Non-classical logic | Inference

Material inference

In logic, inference is the process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true. In checking a logical inference for formal and material validity, the meaning of only its logical vocabulary and of both its logical and extra-logical vocabularyis considered, respectively. (Wikipedia).

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Causal Inference Introduction

Causal Inference is a set of tools used to scientifically prove cause and effect, very commonly used in economics and medicine. This series will go over the basics that any data scientist should understand about causal inference - and point them to the tools they would need to perform it.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Statistical Inference for Causal Inference - Causal Inference

In this video I explain the concept of statistical inference for causal inference through a realistic group ideal experiment example. Enjoy! Here's the link to my previous Statistical Inference Introduction video if you haven't watched it yet:

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Ideal Experiment - Causal Inference

In this video, I give you more details about the fundamental question and the fundamental problem of causal inference with the help of an example (our ideal experiment).

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Fundamental Question - Causal Inference

In this video, I define the fundamental question and problem of causal inference and use an example to further explain the concept.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Brief Introduction to Statistical Inference - Causal Inference

In this video, I briefly introduce the topic of Statistical Inference and go over its most fundamental concepts - those that we will use in this series. If you want to learn more about this stuff, check out this link to my entire series on Statistical Inference:

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Assumptions - Causal Inference

In this video, I introduce the most important assumptions in casual inference that we use in order to avoid mistakes such as presuming association and causation to be one and the same, among others: - Positivity - SUTVA - Large Sample Size - Double Blinded - No Measurement Error - Exchan

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Future Topics

Thanks so much for watching! Please comment below on what topics you'd like to see covered next!

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Parametric G Formula

We describe my favorite causal inference technique: the parametric G formula, my go-to for any standard observational causal inference problems

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Group Ideal Experiment - Causal Inference

In this video, I explain the concept of a group ideal experiment wherein I introduce some more causal inference terminology! I also go over the fundamental problem of causal inference and the problem of statistical inference. Enjoy!

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Mod-03 Lec-07 The Samkhya Philosophy - III

Indian Philosophy by Dr. Satya Sundar Sethy, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Madras: Introduction to Indian Philosophy | Philosophy

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PSY 523 Comprehension Part 1

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Summer/Fall 2016 PSY 523 Psychology and Language lectures covering material from Harley's The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory. Lecture materials and assignments available at https://statisticsofd

From playlist PSY 523 Psychology and Language

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HEDS | Stellar-Relevant Emission-Based Opacity Experiments at the Orion Laser Facility

HEDS Seminar Series- Madison Martin – October 21st, 2021 LLNL-VIDEO-838583

From playlist High Energy Density Science Seminar Series

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Mathew Cherukara - HPC+AI-Enabled Real-Time Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 14 October 2022. Mathew Cherukara of Argonne National Laboratory presents "HPC+AI-Enabled Real-Time Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging" at IPAM's Diffractive Imaging with Phase Retrieval Workshop. Abstract: he capabilities provided by next generation light sources such as the Adva

From playlist 2022 Diffractive Imaging with Phase Retrieval - - Computational Microscopy

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Mod-02 Lec-03 Carvaka Philosophy - I

Indian Philosophy by Dr. Satya Sundar Sethy, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Madras: Introduction to Indian Philosophy | Philosophy

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Darwin's Legacy | Lecture 2

September 29, 2008 lecture by Eugenie Scott for the Stanford Continuing Studies course on Darwin's Legacy (DAR 200). Dr. Scott explores the evolution vs. creationism debate and provides an argument for evolution. The lecture is concluded with a panel discussion with Brent Sockness and Je

From playlist Lecture Collection | Darwin's Legacy

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7. Machine Learning Tasks and Types

Machine learning is typically broken up into 4 types: supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning. But is this all? In this video, start by defining artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. We then cover the 14 tasks and types of machine learn

From playlist Materials Informatics

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BioSci 94: Organisms to Ecosystems. Lec. 7. Origins of Life, Bacteria & Archaea

UCI BioSci 94: Organisms to Ecosystems (Winter 2013) Lec 07. Organisms to Ecosystems -- Origins of Life, Bacteria & Archaea -- View the complete course: Instructor: Michael Clegg, Ph.D. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Te

From playlist BioSci 94: Organisms to Ecosystems

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Inference in a Nonconceptual World, Brian Cantwell Smith and Joseph T. Rouse

Brian Cantwell Smith, Reid Hoffman Professor of Artificial Intelligence and the Human, University of Toronto. Moderated conversation with Joseph T. Rouse, Department of Philosophy, Wesleyan University. Classical models of inference, such as those based on logic, take inference to be *conce

From playlist Franke Program in Science and the Humanities

Related pages

Material implication (rule of inference) | Material conditional | Inference | Lewis Carroll