Large integers | Prime numbers

List of largest known primes and probable primes

The table below lists the largest currently known prime numbers and probable primes (PRPs) as tracked by the University of Tennessee's PrimePages and Henri & Renaud Lifchitz' PRP Records. Numbers with more than 2,000,000 digits are shown. (Wikipedia).

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The Biggest Known Prime Number - Keith Conrad [2018]

Slides for this talk: May 29: Keith Conrad (UConn) Title: The Biggest Known Prime Number. Abstract: There are infinitely many primes, but at any moment there is a biggest known prime. Earlier t

From playlist Number Theory

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Interesting Facts About the Last Digits of Prime Numbers

This video explains some interesting facts about the last digits of prime numbers.

From playlist Mathematics General Interest

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MegaFavNumbers: Plus One Primes, 154,641,337, and 62,784,382,823

My entry in the #MegaFavNumbers series looks at a particularly striking example of a very specific family of primes -- and how it connects to what digits can be the final digit of primes in different bases.

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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My #MegaFavNumbers is 2^82589933-1 // The largest Mersenne prime…..yet

This video is part of the #MegaFavNumbers series where a tonne of math youtubers like @numberphile @standupmaths and @3blue1brown share their favourite MEGA numbers, i.e. numbers over a million. Check out the full playlist here:

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Prime Numbers and their Mysterious Distribution (Prime Number Theorem)

Primes are the building blocks of math. But just how mysterious are they? Our study of prime numbers dates back to the ancient Greeks who first recognized that certain numbers can't be turned into rectangles, or that they can't be factored into any way. Over the years prime numbers have

From playlist Prime Numbers

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CTNT 2018 - "The Biggest Known Prime Number" by Keith Conrad

This is lecture on "The Biggest Known Prime Number", by Keith Conrad, during CTNT 2018, the Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory. For more information about CTNT and other resources and notes, see

From playlist CTNT 2018 - Guest Lectures

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Why Do We Need a 23 Million Digit Prime Number?

Finding the biggest prime number might not only have applications in computing, it could also win you some serious money. Here’s how. The ‘Ham Sandwich Theorem’ Will Change How You See the Universe… Seriously - Read More: How a FedEx employee discovered th

From playlist Elements | Seeker

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Very Large Primes and (Almost) Perfect Numbers -- MegaFavNumbers

This is my video submission for the #MegaFavNumbers celebration. As promised in the video, here is the very large number that was simply too big for the screen: 5282945208034002678497845769960721106385426547566030332928651387255812371024044147692699871010305634389030253300042369944654409

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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My Mega Favorite Number has 39,540 digits. (MegaFavNumbers)

My contribution to MegaFavNumbers. 20 years ago, I found a 39,540 digit prime number using 3 known primes from the list of the (then) 5,000 largest proven primes as seed numbers. At the time, it became the 236th largest proven prime number. It has since been blown into obscurity on the l

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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[Discrete Mathematics] Primes and GCD

We talk about prime numbers and the greatest common denominator of two numbers. We do a proof that shows that the set of primes is infinite. Visit our website: Subscribe on YouTube: *--Playlists--* Discrete Mathematics 1:

From playlist Discrete Math 1

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Emmanuel Kowalski: The Art of Sieving [2008]

Slides for this lecture: Emmanuel Kowalski ETH Zurich The Art of Sieving Date: 2008/10/08

From playlist Number Theory

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Closing the Gap: the quest to understand prime numbers - Vicky Neale

Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: Vicky Neale - Closing the Gap: the quest to understand prime numbers Prime numbers have intrigued, inspired and infuriated mathematicians for millennia and yet mathematicians' difficulty with answering simple questions about them reveals their depth and

From playlist A Vicky Neale Playlist

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The Riemann Hypothesis: How to make $1 Million Without Getting Out of Bed

Mathematics is patterns and logic, imagination and rigor. It is a way of seeing and a way of thinking. Math Mornings is a series of public lectures aimed at bringing the joy and variety of mathematics to students and their families. Speakers from Yale and elsewhere will talk about aspects

From playlist Math Mornings at Yale

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Primes, Complexity and Computation: How Big Number theory resolves the Goldbach Conjecture

This lecture, which begins at 2:45, shows how Big Number theory, together with an understanding of prime numbers and their distribution resolves the Goldbach Conjecture, which states that every even number greater than two is the sum of two primes. Notions of complexity and computation,

From playlist MathSeminars

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A solution to Weaver's KS2KS2 - Adam Marcus

A solution to Weaver's KS2KS2Primary tabs Adam Marcus Yale University December 2, 2013 We will outline the proof that gives a positive solution of to Weaver's conjecture KS2KS2. That is, we will show that any isotropic collection of vectors whose outer products sum to twice the identity ca

From playlist Mathematics

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Primes and Primitive Sets (an Erdős Conjecture is cracked) - Numberphile

Extra footage at - Featuring Jared Duker Lichtman. More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ A proof of the Erdős primitive set conjecture: More Prime Number videos: Jared Duker Lichtman:

From playlist Prime Numbers on Numberphile

Related pages

PrimePages | Mersenne number | Prime number | Lucas–Lehmer primality test | Largest known prime number | Probable prime | Primality test