Spanning tree | Markov processes

Markov chain tree theorem

In the mathematical theory of Markov chains, the Markov chain tree theorem is an expression for the stationary distribution of a Markov chain with finitely many states. It sums up terms for the rooted spanning trees of the Markov chain, with a positive combination for each tree. The Markov chain tree theorem is closely related to Kirchhoff's theorem on counting the spanning trees of a graph, from which it can be derived. It was first stated by , for certain Markov chains arising in thermodynamics, and proved in full generality by , motivated by an application in limited-memory estimation of the probability of a biased coin. A finite Markov chain consists of a finite set of states, and a transition probability for changing from state to state , such that for each state the outgoing transition probabilities sum to one. From an initial choice of state (which turns out to be irrelevant to this problem), each successive state is chosen at random according to the transition probabilities from the previous state. A Markov chain is said to be irreducible when every state can reach every other state through some sequence of transitions, and aperiodic if, for every state, the possible numbers of steps in sequences that start and end in that state have greatest common divisor one. An irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain necessarily has a stationary distribution, a probability distribution on its states that describes the probability of being on a given state after many steps, regardless of the initial choice of state. The Markov chain tree theorem considers spanning trees for the states of the Markov chain, defined to be trees, directed toward a designated root, in which all directed edges are valid transitions of the given Markov chain. If a transition from state to state has transition probability , then a tree with edge set is defined to have weight equal to the product of its transition probabilities: Let denote the set of all spanning trees having state at their root. Then, according to the Markov chain tree theorem, the stationary probability for state is proportional to the sum of the weights of the trees rooted at . That is,where the normalizing constant is the sum of over all spanning trees. (Wikipedia).

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From playlist Machine Learning

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (8 of 38) What is a Stochastic Matrix?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a stochastic matrix. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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(ML 18.4) Examples of Markov chains with various properties (part 1)

A very simple example of a Markov chain with two states, to illustrate the concepts of irreducibility, aperiodicity, and stationary distributions.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (10 of 38) Regular Markov Chain

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a regular Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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(ML 14.2) Markov chains (discrete-time) (part 1)

Definition of a (discrete-time) Markov chain, and two simple examples (random walk on the integers, and a oversimplified weather model). Examples of generalizations to continuous-time and/or continuous-space. Motivation for the hidden Markov model.

From playlist Machine Learning

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11e Machine Learning: Markov Chain Monte Carlo

A lecture on the basics of Markov Chain Monte Carlo for sampling posterior distributions. For many Bayesian methods we must sample to explore the posterior. Here's some basics.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Markov Chains : Data Science Basics

The basics of Markov Chains, one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE objects in data science.

From playlist Data Science Basics

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Matrix Limits and Markov Chains

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Cécile Mailler : Processus de Pólya à valeur mesure

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18. Countable-state Markov Chains and Processes

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Robert Gallager License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

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19. Countable-state Markov Processes

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Robert Gallager License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

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High dimensional expanders - Part 2 - Irit Dinur

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Johan Segers: Modelling multivariate extreme value distributions via Markov trees

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From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (9 of 38) What is a Regular Matrix?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a regular matrix. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Linear cover time is exponentially unlikely - Quentin Dubroff

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Markoff surfaces and strong approximation - Alexander Gamburd

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Markov Chains Clearly Explained! Part - 1

Let's understand Markov chains and its properties with an easy example. I've also discussed the equilibrium state in great detail. #markovchain #datascience #statistics For more videos please subscribe - Markov Chain series -

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