Sieve theory

Legendre sieve

In mathematics, the Legendre sieve, named after Adrien-Marie Legendre, is the simplest method in modern sieve theory. It applies the concept of the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find upper or lower bounds on the number of primes within a given set of integers. Because it is a simple extension of Eratosthenes' idea, it is sometimes called the Legendre–Eratosthenes sieve. (Wikipedia).

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"Savant Mélange : la soirée de la recherche scientifique" / version intégrale

« Savant Mélange : la soirée de la recherche scientifique » s'est tenue le 16 octobre au Grand amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne. Dans le cadre des célébrations pour son 60e anniversaire, l’IHES a organisé un événement gratuit et ouvert à tous, une occasion pour de grands scientifiques et passi

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The Deranged Mind of the Marquis de Sade

Sadism. Noun. The derivation of sexual gratification from the infliction of physical pain or humiliation on another person. But where does this word come from? Well, from a man whose lifestyle and writings puts to shame any Christian Grey, it comes from Le Marquis de Sade. PDF of '120 Da

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John Friedlander - Selberg and the sieve: a positive approach [2008]

The Mathematical Interests of Peter Borwein: "Selberg and the sieve: a positive approach" Date: Friday, May 16, 2008 Time: 09:00 - 10:15 Location: Rm10900 John Friedlander (University of Toronto) Abstract: We survey the contributions of Atle Selberg to Sieve Methods. The talk is intende

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Archimedean Theory - Alex Kontorovich

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Alain Connes - Temps et aléa du quantique

"J'expliquerai d'abord comment la mécanique quantique donne le bon formalisme mathématique pour la notion de ``variable réelle". La thèse que j'essaierai de présenter ensuite est que les phénomènes quantiques ont une variabilité intrinsèque qui est plus fondamentale que celle du "passage d

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Journées Lagrange au CIRM

Interview de Norbert VERDIER, historien des mathématiques qui parlera de Joseph-Louis LAGRANGE au CIRM lors des Journées LAGRANGE des 18 & 19 octobre 2013. Joseph-Louis LAGRANGE, mathématicien, mécanicien et astronome est né en 1736 à Turin et mort en 1813 à Paris. Des mathématiciens e

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The Large Sieve (Lecture 3) by Satadal Ganguly

Program Workshop on Additive Combinatorics ORGANIZERS: S. D. Adhikari and D. S. Ramana DATE: 24 February 2020 to 06 March 2020 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Additive combinatorics is an active branch of mathematics that interfaces with combinatorics, number theory, ergod

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William Banks: Primes, exponential sums, and L-functions

Abstract: This talk will survey some recent directions in the study of prime numbers that rely on bounds of exponential sums and advances in sieve theory. I will also describe some new results on the Riemann zeta function and Dirichlet functions, and pose some open problems. Recording dur

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2∞2∞-Selmer groups, 2∞2∞-class groups, and Goldfeld's conjecture - Alex Smith

Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar Particle Physics at the LHC and Beyond Topic: 2∞2∞-Selmer groups, 2∞2∞-class groups, and Goldfeld's conjecture Speaker: Alex Smith Affiliation: Harvard University Date: July 27th, 2017

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An original song written by Taylor Sparks and Kye Browning

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Perfect Numbers and Elementary Methods in Modern Research (Josh Zelinsky) | Ep. 15

Josh Zelinsky is a number theorist and teacher at the Hopkins school in New Haven, CT. We discuss his experience as a former academic teaching high school mathematics and his research to address whether there are any odd perfect numbers, one of the oldest unsolved problems in mathematics.

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How To Use Legendre Polynomials In Python

Legendre Polynomial pop up quite a few times in your physics degree. In this video I show you how to write a python code to plot out any degree legendre polynomial!

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[Lesson 25] QED Prerequisites Scattering 2

We follow the derivation of the associated Legendre polynomials using the reference "The Functions of Mathematical Physics" by Harry Hochstadt as our guide. The goal is to take ownership of these functions so we can confidently advance our understanding of the partial wave expansion of pla

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Legendre Polynomials

An introduction to Legendre Polynomials and the Legendre-Fourier Series.

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5 - Grothendieck et la théorie de Galois

Orateur(s) : T. Szamuely Public : Tous Date : mardi 25 octobre Lieu : Institut Henri Poincaré

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Brun sieve | Adrien-Marie Legendre | Prime number | Sieve theory | Mathematics | Eratosthenes | Sieve of Eratosthenes | Möbius function | Selberg sieve