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List of grid computing middleware distribution

A Grid Middleware Distribution is a software stack or a set of cooperating components, services and protocols which enable users access to the distributed resources of a grid. (Wikipedia).

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Open Source vs. Closed Source Software

In this video, you’ll learn more about the differences between open-source software and closed-source software. Visit for more technology, software, and computer tips. We hope you enjoy!

From playlist Technology Trends

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LINUX: Command Line IP - Comparing openSUSE 11.3 with Windows 7

More videos like this at : In IT Windows is not all about the GUI and Linux not all about command line tools. So in this demo we look at using command line tools to set the IP address and default gateway on both openSUSE11.3 and Windows 7.

From playlist Windows

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What Is The Best Linux Distribution?

In this video i answer the question i get asked the most regarding Linux. What is the best Linux distribution? Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section. LINKS USED IN VIDEO: 📈 SUPPORT US: Patreon:

From playlist Linux

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WebAssembly: The What, Why and How

WebAssembly is a portable, size, and load-time efficient binary format for the web. It is an emerging standard being developed in the WebAssembly community group, and supported by multiple browser vendors. This talk details what WebAssembly is, the problems it is trying to solve, exciting

From playlist Talks

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Hangout With CERN: LHC and the Grid - The world is our calculator (S02E03)

With around 25 Petabytes (25 million Gigabytes) of data generated per year from CERN's Large Hadron Collider, global computing is the only way to store, distribute and analyse this mountain of information. The world is our calculator! In this hangout, IT experts from CERN and the experime

From playlist Hangouts with CERN

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NOTACON 4: Grid Computing with Alchemi and .NET

Speaker: Kn1ghtl0rd Grid computing is a newer way of processing information in a distributed manor. A lot of well known projects utilize this method of computing such as Seti@Home. This discussion will cover the technology behind grid computing and how it can be utilized to improve speed

From playlist Notacon 4

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GTAC 2009 - 2nd Day Opening Talk

Google Tech Talk October 22, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Dr Alberto Di Meglio at the 4th Annual Google Test Automation Conference, October 21st, 22nd, 2009, Zurich, CH Dr. Alberto Di Meglio graduated in Aerospace Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1993 and received a Ph.D

From playlist GTAC 2009

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OSCON 2010: Andrew Hart, "Distributed, Modular Grid Software for Management and ..." Andrew Hart (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), David Kale (Children's Hospital Los Angeles), Heather Kincaid (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), "Distributed, Modular Grid Software for Management and Exploration of Data in Patient-centric Healthcare IT"

From playlist OSCON 10 Health IT

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Custom Install of SUSE Linux Enterprise 11

More videos like this at : So in this video we look at: -Installing from the Network -Adding in Additonal Products -LVM Partition for root file-system

From playlist Linux

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LINUX: Fedora 13 - Installation

More videos like this at : Fedora 13 was released this week so here a is quick look at the install of the latest offering from the fedora project, funded of course by Red Hat Linux. This is there free offering to market as openSUSE is to Novell and SUSE Ente

From playlist Linux

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Sudhakar Pamidighantam (2/12/2020): Cyber Infrastructure for Science Gateways

Title: Cyber Infrastructure for Science Gateways Abstract: This talk describes how state of the art computational and data resources can be accessed using science gateways for molecular sciences to support both research and teaching. Cyberinfrastructure for science and computational scie

From playlist DELTA (Descriptors of Energy Landscape by Topological Analysis), Webinar 2020

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LINUX: Install openSUSE12.1 RC1

More videos like this on : The next release of openSUSE 12.1 is due on the 16th November so here is a sneak preview of the install of RC1. We will see the latest 3.1 kernel, the btrfs file-system and firefox 7 ships with this release

From playlist Linux

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How To Build A Freelancing Website In Laravel | Session 04 | #laravel #programming

Don’t forget to subscribe! In this project series, you will learn how to build a freelancing website in Laravel. This project series will cover all the necessary detail for building a freelancing website. Introduction:

From playlist Build A Freelancing Website In Laravel

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CERIAS Security: Detection and protection from denial of service attacks in grids 2/6

Clip 2/6 Speaker: Wonjun Lee · Purdue University By exploiting existing vulnerabilities, malicious parties can take advantage of resources made available by grid systems to attack mission critical websites or the grid itself. In this paper, we present two approaches for protecting agains

From playlist The CERIAS Security Seminars 2010

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SOURCE Boston 2009: A Virtualization and Cloud Computing Security Fable Set To Interpretive Dance

Speaker: Christofer Hoff Aesop wrote this little ditty about some discontented frogs who lived in a pond. They asked Jupiter for a King. They got one. It ate them. The moral of this story is "be careful what you wish for." The corresponding analog is that of virtualization and cloud sec

From playlist Latest uploads

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Trusted CI Webinar: OnTimeURB with Prasad Calyam

Originally recorded March 23rd, 2020 "OnTimeURB: Multi-cloud Broker Framework for Creation of Secure and High-performance Science Gateways," with Prasad Calyam Slides: Data-intensive science applications in research fields such as bioinformatics, chemi

From playlist Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR)

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Denver Node.js Meetup - How Harperdb uses SocketCluster for distributed computed

Talk: Deep Dive: How HarperDB Uses SocketCluster for Distributed Computing The HarperDB team built the first and only database written in Node.js. Within their database, they utilize SocketCluster for distributed computing in a unique way. CTO Kyle Bernhardy will dive into the inter-work

From playlist Denver Node.js meetup

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A Dev's Guide to CSS Grid

There's plenty of buzz about CSS Grid, but from a distance, it can seem intimidating - especially for developers who don't often write CSS. Grid feels daunting for good reason: the Grid layout module added over 30 new properties, values, and units to CSS! While all of those additions are

From playlist Web Design: CSS / SVG

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