Density functional theory

Local-density approximation

Local-density approximations (LDA) are a class of approximations to the exchange–correlation (XC) energy functional in density functional theory (DFT) that depend solely upon the value of the electronic density at each point in space (and not, for example, derivatives of the density or the Kohn–Sham orbitals). Many approaches can yield local approximations to the XC energy. However, overwhelmingly successful local approximations are those that have been derived from the homogeneous electron gas (HEG) model. In this regard, LDA is generally synonymous with functionals based on the HEG approximation, which are then applied to realistic systems (molecules and solids). In general, for a spin-unpolarized system, a local-density approximation for the exchange-correlation energy is written as where ρ is the electronic density and εxc is the exchange-correlation energy per particle of a homogeneous electron gas of charge density ρ. The exchange-correlation energy is decomposed into exchange and correlation terms linearly, so that separate expressions for Ex and Ec are sought. The exchange term takes on a simple analytic form for the HEG. Only limiting expressions for the correlation density are known exactly, leading to numerous different approximations for εc. Local-density approximations are important in the construction of more sophisticated approximations to the exchange-correlation energy, such as generalized gradient approximations (GGA) or hybrid functionals, as a desirable property of any approximate exchange-correlation functional is that it reproduce the exact results of the HEG for non-varying densities. As such, LDA's are often an explicit component of such functionals. (Wikipedia).

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Robert Seiringer: The local density approximation in density functional theory

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Approximating Functions in a Metric Space

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Local Maximum and Local Minimum of a Definite Integral Function (Accumulation Function)

This video provides an example of how to determine when a definite integral function would have local maximums or local minimums. Site:

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(PP 6.4) Density for a multivariate Gaussian - definition and intuition

The density of a (multivariate) non-degenerate Gaussian. Suggestions for how to remember the formula. Mathematical intuition for how to think about the formula.

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Linear Approximations and Differentials

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How to find the position function given the acceleration function

👉 Learn how to approximate the integral of a function using the Reimann sum approximation. Reimann sum is an approximation of the area under a curve or between two curves by dividing it into multiple simple shapes like rectangles and trapezoids. In using the Reimann sum to approximate the

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Pre-Calculus - Identify the local maximum and minimum of a function

This video shows how to find the local maximum and minimum points when looking at the graph of a function. Remember that these are the maximum and minimum on some interval of the entire function. More specific techniques are covered for other functions like quadratics in later videos. F

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Mathieu Lewin - Recent results in Density Functional Theory - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 12 April 2022. Mathieu Lewin of CNRS and Université Paris-Dauphine presents "Recent results in Density Functional Theory" at IPAM's Model Reduction in Quantum Mechanics Workshop. Abstract: I will provide an overview of results obtained recently in density functional theory, in joi

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Rainer von Sachs: Time-frequency analysis of locally stationary Hawkes processes

Abstract : In this talk we address generalisation of stationary Hawkes processes in order to allow for a time-evolutive second-order analysis. A formal derivation of a time-frequency analysis via a time-varying Bartlett spectrum is given by introduction of the new class of locally stationa

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Lec 7 | MIT 3.320 Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials

Technical Aspects of Density Functional Theory View the complete course at: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

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Paola Gori-Giorgi - Large-coupling strength expansion in DFT and Hartree-Fock adiabatic connections

Recorded 14 April 2022. Paola Gori-Giorgi of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam presents "Large-coupling strength expansion in DFT and Hartree-Fock adiabatic connections" at IPAM's Model Reduction in Quantum Mechanics Workshop. Abstract: In this talk I will review and put into perspective severa

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On a conjecture of Poonen and Voloch I: Probabilistic models(...) - Sawin - Workshop 1 - CEB T2 2019

Will Sawin (Columbia University) / 21.05.2019 On a conjecture of Poonen and Voloch I: Probabilistic models for counting rational points on random Fano hypersurfaces Poonen and Voloch have conjectured that almost every degree d Fano hypersur- face in Pn defined over the field of rational

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G. Alberti - Introduction to minimal surfaces and finite perimeter sets (Part 4)

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Andrew Millis - Twisted Transition Metal Dicalcogenides: Tests of Quantum Embedding and Theories

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Probability 101c: Stirling's approximation

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Maximum and Minimum Values (Closed interval method)

A review of techniques for finding local and absolute extremes, including an application of the closed interval method

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M Harbola - An Introduction to Density Functional Theory

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