Hamiltonian mechanics | Mathematical principles | Calculus of variations

Maupertuis's principle

In classical mechanics, Maupertuis's principle (named after Pierre Louis Maupertuis) states that the path followed by a physical system is the one of least length (with a suitable interpretation of path and length). It is a special case of the more generally stated principle of least action. Using the calculus of variations, it results in an integral equation formulation of the equations of motion for the system. (Wikipedia).

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Daniel Sutton: An effective description of Hamiltonian dynamics via the Maupertuis principle

Daniel Sutton: An effective description of Hamiltonian dynamics via the Maupertuis principle We study effective descriptions for the motion of a particle moving in a bounded periodic potential, as governed by Newton's second law. In particular we seek an effective equation, describing the

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Eisenhart-like comparable geodesics on Randers-Finsler spacetimes by Sumanto Chanda

ICTS IN-HOUSE 2020 Organizers: Amit Kumar Chatterjee, Divya Jaganathan, Junaid Majeed, Pritha Dolai Date:: 17-18th February 2020 Venue: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore inhouse@icts.res.in Table of Contents (powered by https://videoken.com) 0:00:00 Eisenhart-like comparabl

From playlist ICTS In-house 2020

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L'équation du soir 6/6 - Roland Lehoucq - Univers Convergents 2018

Extrait de la séance sur le film "Premier Contact". Nouvelle année, nouvelle formule ! A chaque séance, le parrain ou marraine présente une formule mathématique en lien avec le film projeté durant la séance. Pour cette séance Roland Lehoucq nous présente une équation lumineuse ! Vous po

From playlist Ciné-Club Univers Convergents

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A09 The Hamiltonian

Moving on from Lagrange's equation, I show you how to derive Hamilton's equation.

From playlist Physics ONE

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Sylvie Méléard: Mathématiques du hasard et de l'évolution

Sylvie Méléard: "Mathématiques du hasard et de l'évolution" Dans le cadre de Mathématiques de la Planète Terre au CIRM CEMRACS 2013: http://smai.emath.fr/cemracs/cemracs13/index_en.php


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Jürg Fröhlich - De la physique classique aux miracles du monde quantique

Dans cet exposé je discuterai quelques aspects de la transition d’une description classique de la Nature à sa description quantique, dont de nombreux scientifiques prétendent qu’elle n’est toujours pas achevée à leur satisfaction. Ce qui est certain, c’est que le déterminisme et la réversi

From playlist Évenements grand public

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Univers Convergents 2018 - Séance 6/6 - Premier contact

Premier contact de Denis Villeneuve (USA - 2016 - 1h56) Séance du 26 juin 2018 Un débat en présence de : Roland Lehoucq, astrophysicien Ugo Bellagamba, écrivain de science fiction Valentina Vapnarsky, linguiste et ethnologue Résumé : Lorsque de mystérieux vaisseaux venus du fond de l’e

From playlist Ciné-Club Univers Convergents

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Euler-Lagrange equation explained intuitively - Lagrangian Mechanics

Lagrangian Mechanics from Newton to Quantum Field Theory. My Patreon page is at https://www.patreon.com/EugeneK

From playlist Physics

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What Is The Uncertainty Principle?

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U. Visit our Website: http://www.worldscienceu.com/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldscienceu Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/worldscienceu

From playlist Science Unplugged: Quantum Mechanics

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AWESOME Physics demonstration. Pascal' s principle and hydraulic pressure!

Pascal's law or the principle of transmission of fluid-pressure (also Pascal's Principle is a principle in fluid mechanics that states that a pressure change occurring anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid is transmitted throughout the fluid such that the same change occurs everywher

From playlist PRESSURE

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Le Chatelier's Principle

If a system is at equilibrium, and we do something to it, it will shift in a particular way. It is quite easy to predict the behavior of equilibria if we know about Le Chatelier's principle and three simple situations! Watch the whole General Chemistry playlist: http://bit.ly/ProfDaveGenC

From playlist General Chemistry

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How an Equilibrium Constant varies with Temperature - Thermodynamics - Physical Chemistry

Deriving a quantitative relationship to show how an equilibrium constant varies with temperature and so showing were Le Chatelier's Principle comes from in this context. Along the way, the Gibbs-Helmholtz van't Hoff equations are derived and used. My video for deriving the thermodynamics

From playlist Introductory Thermodynamics

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Classical Mechanics | Lecture 7

(November 7, 2011) Leonard Susskind discusses the some of the basic laws and ideas of modern physics. In this lecture, he focuses on Liouville's Theorem, which he describes as one of the basis for Hamiltonian mechanics. He works to prove the reversibility of classical mechanics. This cour

From playlist Lecture Collection | Classical Mechanics (Fall 2011)

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Stanford Webinar - The Innovator’s Guide to Ethics, Tom Byers and Jack Fuchs

Learn more at https://online.stanford.edu In this webinar, Tom Byers and Jack Fuchs will give you guidance on how to brave ethical dilemmas in your life, career, and ventures. They’ll focus on the principles of personal development and empowerment to give you a solid foundation from whic

From playlist Leadership & Management

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RedDotRuby 2014 - SOLID Design Principles in Ruby by Anil Wadghule

This talk covers following SOLID design principles in Ruby with live code examples. Single responsibility principle: an object should have only a single responsibility. Open/closed principle: an object should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Liskov substitution principl

From playlist RedDotRuby 2014

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Teach Astronomy - Symmetry

http://www.teachastronomy.com/ A lot of fundamental concepts in physics are based on the idea of symmetry. Symmetry is familiar to us in an aesthetic sense. It often means things that have pleasing proportion, or look the same from every direction, or have a harmonious nature about them.

From playlist 23. The Big Bang, Inflation, and General Cosmology 2

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Incentives, Inequality, & Community P2 - G. A. Cohen (1991)

Gerald Cohen gives the second Tanner lecture on Incentives, Inequality, and Community. #Philosophy #PoliticalPhilosophy

From playlist Social & Political Philosophy

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