Discrete groups | Compactness theorems | Geometry of numbers | Theorems in number theory

Mahler's compactness theorem

In mathematics, Mahler's compactness theorem, proved by Kurt Mahler, is a foundational result on lattices in Euclidean space, characterising sets of lattices that are 'bounded' in a certain definite sense. Looked at another way, it explains the ways in which a lattice could degenerate (go off to infinity) in a sequence of lattices. In intuitive terms it says that this is possible in just two ways: becoming coarse-grained with a fundamental domain that has ever larger volume; or containing shorter and shorter vectors. It is also called his selection theorem, following an older convention used in naming compactness theorems, because they were formulated in terms of sequential compactness (the possibility of selecting a convergent subsequence). Let X be the space that parametrises lattices in , with its quotient topology. There is a well-defined function Δ on X, which is the absolute value of the determinant of a matrix – this is constant on the cosets, since an invertible integer matrix has determinant 1 or −1. Mahler's compactness theorem states that a subset Y of X is relatively compact if and only if Δ is bounded on Y, and there is a neighbourhood N of 0 in such that for all Λ in Y, the only lattice point of Λ in N is 0 itself. The assertion of Mahler's theorem is equivalent to the compactness of the space of unit-covolume lattices in whose systole is larger or equal than any fixed . Mahler's compactness theorem was generalized to semisimple Lie groups by David Mumford; see Mumford's compactness theorem. (Wikipedia).

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Math 131 Fall 2018 100318 Heine Borel Theorem

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Yoshihiro Ohnita: Minimal Maslov number of R-spaces canonically embedded in Einstein-Kähler C-spaces

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MAST30026 Lecture 8: Compactness I

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Boris Adamczewski: Mahler's method in several variables

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Math 131 Fall 2018 100818 Limits and Continuity in Metric Spaces

Limits of functions (in the setting of metric spaces). Definition. Rephrasal of definition. Uniqueness of limit. Definition of continuity at a point. Remark on continuity at an isolated point. Relation with limits. Composition of continuous functions is continuous. Alternate (topol

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Math 131 092816 Continuity; Continuity and Compactness

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CTNT 2022 - p-adic Fourier theory and applications (by Jeremy Teitelbaum)

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Parallel session 4 by Jayadev Athreya

Geometry Topology and Dynamics in Negative Curvature URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/gtdnc DATES: Monday 02 Aug, 2010 - Saturday 07 Aug, 2010 VENUE : Raman Research Institute, Bangalore DESCRIPTION: This is An ICM Satellite Conference. The conference intends to bring together ma

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The Chabauty Topology 2 (Lecture-1) by Ian Biringer

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DART VII Thomas Scanlon

Title: Algebraic Independence of Functions Satisfying Nonlinear Polynomial Mahler Equations

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Math 101 Fall 2017 120117 Compact Sets: The Heine-Borel Theorem

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Math 101 Fall 2017 112917 Introduction to Compact Sets

Definition of an open cover. Definition of a compact set (in the real numbers). Examples and non-examples. Properties of compact sets: compact sets are bounded. Compact sets are closed. Closed subsets of compact sets are compact. Infinite subsets of compact sets have accumulation poi

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The SL (2, R) action on spaces of differentials (Lecture 01) by Jayadev Athreya

DISCUSSION MEETING SURFACE GROUP REPRESENTATIONS AND PROJECTIVE STRUCTURES ORGANIZERS: Krishnendu Gongopadhyay, Subhojoy Gupta, Francois Labourie, Mahan Mj and Pranab Sardar DATE: 10 December 2018 to 21 December 2018 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore The study of spaces o

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Completeness and Orthogonality

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A tale of two conjectures: from Mahler to Viterbo - Yaron Ostrover

Members' Seminar Topic: A tale of two conjectures: from Mahler to Viterbo. Speaker: Yaron Ostrover Affiliation: Tel Aviv University, von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics Date: November 19, 2018 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

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Boris Adamczewski : Aléa, automates et transcendance

HYBRID EVENT L'étude du caractère aléatoire de la suite des chiffres de certains nombres réels donne lieu à des problèmes classiques, comme la conjecture de normalité des nombres algébriques ou la conjecture de dimensions de Furstenberg (1969). Malheureusement, notre capacité à les appréhe

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S. Druel - A decomposition theorem for singular spaces with trivial canonical class (Part 4)

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