Independence results | Set theory | Mathematical logic

List of statements independent of ZFC

The mathematical statements discussed below are provably independent of ZFC (the canonical axiomatic set theory of contemporary mathematics, consisting of the Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms plus the axiom of choice), assuming that ZFC is consistent. A statement is independent of ZFC (sometimes phrased "undecidable in ZFC") if it can neither be proven nor disproven from the axioms of ZFC. (Wikipedia).

List of statements independent of ZFC
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Every Subset of a Linearly Independent Set is also Linearly Independent Proof

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! A proof that every subset of a linearly independent set is also linearly independent.

From playlist Proofs

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How to Determine if Functions are Linearly Independent or Dependent using the Definition

How to Determine if Functions are Linearly Independent or Dependent using the Definition If you enjoyed this video please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing. You can also help support my channel by becoming a member Th

From playlist Zill DE 4.1 Preliminary Theory - Linear Equations

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Determine if the Functions are Linearly Independent or Linearly Dependent using the Definition

Determine if the Functions are Linearly Independent or Linearly Dependent using the Definition If you enjoyed this video please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing. You can also help support my channel by becoming a member

From playlist Zill DE 4.1 Preliminary Theory - Linear Equations

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(PP 6.2) Multivariate Gaussian - examples and independence

Degenerate multivariate Gaussians. Some sketches of examples and non-examples of Gaussians. The components of a Gaussian are independent if and only if they are uncorrelated.

From playlist Probability Theory

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Introduction to Linearly Independent and Linearly Dependent Sets of Vectors

This video introduced the topic of linearly independent and dependent sets of vectors.

From playlist Linear Independence and Bases

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Mathematical Statements and Logic Connectives

This video defines mathematical statements and logic connectives.

From playlist Mathematical Statements (Discrete Math)

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Prove or Disprove if the Function is Injective

Prove or Disprove if the Function is Injective If you enjoyed this video please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing. You can also help support my channel by becoming a member Thank you:)

From playlist Functions, Sets, and Relations

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Are the Functions Dependent or Independent? Example with Two Exponentials

Are the Functions Dependent or Independent? Example with Two Exponentials If you enjoyed this video please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing. You can also help support my channel by becoming a member Thank you:)

From playlist Zill DE 4.1 Preliminary Theory - Linear Equations

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How to calculate t statistics test between the means of related groups (dependent means)

tutorial on t statistics between the means of related groups, hypothesis testing, dependent means, degrees of freedom and t values. Video includes step by step instructions on how to calculate t values and degrees of freedom and how to look up associated t values in t tables. Related Vi

From playlist t-tests of Independent and Dependent Groups

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Infinite Sets and Foundations (Joel David Hamkins) | Ep. 17

Joel David Hamkins is a Professor of Logic with appointments in Philosophy and Mathematics at Oxford University. His main interest is in set theory. We discuss the field of set theory: what it can say about infinite sets and which issues are unresolved, and the relation of set theory to ph

From playlist Daniel Rubin Show, Full episodes

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A conversation between Mario Carneiro, Norman Megill and Stephen Wolfram

Stephen Wolfram plays the role of Salonnière in this new, on-going series of intellectual explorations with special guests. Watch all of the conversations here: Originally livestreamed at: Stay up-to-date on this

From playlist Conversations with Special Guests

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Wolfram Physics Project: Axiomatization of the Computational Universe Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021

This is a Wolfram Physics Project working session about the axiomatization of the Computational Universe. Begins at 1:36 Originally livestreamed at: Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: Check out the announceme

From playlist Wolfram Physics Project Livestream Archive

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Zermelo Fraenkel Powerset

This is part of a series of lectures on the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms for set theory. We discuss the powerset axiom, the strongest of the ZF axioms, and explain why the notion of a powerset is so hard to pin down precisely. For the other lectures in the course see

From playlist Zermelo Fraenkel axioms

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Wolfram Physics Project: Working Session Thursday, July 23, 2020 [Metamathematics | Part 1]

This is a Wolfram Physics Project progress update at the Wolfram Summer School. Originally livestreamed at: Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: Check out the announcement post:

From playlist Wolfram Physics Project Livestream Archive

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Foundations S2 - Seminar 6 - Filters and ultrafilters

A seminar series on the foundations of mathematics, by Will Troiani and Billy Snikkers. In this lecture Billy introduces filters and ultrafilters and proves that a filter is maximal iff. it is an ultrafilter. The webpage for this seminar is You can join t

From playlist Foundations seminar

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The Big (mathematical) Bang | Axiomatic Set Theory, Section 0

The introductory video for a course on the axiomatic theory of ZFC set theory. My Twitter: Intro: (0:00) Russel's Paradox: (2:13)

From playlist Axiomatic Set Theory

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RA1.2. Foundations

Real Analysis: Noting that we assume only naive set theory and basic properties of the natural numbers for this playlist, we give a brief account of some issues in the quest for mathematical rigor. These include the Axiom of Choice, the Law of the Excluded Middle, and Godel's Incompleten

From playlist Real Analysis

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Set Theory (Part 2a): Russell's Paradox

Please feel free to leave comments/questions on the video below! In this video, I briefly speak about the Russell paradox and why ZFC avoids this paradox when discussing pathological sets. One should hopefully see why it is that this paradox is disastrous for the naive set theory adopted

From playlist Set Theory by Mathoma

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What is a conditional statement and it's parts

👉 Learn how to label the parts of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an if-then statement connecting a hypothesis (p) and the conclusion (q). If the hypothesis of a statement is represented by p and the conclusion is represented by q, then the conditional statement is repr

From playlist Label the parts of a Statement

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