Number theorists | Differential geometers

Lev Schnirelmann

Lev Genrikhovich Schnirelmann (also Shnirelman, Shnirel'man; Лев Ге́нрихович Шнирельма́н; 2 January 1905 – 24 September 1938) was a Soviet mathematician who worked on number theory, topology and differential geometry. (Wikipedia).

Lev Schnirelmann
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"Ehre, Freude, Stolz": Peter Scholze ist zurück in Deutschland

Einen Tag nach seiner Rückkehr von der IMC in Rio des Janeiro traf Fields-Medaillen-Träger Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze die wartenden Journalisten. zeigt hier die Pressekonferenz der Uni Bonn vom 07.08.2018. ' © Universität Bonn / / LENTFER FILMPRODUKTION

From playlist Peter Scholze

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Zahlen und Geometrie. Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Peter Scholze

Am dies academicus der Universität Bonn im lfd. Sommersemester 2017 hat Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze (geb. 1987, u. a. Leibniz-Preisträger) seine Antrittsvorlesung gehalten. Peter Scholze ist Hausdorff Chair am Exzellenzcluster Hausdorff Center for Mathematics der Universität Bonn. Weitere Inf

From playlist Peter Scholze

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Leibniz-Preise für Bonner Forscher: Peter Scholze und Frank Bradke

Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze vom Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, einem Exzellenzcluster der Universität Bonn, und Prof. Dr. Frank Bradke, der am Deutschen Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE) arbeitet und Professor für Neurowissenschaften an der Universität Bonn ist, erhalten für

From playlist Peter Scholze

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Yuli Rudyak (2/8/2018): Maps of Degree 1 and Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category

Given a map f:M→N of degree 1 of closed manifolds, is it true that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of the range of the map is not more that the category of the domain? We discuss this and some related questions.

From playlist Wright College Topological Robotics Symposium 2018

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Fields-Medaille an Peter Scholze. Der Rektor gratuliert

Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze vom Hausdorff-Zentrum für Mathematik der Universität Bonn hat die Fields-Medaille erhalten, der „Nobelpreis für Mathematik“, die weltweit höchste Auszeichnung für Mathematiker. Der Rektor der Universität Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch gratuliert hier dem 30-

From playlist Peter Scholze

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Nursultan Kuanyshov: Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of group homomorphism

Nursultan Kuanyshov, University of Florida Title: Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of group homomorphism We prove the equality $\text{cat}(\phi)=\text{cd}(\phi)$ for homomorphisms $\phi:\Gamma\rightarrow \Lambda$ of a torsion free finitely generated nilpotent groups $\Gamma$ to an arbitrary

From playlist 39th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 6-8, 2022

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Verteidigung (7/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Generaloberst, Alfred Jodl, Luise Jodl, Hilfsverteidigerin, Prof. Dr. Franz Exner, Wehrmachtsführungsstab, Feldmarschall, Wilhelm Keitel, Wilhelm Bodewin Johann Gustav Keitel, Befehlshaber, Arbeitspflichtgesetz, Arthur Seyß-Inquart, Reichskommissar, Zwangsarbeit, Judenverfolgung, Deportati

From playlist Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Verteidigung

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Visualising Airflow over a Sail

The flow of air around a sail is very different to that of a wing, but both generate significant lift force. Ignazio Maria Viola at the University of Edinburgh studied sails in numerical simulations and experiments to discover the force comes from vortices that are produced at the edges of

From playlist Fluid Dynamics

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Enrique Macias-Virgo (5/27/21): Homotopic distance and Generalized motion planning

Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and topological complexity are particular cases of a more general notion, that we call homotopic distance between two maps. As a consequence, several properties of those invariants can be proved in a unified way and new results arise. For instance, we prove

From playlist Topological Complexity Seminar

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Lev and Thumpbot play Crazy

ROBOT BAND! LEV the thereminbot and his newly-built pal thumpbot play "Crazy" with help from a 20-year-old MT32 synthesizer. OK, Lev's a bit out of tune, but hey, ROBOTS. A tribute to The Ether & Aether Experiment's marvelous performance.

From playlist Staff Favorites

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Instabilities and Dissipation in Collisionless Magnetized Turbulence - Lev Arzamasskiy

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar Topic: Instabilities and Dissipation in Collisionless Magnetized Turbulence Speaker: Lev Arzamasskiy Affiliation: The Institute for Advanced Study Date: March 18, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Natural Sciences

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Rustam Sadykov (1/28/21): On the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory of 4-manifolds

Title: On the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory of 4-manifolds Abstract: I will discuss various versions of the Lusternik-Schnirelman category involving covers and fillings of 4-manifolds by various sets. In particular, I will discuss Gay-Kirby trisections, which are certain decompositions o

From playlist Topological Complexity Seminar

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Web 2.0 Expo SF 2010: Lev Mazin, "Launch Pad"

Lev Mazin (, "Launch Pad"

From playlist Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco 2010

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Overview of theories of development | Individuals and Society | MCAT | Khan Academy

Created by Shreena Desai. Watch the next lesson: Missed the previous lesson?

From playlist Individuals and society | MCAT | Khan Academy

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Fields Medal 2018: Karl-Theodor Sturms Congratulations

Professor Dr. Peter Scholze, from the University of Bonn’s Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, today received the Fields Medal. It is considered the Noble Prize for mathematics and is the highest award worldwide a mathematician can receive. This video is about Karl-Theodor Sturms Congratulat

From playlist Peter Scholze

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