Surveys (human research)

Media-Analyse (Germany)

The Media-Analyse (ma) (English: Media Analysis (MA)) by (AGMA) is the largest annually conducted media analysis in Germany and the largest survey of media consumer behavior in Germany overall. It examines the total population as well as its subgroups. The survey occurs telephonically or with questionnaires given to a representative cross-section of the total population sample. The yearly use of media is queried using dated surveys and daily routine studies. Initially, only the German-speaking population of Germany was questioned, limited to those living in private households which was the main place of residence, and limited to those at least 14 years old. In 2008, the age limit was reduced to ten years old and European Union foreigners were incorporated. From 2010, “other foreigners” are also now questioned. This includes approximately 50,000 young people and adults who are chosen by random selection according to the ADM sampling system. They are subsequently questioned, some in person and some telephonically (CATI). In the process, the subgroups are described based on their demographic features such as age, sex, occupation, income, religion, and community size. The results of the media analysis are issued on behalf of AGMA by its subsidiary Media Micro Census. They have large practical relevance because they largely determine the booking behavior of the advertising industry. The MA thus indirectly determines the price a media provider can charge for advertising. It is hence regularly observed that some radio stations use a large part of their annual advertising budget during the survey period of the MA. (Wikipedia).

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