Design of experiments | Sampling techniques

Matching (statistics)

Matching is a statistical technique which is used to evaluate the effect of a treatment by comparing the treated and the non-treated units in an observational study or quasi-experiment (i.e. when the treatment is not randomly assigned). The goal of matching is to reduce bias for the estimated treatment effect in an observational-data study, by finding, for every treated unit, one (or more) non-treated unit(s) with similar observable characteristics against which the covariates are balanced out. By matching treated units to similar non-treated units, matching enables a comparison of outcomes among treated and non-treated units to estimate the effect of the treatment reducing bias due to confounding. Propensity score matching, an early matching technique, was developed as part of the Rubin causal model, but has been shown to increase model dependence, bias, inefficiency, and power and is no longer recommended compared to other matching methods. Matching has been promoted by Donald Rubin. It was prominently criticized in economics by LaLonde (1986), who compared estimates of treatment effects from an experiment to comparable estimates produced with matching methods and showed that matching methods are biased. Dehejia and Wahba (1999) reevaluated LaLonde's critique and showed that matching is a good solution. Similar critiques have been raised in political science and sociology journals. (Wikipedia).

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Computing z-scores(standard scores) and comparing them

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Computing z-scores(standard scores) and comparing them

From playlist Statistics

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Statistics Lecture 7.2: Finding Confidence Intervals for the Population Proportion Statistics Lecture 7.2: Finding Confidence Intervals for the Population Proportion

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Statistics Lecture 3.3: Finding the Standard Deviation of a Data Set Statistics Lecture 3.3: Finding the Standard Deviation of a Data Set

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Pattern Matching - Correctness

Learn how to use pattern matching to assist you in your determination of correctness. This video contains two examples, one with feedback and one without.

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Find x given the z-score, sample mean, and sample standard deviation

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Find x given the z-score, sample mean, and sample standard deviation

From playlist Statistics

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RELATIONSHIPS Between Variables: Standardized Covariance (7-1)

Correlation is a way of measuring the extent to which two variables are related. The term correlation is synonymous with “relationship.” Variables are related when changes in one variable are consistently associated with changes in another variable. Dr. Daniel reviews Variance, Covariance,

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Correlation (1 of 3: What does it measure?)

More resources available at

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Introduction to Similarity

This video introduces similarity and explains how to determine if two figures are similar or not.

From playlist Number Sense - Decimals, Percents, and Ratios

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Excel 2013 Statistical Analysis #68: Matched/Paired Samples Population Differences Sigma NOT Known

Download files: Topics in this video: 1. (00:12) Into to Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals for Matched/Paired Samples Population Differences Sigma NOT Known 2. (07:13) Excel formula example Matched/Paired S

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DIRECT 2021 05 ML Well Correlation

DIRECT Consortium at The University of Texas at Austin, working on novel methods and workflows in spatial, subsurface data analytics, geostatistics and machine learning. This is Machine Learning Assisted Well correlation by Wen Pan, with Profs. Torres-Verdin and Michael Pyrcz. Join t

From playlist DIRECT Consortium, The University of Texas at Austin

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Data Science Ethics: A Checklist for Statistics Educators

Jessica Utts, Professor Emerita, University of California, Irvine Data science, broadly defined, is one of the fastest growing sectors of the job market. That means that many of our students will be involved in various aspects of data science in their careers even if they don’t have stati

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Extreme value statistics in a gas of 2d charged particles by Bertrand Lacroix A Chez

Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges DATE: 14 August 2017 to 13 October 2017 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Large deviation theory made its way into statistical physics as a mathematical framework for studying equilibrium syst

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Fellow Short Talks: Professor David Firth, University of Warwick

Bio Professor of Statistics at Warwick and Director of WDSI. Previously Professor of Social Statistics at Oxford. ESRC Professorial Fellow (2003-2006). Fellow of the British Academy (2008). RSS Guy Medals in Bronze (1998) and Silver (2012). John M Chambers Statistical Software Award, 2007

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LMS Popular Lecture Series 2013, Mathematics in the Courtroom

Mathematics in the Courtroom by Professor Ray Hill Held at the Institute of Education in London

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Seminar 4.1: Eero Simoncelli: Probing Sensory Representations

MIT RES.9-003 Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course, Summer 2015 View the complete course: Instructor: Eero Simoncelli Cognitive processing of sensory input, probing sensory representations with metameric stimuli, perceptual color matching, texture dis

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How to measure collective (...) - Avner Bar-Hen - Mathematics and mouvement in sport - 13/03/18

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Score estimation with infinite-dimensional exponential families – Dougal Sutherland, UCL

Many problems in science and engineering involve an underlying unknown complex process that depends on a large number of parameters. The goal in many applications is to reconstruct, or learn, the unknown process given some direct or indirect observations. Mathematically, such a problem can

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ShmooCon 2014: A Critical Review of Spatial Analysis

For more information visit: To download the video visit: Playlist Shmoocon 2014: Speakers: David Giametta | Andrew Potter Spatial Analysis is a recently proposed idea of using static analysis based byte sequence

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Linear regression

Linear regression is used to compare sets or pairs of numerical data points. We use it to find a correlation between variables.

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