Numerical differential equations


Within mathematics regarding differential equations, L-stability is a special case of A-stability, a property of Runge–Kutta methods for solving ordinary differential equations.A method is L-stable if it is A-stable and as , where is the stability function of the method (the stability function of a Runge–Kutta method is a rational function and thus the limit as is the same as the limit as ). L-stable methods are in general very good at integrating stiff equations. (Wikipedia).

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QRM L1-1: The Definition of Risk

Welcome to Quantitative Risk Management (QRM). In this first class, we define what risk if for us. We will discuss the basic characteristics of risk, underlining some important facts, like its subjectivity, and the impossibility of separating payoffs and probabilities. Understanding the d

From playlist Quantitative Risk Management

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IB Equilibrium

IB Chemistry SL lesson on equilibrium

From playlist IB Chemistry

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How to Remain Calm With People

Remaining calm around people who annoy us is one of the great life skills. It’s also a teachable and learnable skill. For gifts and more from The School of Life, visit our online shop: Cv6fh9 Watch more films on RELATIONSHIPS in our playlist:


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Chemical Equilibria and Reaction Quotients

Many chemical reactions don't just go one way, they go forwards and backwards. Once there is balance between the two, this is an equilibrium. And we need to be able to predict how much stuff there will be at equilibrium! Get ready to bust out those ICE boxes, folks. Watch the whole Genera

From playlist General Chemistry

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Stability and Causality of LTI Systems Described by Difference Equations for more great signal processing content, including concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. z-transform analysis of stability and causality for systems described by linear constant-coefficient difference equations.

From playlist The z-Transform

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Stability and Eigenvalues: What does it mean to be a "stable" eigenvalue?

This video clarifies what it means for a system of linear differential equations to be stable in terms of its eigenvalues. Specifically, we show that if all (potentially complex) eigenvalues have negative real part, then the system is stable. If even a single eigenvalue has positive real

From playlist Engineering Math: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

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Stability Analysis, State Space - 3D visualization

Introduction to Stability and to State Space. Visualization of why real components of all eigenvalues must be negative for a system to be stable. My Patreon page is at

From playlist Physics

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The Challenges of Anxious-Avoidant Relationships

Some of the most difficult relationships are those between people who can be categorised as 'avoidant' and others who are labelled 'anxious.' Learn to know which of these two you might be - and how better to handle the tensions that arise in a pairing with your counterpart. Sign up to our


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Uniformly valuative stability of polarized varieties and applications

Speaker: Yaxiong Liu (Tsinghua University) Abstract: In the study of K-stability, Fujita and Li proposed the valuative criterion of K-stability on Fano varieties, which has played an essential role of the algebraic theory of K-stability. Recently, Dervan-Legendre considered the valuative

From playlist Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar

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Stephen GUSTAFSON - Stability of periodic waves of 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equations

Motivated by the more general problem of classifying NLS dynamics in the presence of a potential, we consider the case of a (suitably) small, repulsive potential, and for certain nonlinearities, classify solutions near the 'pinned' ground state according to classical trajectories. Joint wo

From playlist Trimestre "Ondes Non linéaires" - Summer school

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​Donald Cartwright : ​Construction of lattices defining fake projective planes - lecture 1

Recording during the meeting "Ball Quotient Surfaces and Lattices " the February 25, 2019 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Ma

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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David Gross: "Stabilizer Formalism & Quantum Error Correction Through the Lens of Tensors (Pt 2/2)"

Watch part 1/2 here: Tensor Methods and Emerging Applications to the Physical and Data Sciences Tutorials 2021 "The Stabilizer Formalism and Quantum Error Correction Through the Lens of Tensors (Part 2/2)" David Gross - Universität zu Köln Abstract: Many-bod

From playlist Tensor Methods and Emerging Applications to the Physical and Data Sciences 2021

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Abelian networks and sandpile models (Lecture 2) by Lionel Levine

PROGRAM :UNIVERSALITY IN RANDOM STRUCTURES: INTERFACES, MATRICES, SANDPILES ORGANIZERS :Arvind Ayyer, Riddhipratim Basu and Manjunath Krishnapur DATE & TIME :14 January 2019 to 08 February 2019 VENUE :Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore The primary focus of this program will be on the

From playlist Universality in random structures: Interfaces, Matrices, Sandpiles - 2019

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Maxim Kontsevich - 3/4 Bridgeland Stability over Non-Archimedean Fields

Bridgeland stability structure/condition on a triangulated category is a vast generalization of the notion of an ample line bunlde (or polarization) in algebraic geometry. The origin of the notion lies in string theory, and is applicable to derived categories of coherent sheaves, quiver re

From playlist Maxim Kontsevitch - Bridgeland Stability over Non-Archimedean Fields

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Markus Reineke - Cohomological Hall Algebras and Motivic Invariants for Quivers 3/4

We motivate, define and study Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Cohomological Hall algebras associated to quivers, relate them to the geometry of moduli spaces of quiver representations and (in special cases) to Gromov-Witten invariants, and discuss the algebraic structure of Cohomological H

From playlist 2021 IHES Summer School - Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory

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[BOURBAKI 2019] Homology of Hurwitz spaces and the Cohen–Lenstra (...)- Randal-Williams - 15/06/19

Oscar RANDAL-WILLIAMS Homology of Hurwitz spaces and the Cohen–Lenstra heuristic for function fields, after Ellenberg, Venkatesh, and Westerland Ellenberg, Venkatesh, and Westerland have established a weak form of the function field analogue of the Cohen–Lenstra heuristic, on the distrib

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2019

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On the stability of the fractional Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality - Federico Glaudo

Analysis & Mathematical Physics Topic: On the stability of the fractional Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality Speaker: Federico Glaudo Affiliation: IAS Member, School of Mathematics Date: October 19, 2022 In this talk I will present a general framework to establish the stability of ine

From playlist Mathematics

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Pierre GERMAIN - Stability of the Couette flow

I will present new results on asymptotic stability of the Couette flow in dimension 3. These results give an estimate for the size of the basin of attraction, depending on the viscosity, in Gevrey and Sobolev topology. This is joint work with J. Bedrossian and N. Masmoudi.

From playlist Trimestre "Ondes Non linéaires" - June Conference

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Reliability 1: External reliability and rater reliability and agreement

In this video, I discuss external reliability, inter- and intra-rater reliability, and rater agreement.

From playlist Reliability analysis

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