Marginal concepts

Marginal use

As defined by the Austrian School of economics the marginal use of a good or service is the specific use to which an agent would put a given increase, or the specific use of the good or service that would be abandoned in response to a given decrease. The usefulness of the marginal use thus corresponds to the marginal utility of the good or service. On the assumption that an agent is economically rational, each increase would be put to the specific, feasible, previously unrealized use of greatest priority, and each decrease would result in abandonment of the use of lowest priority amongst the uses to which the good or service had been put. And, in the absence of a complementarity across uses, the “law” of diminishing marginal utility will obtain. The Austrian School of economics explicitly arrives at its conception of marginal utility as the utility of the marginal use, and “Grenznutzen” (the Austrian School term from which “marginal utility” was originally derived in translation) literally means border-use; other schools usually do not make an explicit connection. (Wikipedia).

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Calculus - Marginal cost

In this video we cover the idea of marginal cost. This is simply the derivative of the cost function. We can roughly define marginal cost as the cost of producing one additional item. For more videos please visit

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Section (2.7) Marginal Analysis

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Marginal-based Methods for Differentially Private Synthetic Data

A Google TechTalk, presented by Ryan McKenna, 2021/12/08 Differential Privacy for ML series.

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Profit Margin, Gross Margin, and Operating Margin - With Income Statements

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Futures margin account mechanics with Bitcoin (FRM T3-2)

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FRM: Commodity futures margin accounts

A long futures contract gives leverage: in this example where gold is ~6% initial margin, the leverage is 1/6% or 16.6x. When the maintenance margin is breached, a MARGIN CALL requires the long to "top up" back to the INITIAL MARGIN. For more financial risk videos, visit our website! http:

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Paged Media Basics

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Margins, perceptrons, and deep networks - Matus Telgarsky

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