Sequence alignment algorithms

Maximal unique match

A maximal unique match or MUM, for short, is part of a key step in the multiple sequence alignment of genomes in computational biology. Identification of MUMs and other potential anchors, is the first step in larger alignment systems such as MUMmer. Anchors are the areas between two genomes where they are highly similar. To understand what a MUM is we each word in the acronym can be broken down individually. Match implies that the substring occurs in both sequences to be aligned. Unique means that the substring occurs only once in each sequence. Finally, maximal states that the substring is not part of another larger string that fulfills both prior requirements. The idea behind this, is that long sequences that match exactly and occur only once in each genome are almost certainly part of the global alignment. (Wikipedia).

Maximal unique match
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Awesome Number Pattern 1

Exploring an amazing pattern that forms when we multiply numbers built only with the one digit

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#MegaFavNumbers - Largest number constructible from just one copy of the digits 1, 2, 3, and 4

#MegaFavNumbers #MegaFavNumber Should it have the 's' or not? After first publishing this, I noticed that videos tended to have the plural, including the first in the list. It doesn't make much sense for a single video to use the plural, but I think I have to in order to be picked up

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Excel Magic Trick 1314: Array Formula To Create Sorted Unique List with Mixed Data

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MegaFavNumbers: 1,954,661 is special. The only prime in a sequence of primes to exceed 1,000,000.

#MegaFavNumbers sopfr(40) = 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 11, which is prime. 40 is the smallest number such that, raising each prime factor to consecutive exponents, the sum remains prime and eventually exceeds 1,000,000. 1,954,661 is the one and only prime to exceed 1,000,000 following the above proce

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Dieter Rautenbach: Restricted types of matchings

Abstract: We present new results concerning restricted types of matchings such as uniquely restricted matchings and acyclic matchings, and we also consider the corresponding edge coloring notions. Our focus lies on bounds, exact and approximative algorithms. Furthermore, we discuss some ma

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Matchpoint tennis championships: Do stats matter? Custom player VS professional player ranked match

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The Greatest Common Factor

This video explains how to determine the GCF of integers and expressions.

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Excel Hash 2021 - The Spare Seat Assigner

**Update: There is no voting this year, but please feel free to give this a like 😄 ** A challenge set by my friend and Excel MVP Oz du Soleil Oz's video: The Excel Hash Playlist (all submissions)..

From playlist Excel Hash 2021

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Every graph has a small subset without unique neighbors

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Lecture 10: Sheaves form a topos (Part 1)

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Mod-02 Lec-09 Best Response Functions

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Emilie Kaufmann - Optimal Best Arm Identification with Fixed Confidence

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There are a lot more numbers than I thought there were - MegaFavNumbers

A short video detailing my favorite number larger than 1 million! There are so many numbers out there it was hard to choose from, but I’m glad I could participate in the #MegaFavNumbers series

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Joseph Chow: "Design of cyberphysical autonomous mobility platforms"

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Small-set expansion in Grassman graph and the 2-to-2 Games Theorem (Lecture 1) by Prahladh Harsha

Discussion Meeting Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory  ORGANIZERS Prahladh Harsha, Ramprasad Saptharishi and Srikanth Srinivasan DATE & TIME 25 March 2019 to 29 March 2019 VENUE Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Algebraic complexity aims at understanding the computationa

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Supercuspidal L-packets - Tasho Kaletha

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CSS Selector in Selenium WebDriver | Selenium Tutorial | Selenium Certification Training | Edureka

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MegaFavNumbers: Plus One Primes, 154,641,337, and 62,784,382,823

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