Algebraic topology

Mapping cylinder

In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, the mapping cylinder of a continuous function between topological spaces and is the quotient where the denotes the disjoint union, and ∼ is the equivalence relation generated by That is, the mapping cylinder is obtained by gluing one end of to via the map . Notice that the "top" of the cylinder is homeomorphic to , while the "bottom" is the space . It is common to write for , and to use the notation or for the mapping cylinder construction. That is, one writes with the subscripted cup symbol denoting the equivalence. The mapping cylinder is commonly used to construct the mapping cone , obtained by collapsing one end of the cylinder to a point. Mapping cylinders are central to the definition of cofibrations. (Wikipedia).

Mapping cylinder
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Build a Cylinder (H = 2R) in GeoGebra 3D: Method 4 (Use Parametric Equations via SURFACE Command)

To explore other methods to create this same cylinder, see #GeoGebra #3D #Cylinder

From playlist GeoGebra 3D: Beginner Tutorials (Series in the Making) With Lesson Ideas

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Build a Cylinder (H = 2R) in GeoGebra 3D: Method 3 (Rotate Segment to Form Surface of REV)

To explore other methods to create this same cylinder, see #GeoGebra #3D #Cylinder

From playlist GeoGebra 3D: Beginner Tutorials (Series in the Making) With Lesson Ideas

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Build a Cylinder (H = 2R) in GeoGebra 3D: Method 1 (Use Cylinder Tool)

To explore other methods to create this same cylinder, see #GeoGebra #3D #Cylinder

From playlist GeoGebra 3D: Beginner Tutorials (Series in the Making) With Lesson Ideas

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Build a Cylinder (H = 2R) in GeoGebra 3D: Method 2 (Use CIRCLE & EXTRUDE TO PRISM tools)

To explore other methods to create this same cylinder, see #GeoGebra #3D #Cylinder

From playlist GeoGebra 3D: Beginner Tutorials (Series in the Making) With Lesson Ideas

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Surface Area of a Cylinder: Without Words


From playlist Geometry: Dynamic Interactives!

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Cylinder Modeling Demo (H = 2R) in GeoGebra 3D with Augmented Reality

To explore methods to create this cylinder, see #GeoGebra #3D #Cylinder

From playlist GeoGebra 3D with AR (iOS): Explorations, Demos, and Lesson Ideas

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Building a Cylinder in GeoGebra 3D & Testing in Augmented Reality: Part 4

Math Ts: Here's an easy way to build cylinders in GeoGebra 3D with Augmented Reality. In this screencast, we'll quickly build a cylinder. In doing so, we'll learn how to construct a circle (base of this cylinder) in 3 different ways.

From playlist Building and Modeling with Augmented Reality

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Finding the volume of a cylinder

👉 Learn how to find the volume and the surface area of a cylinder. A cylinder is a 3-dimensional object having two circular bases and a round surface joining the bases. The vertical distance between the circular bases of a cylinder is called the height of the cylinder. A cylinder is said t

From playlist Volume and Surface Area

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 15: The cylinder as a quotient space

What is a Manifold? Lesson 15: The cylinder as a quotient space This lesson covers several different ideas on the way to showing how the cylinder can be described as a quotient space. Lot's of ideas in this lecture! ... too many probably....

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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Introduction to Homotopy Theory- PART 2: (TOPOLOGICAL) HOMOTOPY

We move on to the second section of nLab's introduction to homotopy theory, homotopy. Topics covered include left/right homotopy, topolocial path/cylinder objects, homotopy groups, and weak/standard homotopy equivalences. PLEASE leave any misconceptions I had or inaccuracies in my video i

From playlist Introduction to Homotopy Theory

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François Métayer: Homotopy theory of strict omega-categories and its connections with...Part 2

Abstract: In the first part, we describe the canonical model structure on the category of strict ω-categories and how it transfers to related subcategories. We then characterize the cofibrant objects as ω-categories freely generated by polygraphs and introduce the key notion of polygraphic

From playlist Topology

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Diffusion along chains of normally hyperbolic cylinders - Marian Gidea

Emerging Topics Working Group Topic: Diffusion along chains of normally hyperbolic cylinders Speaker: Marian Gidea Affiliation: Yeshiva University Date: April 11, 2018 For more videos, please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 12: Fiber Bundles - Formal Description

This is a long lesson, but it is not full of rigorous proofs, it is just a formal definition. Please let me know where the exposition is unclear. I din't quite get through the idea of the structure group of a fiber bundle fully, but I introduced it. The examples in the next lesson will h

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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Symplectic homology via Gromov-Witten theory - Luis Diogo

Luis Diogo Columbia University February 13, 2015 Symplectic homology is a very useful tool in symplectic topology, but it can be hard to compute explicitly. We will describe a procedure for computing symplectic homology using counts of pseudo-holomorphic spheres. These counts can sometime

From playlist Mathematics

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Hofer's Geometry and Braid Stability - Marcelo Alves

Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar Topic: Hofer's Geometry and Braid Stability Speakere: Marcelo Alves Affiliation: University of Antwerp Date: December 16, 2022 The Hofer’s metric dH is a remarkable bi-invariant metric on the group of Hamiltonian di

From playlist Mathematics

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60 years of dynamics and number expansions - 14 December 2018 60 years of dynamics and number expansions Partially supported by Delft University of Technology, by Utrecht University and the University of Pisa It has been a little over sixty years since A. Renyi published his famous article on the dynamics of number expa

From playlist Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi

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Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 4

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Geometry: Ch 4 - Geometric Figures (14 of 18) The Cylinder

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will define the cylinder, and explain the equations of its surface area and volume. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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