Media RSS

Media RSS (MRSS) is an RSS extension that adds several enhancements to RSS enclosures, and is used for syndicating multimedia files (audio, video, image) in RSS feeds. It was originally designed by Yahoo! and the Media RSS community in 2004, but in 2009 its development has been moved to the RSS Advisory Board. One example of enhancements is specification of thumbnails for each media enclosure, and the possibility to enclose multiple versions of the same content (e.g. different file formats). The format can be used for podcasting, which uses the RSS format as a means of delivering content to media-playing devices, as well as Smart TVs. Media RSS allows for a much more detailed description of the content to be delivered to the subscriber than the RSS standard. The standard is also used by content publishers to feed media files into Yahoo! Video Search, which is a feature of Yahoo! Search that allows users to search for video files. (Wikipedia).

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How Ads and Clicks Shape the Internet

In this video, you’ll learn more about the impact advertisements have on internet users. For more information on this and other topics, visit We hope you enjoy!

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Social Media Marketing Tutorial - Identifying your audience

Learn how to better identify your audience by creating customer personas. Explore more Social Media Marketing courses and advance your skills on LinkedIn Learning: This is a

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Media & Money: Crash Course Media Literacy #5

Media isn’t just movies and newspapers and TV shows, it’s also a part of society that involves a lot of money. And all that money has implications for the media that gets created. Media is created by people -- a range of people, making a range of decisions, and earning a range of different

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Content Marketing Tutorial - Optimize content for sharing

Learn best practices for sharing your content on social media. Explore more Content Marketing courses and advance your skills on LinkedIn Learning: This is an excerpt from "Conte

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POP CULTURE: What's wrong with the media

The media is supposed to tell us everything important: so why, after spending so long with it, are we generally so overloaded, confused and oddly unfocused on the stuff that really matters? Please SUBSCRIBE:] If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship

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Social Media Marketing Tutorial - Determining a content strategy

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22C3: The Realtime Podcast

Speaker: Tim Pritlove Everything you need to know about Podcasting This lecture is more of a live podcast recording session than a traditional talk. So you will be more of an audience in a radio studio while Tim is producing the podcast. In the podcast which is produced in realtime, Tim

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Wordpress Media Links Comments and Pages From Design To Web

Here I walk you through the process of adding media, links, static pages and editing comments in Wordpress. This tutorial is for Wordpress version 2.9. Current as of December 2009.

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NewsFlash: Your News Your Way

Today I talk about NewsFlash a neat way to get your daily News fix. 👇 PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GOOD STUFF 👇 Patreon - Liberapay - Youtube - ===== Follow us 🐧🐧 ==

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Deploying a News Summarizer RSS Feed App | NLP Workshop Capstone

This video is created by the participants of our NLP workshop. You can create applications like this too; see more details here: In this video we present a simple proof-of-concept of how a baseline text summarization model can be packaged and deployed as an API, using

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Secrets to Acquiring Links for Higher Google Rankings

*Recorded from a live event - audio a bit muffled. Links are the currency of the search engines. Without good inbound links to your web site, your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts will be in vain. Link building is arguably the most difficult, most misunderstood, and most poorly e

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Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase 09: Jeff Nigbur, "Utah Department of Public Safety Media Portal"

Jeff Nigbur (Utah Department of Public Safety), Government as a Protector, "Utah Department of Public Safety Media Portal"

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Is CSS and Website Design a Fashion Statement? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios

If you've never seen a website, you are a liar! (You're on one right now.) Consciously or not, the first thing you notice when you visit a website is how the site LOOKS, which is controlled by the CSS Stylesheet. CSS is the fashion of the web- it makes sites pretty (or very very ugly). And

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NOTACON 3: Your Moment of Audio Zen: A History of Podcasts

Speaker: Jason Scott The name either excites you or makes you cringe (Hey, maybe it does both) but the fact is, Podcasts are now the hot new thing. Jason Scott provides a quick history of the podcast, as well as its predecessors, its likely replacements, and how the world is likely to loo

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RedDotRuby 2014 - Lightning Talk - 5 Tips in 5 mins on Podcasting With Jekyll by Sayanee Basu

We will learn how to generate static html pages with Jekyll and host them effortlessly on Github Pages and run automated continuous integrated with Travis CI. Podcasting needs additional features along with a blogging site. With Jekyll we will learn how to generate feeds file for iTunes o

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vhs logos - bliss

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Q&A 168: Why Aren't There Cameras On James Webb? And More...

In this week's Questions Show I explain why James Webb doesn't have any cameras on board, what the Universe is expanding into, and what is the point of building big telescopes when we're trapped in the Solar System? 00:00 Start 06:35 Why build big telescopes? 00:35 Are there cameras on bo

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Vodafone-Happy to Help Ad (full)

In some very special way I still remain loyal to this brand,yet another spectaculary meaningful ad from O& going

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Time Series Analysis in Python | Time Series Forecasting | Data Science with Python | Edureka

** Python Data Science Training : ** This Edureka Video on Time Series Analysis n Python will give you all the information you need to do Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in Python. Below are the topics covered in this tut

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