Numerical analysis

Kummer's transformation of series

In mathematics, specifically in the field of numerical analysis, Kummer's transformation of series is a method used to accelerate the convergence of an infinite series. The method was first suggested by Ernst Kummer in 1837. (Wikipedia).

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In this video, I define a cool operation called the symmetrization, which turns any matrix into a symmetric matrix. Along the way, I also explain how to show that an (abstract) linear transformation is one-to-one and onto. Finally, I show how to decompose and matrix in a nice way, sort of

From playlist Linear Transformations

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Linear Algebra 15b: What Makes a Transformation Linear? - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 3 Linear Algebra: Linear Transformations

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Change of Matrix

Suppose you have two bases of the same space and the matrix of a linear transformation with respect to one bases. In this video, I show how to find the matrix of the same transformation with respect to the other basis, without ever having to figure out what the linear transformation does!

From playlist Linear Transformations

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See the new Star Wars-like display that could revolutionize virtual reality

Forget light sabers. Researchers on Earth have invented something far flashier: a Star Wars–like 3D display that simultaneously projects video, sound, and even the sensation of touch. The new displays can’t create holograms as complex as Princess Leia’s famous distress call. But with furth

From playlist Science Snippets

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What is the Lorentz Transformation?

What is the Lorentz Transformation? It is a tool we use to relate the different experiences of different observers in special relativity. It is also one of the defining features of special relativity and what differentiates it from Galilean relativity. In this video, we will derive the Lor

From playlist Relativity

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Linear Transformations

Showing something is a linear transformation Check out my Linear Equations playlist: Subscribe to my channel:

From playlist Linear Transformations

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Jean-Pierre Ramis - The Mano Decompositions...

The Mano Decompositions and the Space of Monodromy Data of the q-Painlevé V I Equation The talk is based upon a joint work with Y. OHYAMA and J. SAULOY. Classically the space of Monodromy data (or character variety) of PV I (the sixth Painlevé differential equation) is the space of linear

From playlist Resurgence in Mathematics and Physics

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Gregory Sankaran: Moduli of deformation generalised Kummer varieties

Two of the four known types of compact hyperkahler manifolds arise from K3 surfaces and two from abelian surfaces. The moduli spaces of polarised varieties of the K3 types have been extensively studied, but less attention has been paid to the abelian types. I shall describe some work in pr

From playlist HIM Lectures: Junior Trimester Program "Algebraic Geometry"

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Anabelian Geometry - Kummer Classes

To functions f we associate cohomology classes. Using galois sections we can evaluate these functions. Recovering the Kummer classes of the jacobi theta function

From playlist Anabelian Geometry

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Anne TAORMINA - Mathieu Moonshine: Symmetry Surfing and Quarter BPS States at the Kummer Point

The elliptic genus of K3 surfaces encrypts an intriguing connection between the sporadic group Mathieu 24 and non-linear sigma models on K3, dubbed “Mathieu Moonshine”. By restricting to Kummer K3 surfaces, which may be constructed as Z2 orbifolds of complex 2-tori with blown up singularit

From playlist Integrability, Anomalies and Quantum Field Theory

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2.2.2 What is a linear transformation?

2.2.2 What is a linear transformation?

From playlist LAFF - Week 2

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Nori uniformization of algebraic stacks by Niels Borne

20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analysis. Much of the interactions between mathematics and theoretical physics, especially

From playlist Complex Geometry

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Toy Ind3 - Part 04 - Log Kummer Correspondences

We introduce the definition of the Log-Kummer Correspondence. While there is not direct definition we can point to this is used throughout IUT3 and is what gives rise to Ind3. This is actually quite tricky. For example, a Log-Kummer correspondence doesn't exist for tensor packets but is i

From playlist Toy Ind3

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Linear Algebra 15c: The Reflection Transformation and Introduction to Eigenvalues - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 3 Linear Algebra: Linear Transformations

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Galois theory: Kummer extensions

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Galois theory. We describe Galois extensions with cyclic Galois group of order n in the case when the base field contains all n'th roots of unity and has characteristic not dividing n. We show that all such extensions are radical. As an

From playlist Galois theory

Related pages

Numerical analysis | Ernst Kummer | Series acceleration | Telescoping series | Leibniz formula for π