorem

In mathematics, the Mellin inversion formula (named after Hjalmar Mellin) tells us conditions underwhich the inverse Mellin transform, or equivalently the inverse two-sided Laplace transform, are defined and recover the transformed function. (Wikipedia).

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Math 139 Fourier Analysis Lecture 27: Fourier projection theorem, Radon inversion

Proof of Fourier projection theorem; relation of Radon transform with Fourier transform; uniqueness theorem for Radon transform (of Schwartz class functions). Dual Radon transform. Filtered backprojection inversion formula for R^3. Statement of formula for general R^d. Wave equation an

From playlist Course 8: Fourier Analysis

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Math 139 Fourier Analysis Lecture 17: Fourier Inversion

Fourier Inversion: creating an approximation of the identity using dilated Gaussians; convolution of Schwartz class functions; uniform convergence to the original function of the convolution of the approximation of the identity with the function. Fourier inversion formula: multiplication

From playlist Course 8: Fourier Analysis

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Dimitri Zvonkine - On two ELSV formulas

The ELSV formula (discovered by Ekedahl, Lando, Shapiro and Vainshtein) is an equality between two numbers. The first one is a Hurwitz number that can be defined as the number of factorizations of a given permutation into transpositions. The second is the integral of a characteristic class

From playlist 4th Itzykson Colloquium - Moduli Spaces and Quantum Curves

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Linear Algebra 13g: Third Explanation of the Matrix Inversion Algorithm - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 1 Linear Algebra: An In-Depth Introduction with a Focus on Applications

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Linear Algebra 11r: First Explanation for the Inversion Algorithm - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 1 Linear Algebra: An In-Depth Introduction with a Focus on Applications

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Formulas related to Zastava spaces Jonathan Wang

Short talks by postdoctoral members Topic: Formulas related to Zastava spaces Speaker: Jonathan Wang Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: October 6, 2017 For more videos, please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Convolution Theorem: Fourier Transforms

Free ebook Statement and proof of the convolution theorem for Fourier transforms. Such ideas are very important in the solution of partial differential equations.

From playlist Partial differential equations

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Spectral summation formulae and their applications - Valentin Blomer

Valentin Blomer Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics September 17, 2015 Starting from the Poisson summation formula, I discuss spectral summation formulae on GL(2) and GL(3) and pr

From playlist Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar

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What's New in Calculus

For the latest information, please visit: Speaker: Devendra Kapadia Wolfram developers and colleagues discussed the latest in innovative technologies for cloud computing, interactive deployment, mobile devices, and more.

From playlist Wolfram Technology Conference 2016

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Mellin Transforms

For the latest information, please visit: Speakers: Oleg Marichev & Dan McDonald Wolfram developers and colleagues discussed the latest in innovative technologies for cloud computing, interactive deployment, mobile devices, and more.

From playlist Wolfram Technology Conference 2016

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Linear Transformations: Onto

Linear Algebra: Continuing with function properties of linear transformations, we recall the definition of an onto function and give a rule for onto linear transformations.

From playlist MathDoctorBob: Linear Algebra I: From Linear Equations to Eigenspaces | Mathematics

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Iterated Shimura integrals - Yuri Manin

Geometry and Arithmetic: 61st Birthday of Pierre Deligne Yuri Manin Northwestern University October 19, 2005 Pierre Deligne, Professor Emeritus, School of Mathematics. On the occasion of the sixty-first birthday of Pierre Deligne, the School of Mathematics will be hosting a four-day con

From playlist Pierre Deligne 61st Birthday

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Exploring Perturbative CFTs in Mellin Space by Amin Ahmad Nizami

Bangalore Area String Meeting URL: DATES: Monday 25 Jul, 2016 - Wednesday 27 Jul, 2016 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore DESCRIPTION: This meeting is designed to bring together string theorists working in the Bangalore

From playlist Bangalore Area String Meeting

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Introduction to additive combinatorics lecture 10.8 --- A weak form of Freiman's theorem

In this short video I explain how the proof of Freiman's theorem for subsets of Z differs from the proof given earlier for subsets of F_p^N. The answer is not very much: the main differences are due to the fact that cyclic groups of prime order do not have lots of subgroups, so one has to

From playlist Introduction to Additive Combinatorics (Cambridge Part III course)

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7C Inverse of a Matrix Example 1-YouTube

Example of matrix inversion.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Francesco Mezzadri: Moments of Random Matrices and Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials

We establish a new connection between moments of n×n random matrices $X_{n}$ and hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. Specifically, we consider moments $\mathbb{E}\mathrm{Tr} X_n^{-s}$ as a function of the complex variable $s\in\mathbb{C}$, whose analytic structure we describe completely

From playlist Jean-Morlet Chair - Grava/Bufetov

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Linear Algebra Proofs 15b: Eigenvectors with Different Eigenvalues Are Linearly Independent - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

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Banach space | Generalized function | Mathematics | Lp space | Two-sided Laplace transform | Nachbin's theorem | Fourier inversion theorem | Mellin transform | Fourier transform | Positive real numbers