Sporadic groups

McLaughlin sporadic group

In the area of modern algebra known as group theory, the McLaughlin group McL is a sporadic simple group of order 27 ⋅ 36 ⋅ 53 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 11 = 898,128,000≈ 9×108. (Wikipedia).

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(English Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DosqbEy8ecY) http://www.nucleusinc.com/ - 这个三维动画介绍了右髋关节的全髋关节置换术。该手术包括切开、露出髋关节、放置髋臼修复假体(窝)、割掉发炎的股沟头、放置股骨头假体(球)。

From playlist 在中国医学动画

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Lydian Collective - "Loops" by Laszlo (Live Studio Session)

From the new Laszlo EP: Turning Tide: http://www.candyrat.com/artists/Laszlo/TurningTide/ Performed by the Lydian Collective: https://www.facebook.com/LydianCollective Featuring: Aaron 'Laszlo' Wheeler - Keyboards (Composer) Todd Baker - Guitar Ida Hollis - Bass Guitar Sophie Alloway - D

From playlist Music.

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Dana Richards - Juvenilia - G4G12 April 2016

A discussion of Gardner's writings while young and also his writings for youth.

From playlist G4G12 Videos

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 5.7: Finite simple groups

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 5.7: Finite simple groups A group is said to be simple if its only normal subgroups are itself and the identity. Using Sylow theorems, we can frequently conclude statemens such as "there are no simple groups of order k", for some fixed k. After we provide seve

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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Representation Theory(Repn Th) 2 by Gerhard Hiss

DATE & TIME 05 November 2016 to 14 November 2016 VENUE Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Computational techniques are of great help in dealing with substantial, otherwise intractable examples, possibly leading to further structural insights and the detection of patterns in many abstra

From playlist Group Theory and Computational Methods

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Bernard Malgrange 5/9/14 Part 1

Informal Session

From playlist Spring 2014

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Morton Feldman, Why Patterns?, 1/3, Arshile Gorky

Morton Feldman (1926- 1987), "Why Patterns?", for flute, percussion, and piano (1978). The California Ear Unit, Dorothy Stone, flute, Gaylord Mowrey, piano, Arthur Jarvinen, glockenspiel. With works by Arshile Gorky (1904- 1948)

From playlist experimental classical

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Yes. I make mistakes ... rarely. http://www.flippingphysics.com

From playlist Miscellaneous

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They Tango #14 Mariano Chicho Frumboli & Juana Sepulveda

Basel Tango Festival 2013 - First dance - Images - Post-Production DJ-VJ Pierre_M

From playlist Tango

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The Abel Prize announcement 2008 - John Thompson and Jacques Tits

0:00 Welcome by chair of the Mathematics group in The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Tom Lyche 1:45 The Abel Prize announced by Ole Didrik Lærum, President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2:41 Citation by Kristian Seip, Chair of the Abel committee 8:18 Professor

From playlist John Griggs Thompson

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Marcus du Sautoy: Symmetry explained

Marcus Peter Francis du Sautoy is a British mathematician, author, and populariser of science and mathematics. You can view more content of Marcus du Sautoy here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYF21Xc9fSdqVWRxpBAOleQ/featured This video is a clip from the Abel Prize Announcement 2008.

From playlist Popular presentations

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Monster Group (John Conway) - Numberphile

The Monster Group explained. Conway playlist: http://bit.ly/ConwayNumberphile More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ Featuring John Conway (Princeton University) and Tim Burness (University of Bristol). Brown papers and Numberphile artwork: http://bit.ly/brownpapers More Conway

From playlist John Conway on Numberphile

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Sporadic groups

This is an informal talk on sporadic groups given to the Archimedeans (the Cambridge undergraduate mathematical society). It discusses the classification of finite simple groups and some of the sporadic groups, and finishes by briefly describing monstrous moonshine. For other Archimedeans

From playlist Math talks

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Math talk: Sporadic groups and number theory

This talk was the introduction to the Berkeley graduate number theory discussion seminar on 2020-10-28, and the aim was to explain why number theorists might be interested in sporadic simple groups. We give a brief summary of monstrous moonshine relating sporadic groups to modular functi

From playlist Math talks

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Simple Groups - Abstract Algebra

Simple groups are the building blocks of finite groups. After decades of hard work, mathematicians have finally classified all finite simple groups. Today we talk about why simple groups are so important, and then cover the four main classes of simple groups: cyclic groups of prime order

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Mazur's program B. - Zureick-Brown - Workshop 2 - CEB T2 2019

David Zureick-Brown (Emory University, Atlanta USA) / 25.06.2019 Mazur's program B. I’ll discuss recent progress on Mazur’s “Program B” – the problem of classifying all possibilities for the “image of Galois” for an elliptic curve over Q (equivalently, classification of all rational poi

From playlist 2019 - T2 - Reinventing rational points

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Django Structure For Scale and Longevity

Django is great. But as we add new features, as our dev team grows, the software needs to be stable on production, things can get quite messy. We are going to look at some common patterns, derived from experience, on how to structure your Django project for scale and longevity. PUBLICATIO

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