Hyperbolic geometry | Discrete groups

Local rigidity

Local rigidity theorems in the theory of discrete subgroups of Lie groups are results which show that small deformations of certain such subgroups are always trivial. It is different from Mostow rigidity and weaker (but holds more frequently) than superrigidity. (Wikipedia).

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Louis Theran: Rigidity of Random Graphs in Higher Dimensions

I will discuss rigidity properties of binomial random graphs G(n,p(n)) in fixed dimension d and some related problems in low-rank matrix completion. The threshold for rigidity is p(n) = Θ(log n / n), which is within a multiplicative constant of optimal. This talk is based on joint work wi

From playlist HIM Lectures 2015

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Center of Mass & Center of Rigidity | Reinforced Concrete Design

http://goo.gl/nmipcn for more FREE video tutorials covering Concrete Structural Design The objectives of this video are to briefly discuss about the center of mass and center of rigidity by understanding what their means as well as to talks about combination of center of mass and center o

From playlist SpoonFeedMe: Concrete Structures

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Rigidity phenomena in random point sets and applications - Subhroshekhar Ghosh

Subhroshekhar Ghosh Princeton University December 11, 2013 In several naturally occurring (infinite) point processes, we show that the number (and other statistical properties) of the points inside a finite domain are determined, almost surely, by the point configuration outside the domain

From playlist Mathematics

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Local linearization

A "local linearization" is the generalization of tangent plane functions; one that can apply to multivariable functions with any number of inputs.

From playlist Multivariable calculus

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Bill Jackson: Generic Rigidity of Point Line Frameworks

A point-line framework is a collection of points and lines in the plane which are linked by pairwise constraints that fix some angles between pairs of lines and also some point-line and point-point distances. It is rigid if every continuous motion of the points and lines which preserves th

From playlist HIM Lectures 2015

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Local linearity for a multivariable function

A visual representation of local linearity for a function with a 2d input and a 2d output, in preparation for learning about the Jacobian matrix.

From playlist Multivariable calculus

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Shin-ichi Tanigawa: Sufficient Conditions for Unique Graph Realizations

A graph is called globally rigid (or uniquely realizable) if for any generic embedding of it in d-dimensional Euclidean space there is no other embedding with the same edge-lengths (up to congruence). The global rigidity of graphs is one of the central topics in rigidity theory, and two ma

From playlist HIM Lectures 2015

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Physics - Mechanics: Ch 17 Tension and Weight (1 of 11) What is Tension?

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is tension and how to calculate tension using the free-body diagram. Next video in this series can be seen at: https://youtu.be/BxUhaktD8PA


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Dualities in Local Algebra (Lecture-1) by Srikanth Iyengar

PROGRAM DUALITIES IN TOPOLOGY AND ALGEBRA (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Samik Basu (ISI Kolkata, India), Anita Naolekar (ISI Bangalore, India) and Rekha Santhanam (IIT Mumbai, India) DATE & TIME: 01 February 2021 to 13 February 2021 VENUE: Online Duality phenomena are ubiquitous in mathematics

From playlist Dualities in Topology and Algebra (Online)

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Holomorphic rigid geometric structures on compact manifolds by Sorin Dumitrescu

Higgs bundles URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/hb2016 DATES: Monday 21 Mar, 2016 - Friday 01 Apr, 2016 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore DESCRIPTION: Higgs bundles arise as solutions to noncompact analog of the Yang-Mills equation. Hitchin showed that irreducible solutio

From playlist Higgs Bundles

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Local rigidity and C^0 symplectic and contact topology - Mike Usher

Symplectic Dynamics/Geometry Seminar Topic: Local rigidity and C^0 symplectic and contact topology Speaker: Mike Usher Affiliation: University of Georgia Date: November 11, 2019 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Masoud Kamgarpour: Langlands correspondence for hypergeometric mo-tives

30 September 2021 Abstract: Hypergeometric sheaves are rigid local systems on the punctured projective line. Their study originated in the seminal work of Riemann on the Euler{Gauss hypergeometric function and has blossomed into an active eld with connections to many areas of mathematics.

From playlist Representation theory's hidden motives (SMRI & Uni of Münster)

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From PSL2 representation rigidity to profinite rigidity - Alan Reid and Ben McReynolds

Arithmetic Groups Topic: From PSL2 representation rigidity to profinite rigidity Speakers: Alan Reid and Ben McReynolds Affiliations: Rice University; Purdue University Date: February 9, 2022 In the first part of this talk, we take the ideas of the second talk and focus on the case of (a

From playlist Mathematics

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G. Walsh - Boundaries of Kleinian groups

We study the problem of classifying Kleinian groups via the topology of their limit sets. In particular, we are interested in one-ended convex-cocompact Kleinian groups where each piece in the JSJ decomposition is a free group, and we describe interesting examples in this situation. In ce

From playlist Ecole d'été 2016 - Analyse géométrique, géométrie des espaces métriques et topologie

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Cohomologies for rigid analytic varieties via motivic homotopy theory by Alberto Vezzani

PERFECTOID SPACES ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee, Denis Benois, Chitrabhanu Chaudhuri, and Narasimha Kumar Cheraku DATE & TIME: 09 September 2019 to 20 September 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Scientific committee: Jacques Tilouine (University of Paris, France) Eknath

From playlist Perfectoid Spaces 2019

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Permutation stability of Grigorchuk groups - Tianyi Zheng

Stability and Testability Topic: Permutation stability of Grigorchuk groups Speaker: Tianyi Zheng Affiliation: University of California, San Diego Date: February 03, 2021 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Stability and Testability

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Profinite rigidity – Alan Reid – ICM2018

Topology Invited Lecture 6.7 Profinite rigidity Alan Reid Abstract: We survey recent work on profinite rigidity of residually finite groups. © International Congress of Mathematicians – ICM www.icm2018.org     Os direitos sobre todo o material deste canal pertencem ao Instituto de Mat

From playlist Topology

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Fabio Cavalletti: Isoperimetric inequality under curvature dimension condition

We will review the one-dimensional localization method in the general framework of metric measure spaces and the recent proof of the isoperimetric inequality for essentially non-branching m.m.s. verifying the curvature dimension condition. We will also address rigidity and stability questi

From playlist HIM Lectures: Follow-up Workshop to JTP "Optimal Transportation"

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Centrality - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here: https://www.udacity.com/course/cs215.

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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