Foliations | Mathematical quantization | Symplectic geometry

Lagrangian foliation

In mathematics, a Lagrangian foliation or polarization is a foliation of a symplectic manifold, whose leaves are Lagrangian submanifolds. It is one of the steps involved in the geometric quantization of a square-integrable functions on a symplectic manifold. (Wikipedia).

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Levitation magnet on a stirrer (Foucault currents)!!!

In this video i demonstrate levitation magnet on aluminum plate with stirrer. Enjoy!


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Lagrange Multipliers Maximum of f(x, y, z) = xyz subject to x + y + z - 3 = 0

Lagrange Multipliers Maximum of f(x, y, z) = xyz subject to x + y + z - 3 = 0

From playlist Calculus 3

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Physics 68 Lagrangian Mechanics (1 of 25) What is Lagrangian Mechanics?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is, when to use, and why do we need Lagrangian mechanics. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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A09 The Hamiltonian

Moving on from Lagrange's equation, I show you how to derive Hamilton's equation.

From playlist Physics ONE

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E. Amerik - On the characteristic foliation

Abstract - Let X be a holomorphic symplectic manifold and D a smooth hypersurface in X. Then the restriction of the symplectic form on D has one-dimensional kernel at each point. This distribution is called the characteristic foliation. I shall survey a few results concerning the possible

From playlist Ecole d'été 2019 - Foliations and algebraic geometry

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Hamiltonian classification and unlinkedness...of Riemann surfaces - Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell

IAS/PU-Montreal-Paris-Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar Topic: Hamiltonian classification and unlinkedness of fibres in cotangent bundles of Riemann surfaces Speaker: Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell Affiliation: Uppsala University Date: September 4, 2020 For more video please visit http:/

From playlist Mathematics

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Classification results for two-dimensional Lagrangian tori - Dimitroglou Rizell

Princeton/IAS Symplectic Geometry Seminar Topic: Classification results for two-dimensional Lagrangian tori Speaker: Georgios Dimitroglou-Rizell Date: Thursday, April 7 We present several classification results for Lagrangian tori, all proven using the splitting construction from symp

From playlist Mathematics

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Physics 68 Lagrangian Mechanics (3 of 25) The Partial Derivative W.R.T. Position

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will show how the partial derivative of Lagrangian equation can be use in deriving the basic equations for free-fall, simple-harmonic-motion with spring, and coulomb's law equations. Next video in this se


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Eva Miranda: Geometric quantization of toric and semitoric systems

Abstract: One of the many contributions of Kostant is a rare gem which probably has not been sufficiently explored: a sheaf-theoretical model for geometric quantization associated to real polarizations. Kostant’s model works very well for polarizations given by fibrations or fibration-like

From playlist Topology

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Bertuel Tangue Ndawa: Infinite Lifting of Actions of Symplectomorphisms on Bi-Lagrangian Structures

Bertuel Tangue Ndawa, University of Ngaoundere Title: Infinite Lifting of an Action of Symplectomorphism Group on the Set of Bi-Lagrangian Structures We consider a smooth $2n$-manifold $M$ endowed with a bi-Lagrangian structure $(\omega,\mathcal{F}_{1},\mathcal{F}_{2})$. That is, $\omega$

From playlist 39th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 6-8, 2022

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Lagrange Bicentenary - Jacques Laskar's conference

Lagrange and the stability of the Solar System

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Olivia Dumitrescu - Lagrangian Fibration of the de Rham Moduli Space and Gaiotto Correspondence

There have been new developments in understanding Lagrangian fibrations of the de Rham moduli space in connection to Lagrangian stratifications of the Dolbeault moduli space through biholomorphic isomorphisms of the Lagrangian fibers. I will report recent results by different groups of aut

From playlist Resurgence in Mathematics and Physics

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Maximize a Function of Two Variable Under a Constraint Using Lagrange Multipliers

This video explains how to use Lagrange Multipliers to maximize a function under a given constraint. The results are shown in 3D.

From playlist Lagrange Multipliers

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Nathan Seiberg - Exotic Field Theories: Lifshitz Theory, Tensor Gauge Theory, and Fractons

Over the past few years, many exotic lattice systems with peculiar properties were found. Some of their peculiarities include particles with restricted mobility, large ground-state degeneracy, and long-distance sensitivity to short-distance details. Consequently, these theories do not have

From playlist Mikefest: A conference in honor of Michael Douglas' 60th birthday

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Non-Weinstein Liouville Domains and Three-Dimensional Anosov Flows - Thomas Massoni

Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar Topic: Non-Weinstein Liouville Domains and Three-Dimensional Anosov Flows Speaker: Thomas Massoni Affiliation: Princeton University Date: November 25, 2022 Weinstein domains and their symplectic invariants have bee

From playlist Mathematics

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Introduction into spectral networks (Lecture 1) by Lotte Hollands

Program: Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory ORGANIZERS : Aswin Balasubramanian, Saurav Bhaumik, Indranil Biswas, Abhijit Gadde, Rajesh Gopakumar and Mahan Mj DATE & TIME : 16 July 2018 to 27 July 2018 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore The power of symmetries

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory

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Yakov Eliashberg - Interplay between notions of convexity in complex, symplectic and contact (...)

The classical notions of holomorphic, polynomial, rational convexity, and pseudo-convexity in complex geometry have their counterparts in symplectic and contact geometries. Understanding the relationship between these notions is important for all these fields. Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford)

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Lagrange multipliers: 2 constraints

Free ebook A lecture showing how to apply the method of Lagrange multipliers where two contraints are involved.

From playlist Lagrange multipliers

Related pages

Mathematics | Geometric quantization | Symplectic manifold | Foliation