
Link (simplicial complex)

The link in a simplicial complex is a generalization of the neighborhood of a vertex in a graph. The link of a vertex encodes information about the local structure of the complex at the vertex. (Wikipedia).

Link (simplicial complex)
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Simplicial complexes as expanders - Ori Parzanchevski

Ori Parzanchevski Institute for Advanced Study; Member, School of Mathematics February 4, 2014 Expanders are highly connected sparse graphs. Simplicial complexes are a natural generalization of graphs to higher dimension, and the notions of connectedness and expansion turn out to have inte

From playlist Mathematics

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Simplicial complexes as expanders - Ori Parzanchevski

Simplicial complexes as expanders - Ori Parzanchevski Ori Parzanchevski Institute for Advanced Study; Member, School of Mathematics January 28, 2014 Expanders are highly connected sparse graphs. Simplicial complexes are a natural generalization of graphs to higher dimension, and the notio

From playlist Mathematics

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Omer Bobrowski: Random Simplicial Complexes II

A simplicial complex is a collection of vertices, edges, triangles, tetrahedra and higher dimensional simplexes glued together. In other words, it is a higher-dimensional generalization of a graph. In recent years there has been a growing effort in developing the theory of random simplicia

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional spatial random systems

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Omer Bobrowski: Random Simplicial Complexes, Lecture III

A simplicial complex is a collection of vertices, edges, triangles, tetrahedra and higher dimensional simplexes glued together. In other words, it is a higher-dimensional generalization of a graph. In recent years there has been a growing effort in developing the theory of random simplicia

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional spatial random systems

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Omer Bobrowski: Random Simplicial Complexes, Lecture I

A simplicial complex is a collection of vertices, edges, triangles, tetrahedra and higher dimensional simplexes glued together. In other words, it is a higher-dimensional generalization of a graph. In recent years there has been a growing effort in developing the theory of random simplicia

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional spatial random systems

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Simplices and simplicial complexes | Algebraic Topology | NJ Wildberger

Simplices are higher dimensional analogs of line segments and triangle, such as a tetrahedron. We begin this lecture by discussing convex combinations and convex hulls, and showing a natural hierarchy from point to line segment to triangle to tetrahedron. Each of these also has a standard

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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Lecture 2A: What is a "Mesh?" (Discrete Differential Geometry)

Full playlist: For more information see

From playlist Discrete Differential Geometry - CMU 15-458/858

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Fundamental Groups of Random Simplicial Complexes - Eric Babson

Eric Babson University of California at Davis December 1, 2010 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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What is the complex conjugate?

What is the complex conjugate of a complex number? Free ebook

From playlist Intro to Complex Numbers

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Jennifer WILSON - High dimensional cohomology of SL_n(Z) and its principal congruence subgroups 3

Group cohomology of arithmetic groups is ubiquitous in the study of arithmetic K-theory and algebraic number theory. Rationally, SL_n(Z) and its finite index subgroups don't have cohomology above dimension n choose 2. Using Borel-Serre duality, one has access to the high dimensions. Church

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Lecture 2B: Introduction to Manifolds (Discrete Differential Geometry)

Full playlist: For more information see

From playlist Discrete Differential Geometry - CMU 15-458/858

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Jennifer WILSON - High dimensional cohomology of SL_n(Z) and its principal congruence subgroups 2

Group cohomology of arithmetic groups is ubiquitous in the study of arithmetic K-theory and algebraic number theory. Rationally, SL_n(Z) and its finite index subgroups don't have cohomology above dimension n choose 2. Using Borel-Serre duality, one has access to the high dimensions. Church

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Graham ELLIS - Computational group theory, cohomology of groups and topological methods 4

The lecture series will give an introduction to the computer algebra system GAP, focussing on calculations involving cohomology. We will describe the mathematics underlying the algorithms, and how to use them within GAP. Alexander Hulpke's lectures will being with some general computation

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Jacques Tits: Algebraic simple groups and buildings

This lecture was held by Abel Laureate Jacques Tits at The University of Oslo, May 21, 2008 and was part of the Abel Prize Lectures in connection with the Abel Prize Week celebrations. Program for the Abel Lectures 2008 1. Abel Laureate John Thompson: “Dirichlet series and SL(2,Z)" 2

From playlist Abel Lectures

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Ginestra Bianconi (8/28/21): The topological Dirac operator and the dynamics of topological signals

Topological signals associated not only to nodes but also to links and to the higher dimensional simplices of simplicial complexes are attracting increasing interest in signal processing, machine learning and network science. Typically, topological signals of a given dimension are investig

From playlist Beyond TDA - Persistent functions and its applications in data sciences, 2021

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Ginestra Bianconi: Emergent Network Geometry

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program : Applied and Computational Algebraic Topology

From playlist HIM Lectures: Special Program "Applied and Computational Algebraic Topology"

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Kan Simplicial Set Model of Type Theory - Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine

Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine Dalhousie University; Member, School of Mathematics October 25, 2012 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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