Neutron facilities

Maria reactor

The Maria reactor is Poland's second nuclear research reactor and is the only one still in use. It is located at Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych (NCBJ) (National Center for Nuclear Research) at Świerk-Otwock, near Warsaw and named in honor of Maria Skłodowska-Curie. It is the only reactor of Polish design. Maria is a multifunctional research tool, with a notable application in production of radioisotopes, research with utilization of neutron beams, neutron therapy, and neutron activation analysis. It operates about 4000 hours annually, usually in blocks of 100 hours. (Wikipedia).

Maria reactor
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Turboprop Engine

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turbofan engine

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turbojet engine with afterburner

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Three Spool Turboprop Engine

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turbojet engine

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5 Things You Wouldn't Expect a Nuclear Reactor To Do

Did you know that a nuclear reactor isn't the same thing as a nuclear power plant? What a nuclear reactor can do might surprise you. ---------- Other reactor footage from: Czech Technical University in Prague ( Los Alamos National Lab (https://

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Vane Pump A rotary vane pump is a positive-displacement pump that consists of vanes mounted to a rotor that rotates inside of a cavity.

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Worst Nuclear Accidents in History

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Do we Need Nuclear Energy to Stop Climate Change?

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Antonov AN-225, How Ukraine Made The Biggest Airplane In The World [4K] | Heavy Lift | Spark

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Deliver Us The Moon: Fortuna - 7/7 - "The End"

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Two Spool Turboprop Engine

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Hangout with CERN: ISOLDE - The dream of the alchemists (S03E06)

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Could a breathalyzer detect cancer? - Julian Burschka

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The Outlandish Quest for Dark Matter with Dr. Maria Elena Monzani | Exploratorium

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639: Simplifying Machine Learning — with Mariya Sha (@PythonSimplified)

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Colloqui della Classe di Scienze: Seeking the true nature of neutrinos: was Ettore Majorana right?

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In this video demonstrate nuclear bombs and thermonuclear hydrogen bombs. Also you can see speech of Einstein about E=MC2, speech of Openheimer about destoyer of the worlds!!!


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How We Could Build a Moon Base TODAY – Space Colonization 1

To support Kurzgesagt and learn more about Brilliant, go to and sign up for free. The first 688 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription. Did you know that we could start building a Lunar Base today? Sources and furth

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In this video demonstrate nuclear bombs and thermonuclear hydrogen bombs. Also i show the scale of nuclear bombs, how these bombs works. At last you can see speech of Einstein about E=MC2 and speech of Openheimer about destoyer of the worlds!!!


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