Bayesian networks | Markov networks

Markov blanket

In statistics and machine learning, when one wants to infer a random variable with a set of variables, usually a subset is enough, and other variables are useless. Such a subset that contains all the useful information is called a Markov blanket. If a Markov blanket is minimal, meaning that it cannot drop any variable without losing information, it is called a Markov boundary. Identifying a Markov blanket or a Markov boundary helps to extract useful features. The terms of Markov blanket and Markov boundary were coined by Judea Pearl in 1988. (Wikipedia).

Markov blanket
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vhs logos - bliss

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R.M.S Olympic - Old Reliable High Definition

The big break for the Olympic Class Liners. Please Read - I do not intend to claim that I own any of the pictures neither the only movie in this clip. 1911 to 1937 Soundtrack - Nightwish Sleeping Sun. I do not intend to claim that I own the soundtrack in this video Content that y

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HMHS Britannic - Sleeping sun.wmv

It's my third video

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Yuval Peres - Breaking barriers in probability Organisateurs : Céline Abraham, Linxiao Chen, Pascal Maillard, Bastien Mallein et la Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris

From playlist Les probabilités de demain 2016

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Cover Times, Blanket Times, and Majorizing Measures - James Lee

James Lee University of Washington April 12, 2010 The cover time of a graph is one of the most basic and well-studied properties of the simple random walk, and yet a number of fundamental questions concerning cover times have remained open. We show that there is a deep connection between c

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Factor Graphs 2 - Conditional Independence | Stanford CS221: AI (Autumn 2019)

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Topics: Beam search, local search, conditional independence, variable elimination Reid Pryzant, PhD Candidate & Head Course Assistant http://onlinehub.stanf

From playlist Stanford CS221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques | Autumn 2019

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undergraduate machine learning 7: Bayesian networks, aka probabilistic graphical models

Introduction to Bayesian networks, conditional independence, Markov blankets, inference and explaining away. The slides are available here: This course was taught in 2012 at UBC by Nando de Freitas

From playlist undergraduate machine learning at UBC 2012

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The RMS Olympic

This is my tribute to the first liner within the Olympic class ocean liners by White Star Line, Olympic Music-Sleeping Sun, Nightwish

From playlist 'Sleeping Sun' videos.

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Stereolab "Ticker Tape Of The Unconscious" (Montage)

Taken from the album "Dots And Loops".

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Nando de Freitas Lecture 3

Machine Learning Summer School 2014 in Pittsburgh See the website for more videos and slides. Nando de Freitas Lecture 3

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Statistical Rethinking - Lecture 11

Lecture 11 - Markov chain Monte Carlo - Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with R Examples

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Abstraction - Seminar 1 - Natural Abstraction 1

This seminar series is on the relations among Natural Abstraction, Renormalisation and Resolution. This week Alexander Oldenziel gives the first lecture on the Natural Abstraction track, introducing the topic of agents and how to begin formalising that in terms of Bayesian networks and Mar

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Nexus Trimester - Kamalika Chaudhuri (UC San Diego)

Privacy-preserving Analysis of Correlated data Kamalika Chaudhuri (UC San Diego) March 30, 2016 Abstract: Many modern machine learning applications involve private and sensitive data that are highly correlated. Examples are mining of time series of physical activity measurements, or minin

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02.10b - ISE2021 - Language Model and N-Grams - 2

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