

In mathematics, the mandelbox is a fractal with a boxlike shape found by Tom Lowe in 2010. It is defined in a similar way to the famous Mandelbrot set as the values of a parameter such that the origin does not escape to infinity under iteration of certain geometrical transformations. The mandelbox is defined as a map of continuous Julia sets, but, unlike the Mandelbrot set, can be defined in any number of dimensions. It is typically drawn in three dimensions for illustrative purposes. (Wikipedia).

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The Mandelbrot set is a churning machine

Its job is to fling off the red pixels and hang onto the green ones. Audio by @Dorfmandesign

From playlist mandelstir

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Stirring the Mandelbrot Set: a checkerboard

From playlist mandelstir

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Stirring the Mandelbrot Set

From playlist mandelstir

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Stirring the Mandelbrot - HD version

From playlist mandelstir

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Animated Mandelbrot transform - linear interpolation

From playlist mandelstir

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mandelbrot fractal animation 5

another mandelbrot/julia fractal animation/morph.

From playlist Fractal

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360 video - How to recognise a trans-dimensional cat

"How to recognise a trans-dimensional cat". A 360 degree fractal creation by Nerdy Rodent. Rendered in 4096x2048 (2:1) equirectangular format, with spherical metadata injection. Fractal is a scale 4 MandelBox / Amazing Box Hybrid with a 360 degree rotation around a single axis on each. -

From playlist Nerdy Rodent Uploads!

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This Mandelbulb fractal is real!

A fractal just grew from my desk! Testing my Shadertoy plugin for After Effects ^_^

From playlist Shorts

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Stunning Innards of Mysterious Cube Planet!

Mandelbox! Scale = -1.7 M = 0.5 F = 1.0 Rendered using Mandelbulb3d, hooray! Music - "Majestic Hills" by Kevin MacLeod

From playlist Mandelbrot Set Videos

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Recognising Fractals from a reasonable distance - Linear Distance Estimation Edition!

Welcome to the second part of the series on recognising fractals from a reasonable distance! This is the Linear Distance Estimation Edition, featuring the following fractals: Amazing box - Mod 2 Abox - Mod Kali-V3 Abox - SurfBox Generalized Fold Box - Octahedron Generalized Fold Box - Oc

From playlist Nerdy Rodent Uploads!

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Mandelbrot Set Computer Rendered

Bask in the beauty of the Mandelbrot set, one of the most incredible and otherworldly constructions in mathematics. This video explores the set as generated by a computer program developed by me.

From playlist Fun

Related pages

Mandelbulb | Julia set | Buddhabrot | Fractal | Fractal dimension | Lichtenberg figure | Mandelbrot set