Lean manufacturing

Lean CFP driven

Lean CFP (Complex Flow Production) Driven is a new approach which takes into account not only the widely implemented Lean manufacturing, but combines the principles of Lean with the Operating Curve, an approach based on the theoretical approach of Queuing Theory developed in academia in the 1970s. The goal of Lean CFP Driven is to eliminate waste in order to achieve higher quality, increase productivity and at the same time understand the relationship between utilization, lead time and variability in order to maximize performance within the semiconductor industry. (Wikipedia).

Lean CFP driven
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Drive for coaxial propellers 1

STEP files of this video: http://www.mediafire.com/download/r9r2a5k7zaz2awq/CoaxialPropeller1STEP.zip

From playlist Mechanisms

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Slider crank mechanism with satellite pulley

The diameter of the big pulley is double the one of the green pulley. The length of each crank = R The slider's stroke = 4R The belt should be toothed. It is possible to use chain drive instead of belt one. STEP files of this video: http://www.mediafire.com/file/frn0cmys8sedruy/SliderCrank

From playlist Mechanisms

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diesel pile driver

http://www.mekanizmalar.com/menu_engine.html Pile driver is a mechanical device used to drive piles into soil to provide foundation support for buildings or other structures also known as Diesel Hammer.

From playlist Engines

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Preparing For a Future Microservices Journey Using Wardley Maps

The journey to Microservices can be very challenging due to infrastructure and operational complexities Microservices come with. That bears the risk shifting the focus from building your core domain to handing these complexities and ending up with compromises on parts of your software solu

From playlist Microservices

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OSB 2015 - Hosting Events that the Whole Community Loves - Meg Hartley

So, you're responsible for a growing an open source community and you want to ensure it's a friendly place for newcomers and old-timers alike. You want to make sure everyone feels welcome and has access to a variety of events (both on and offline) with content that meets the needs of all o

From playlist Open Source Bridge 2015

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Interesting Speed Reducer

http://www.mekanizmalar.com/speed_reducer.html A cycloidal drive or cycloidal speed reducer is a mechanism for reducing the speed of an input shaft by a certain ratio. Cycloidal speed reducers are capable of high ratios in compact sizes. The input shaft drives an eccentric bearing that in

From playlist Indexing

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Tractor Pull harvester.3GP

A tractor competes in the Calvert County, MD, fair "tractor pull" contest. As the tractor pulls the blue cart along a dirt track, the box on top of the cart gradually moves forward. This increases the downward force (from gravity) on the flat leg at the front of the cart. Because this d

From playlist Forces

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Welcome message by James Petty

PowerShell Summit videos are recorded on a "best effort" basis. We use a room mic to capture as much room audio as possible, with an emphasis on capturing the speaker. Our recordings are made in a way that minimizes overhead for our speakers and interruptions to our live audience. These re

From playlist PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2022

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Steam Engine Powered ROCK CRUSHER tubalcain

Here's a Steam Engine Powered ROCK CRUSHER. Its probably only about 10% easier this way than using a chain gang.


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Drive for coaxial propellers 3

STEP files of this video: http://www.mediafire.com/file/sbmdkpbi72jpxqt/CoaxialPropeller3STEP.zip Inventor files: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wiqakowkey2hfk2/CoaxialPropeller3Inv.zip

From playlist Mechanisms

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Image Compression and the FFT (Examples in Python)

This video shows how to compress images with the FFT (code in Python). Book Website: http://databookuw.com Book PDF: http://databookuw.com/databook.pdf These lectures follow Chapter 3 from: "Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control" by Brunt

From playlist Data-Driven Science and Engineering

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Mountain West Ruby 2016 - The Minimum Viable Conference by Kerri Miller & Jeremy Flores

The Minimum Viable Conference by Kerri Miller & Jeremy Flores Ok, so, if nothing else, we’ve got one thing in common. We like conferences. The two of us like ‘em so much that we recently spent a large chunk of time and money organizing and hosting one, and are planning at least one more f

From playlist Mountain West Ruby 2016

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Deliberate, Directed, Positive ACTION! - Peter Aitken - JSConf US 2019

How can you include, welcome, provide support, safety and a confidence boost to people from underrepresented and marginalized groups that are absent from your community/workplace? Deliberate, Directed, Positive ACTION! This talk will chart the journey, and learnings, of Global Diversity

From playlist JSConf US 2019

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!!Con 2017: How !!Con Came to be!! by Erty Seidohl

How !!Con Came to be!! by Erty Seidohl

From playlist !!Con 2017

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Web 2.0 Expo NY 09: Sarah Milstein and Brady Forrest, "Welcome"

Sarah Milstein (TechWeb), Brady Forrest (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), "Welcome"

From playlist Web 2.0 Expo New York 2009

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RailsConf 2022 - ELI5: A Game Show on Rails by Andy Glass

‘Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.’ We might know our way around the classic conventions of our beloved Ruby on Rails, but do we understand them enough to explain those concepts to our peers? In this interactive (participation optional!) game show session, let’s find out!

From playlist RailsConf 2022

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RailsConf 2022 - Behind the Lemurs - Creating an Illustrated Talk by Brandon Weaver

Perhaps you've heard of a magical band of cartoon lemurs with a love for teaching Ruby, but what exactly goes into making one of these talks? We'll look at my entire toolset and process for creating illustrated conference talks including ideation, storyboarding, art, code tie-ins, and more

From playlist RailsConf 2022

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!!Con 2021 - How !!Con came to be!

How !!Con came to be!

From playlist !!Con 2021

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Visualization of Torques (Moments)

This video demonstrates the concept of Torque, a.k.a. Moment or Moment of force. Visit my homepage, https://www.udiprod.com/, or read about my latest book http://www.zutopedia.com Here are some notes: 1) Torques are often mentioned in context of engine power and transmission gears. Engi

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