Complex surfaces

Kodaira surface

In mathematics, a Kodaira surface is a compact complex surface of Kodaira dimension 0 and odd first Betti number. The concept is named after Kunihiko Kodaira. These are never algebraic, though they have non-constant meromorphic functions. They are usually divided into two subtypes: primary Kodaira surfaces with trivial canonical bundle, and secondary Kodaira surfaces which are quotients of these by finite groups of orders 2, 3, 4, or 6, and which have non-trivial canonical bundles. The secondary Kodaira surfaces have the same relation to primary ones that Enriques surfaces have to K3 surfaces, or bielliptic surfaces have to abelian surfaces. Invariants: If the surface is the quotient of a primary Kodaira surface by a group of order k = 1,2,3,4,6, then the plurigenera Pn are 1 if n is divisible by k and 0 otherwise. Hodge diamond: Examples: Take a non-trivial line bundle over an elliptic curve, remove the zero section, then quotient out the fibers by Z acting as multiplication by powers of some complex number z.This gives a primary Kodaira surface. (Wikipedia).

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Complex surfaces 6: Kodaira dimensions 1 and 2

In this lecture we continue the overview of complex projective urfaces by discussing those of Kodaira dimensions 1 and 2. The surfaces of dimension 1 are all elliptic surfaces with a map onto a curve whose fibers are mostly elliptic curves. We describe Kodaira's classification of the poss

From playlist Algebraic geometry: extra topics

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Complex surfaces 5: Kodaira dimension 0

This talk is an informal survey of the complex projective surfaces of Kodaira number 0. We first explain why there are 4 types of such surfaces (Enriques, K3, hyperelliptic, and abelian) and then give a few examples of each type.

From playlist Algebraic geometry: extra topics

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Konotori - Oliver Lugg DOWNLOAD: Although I've again been having trouble finding both the time and inspiration for composition, rest assured I'm not dead. This piece is a mix of oriental, jazz and electronic music, with section of improvisat

From playlist Music Compositions

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Hsueh-Yung Lin: On the existence of algebraic approximations of compact Kähler manifolds

Abstract: Let X be a compact Kähler manifold. The so-called Kodaira problem asks whether X has arbitrarily small deformations to some projective varieties. While Kodaira proved that such deformations always exist for surfaces. Starting from dimension 4, there are examples constructed by Vo

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Tokyo 4K - Skyscraper District - Morning Drive - Shinjuku

Thursday early morning drive through Shinjuku, home of the largest concentration of skyscrapers in Tokyo. Happy holidays everyone! Shinjuku is home to Tokyo's largest concentration of skyscrapers. Several of the tallest buildings in Tokyo are located in this area, including the Tokyo Metr

From playlist Location by City - Tokyo - J Utah

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An introduction to Shinto, one of Japan's earliest belief systems.

From playlist Art of Asia | Art History | Khan Academy

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Tokyo 4K - Driving Downtown - Tokyos Times Square

Morning drive from Shibuya (Tokyo Version of New York City's Times Square), to Central Tokyo, to Tokyo Bay neighborhoods by the waterfront. Starting Point: Tokyo, Japan’s busy capital, mixes the ultramodern and the traditional, from neon-lit skyscra

From playlist Location by City - Tokyo - J Utah

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Tokyo 4K - Classic Tokyo Neighborhood - Japan

Thursday afternoon drive around the traditional Asakusa neighborhood, known for its rickshaws, rich traditional streets, and historic Japanese temples. The Tokyo Skytree overlooks this neighborhood and can be seen throughout the video. This video is from my visit later last year. One of

From playlist Location by City - Tokyo - J Utah

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Enrica Floris: Invariance of plurigenera for foliations on surfaces

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Frédéric Mangolte: Algebraic models of the line in the real affine plane

Abstract: We study the following real version of the famous Abhyankar-Moh Theorem: Which real rational map from the affine line to the affine plane, whose real part is a non-singular real closed embedding of ℝ into ℝ^2, is equivalent, up to a birational diffeomorphism of the plane, to the

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Kodokan Throwing Techniques (Nagewaza)

Kodokan 67 throwing techniques and variations.. All throws are done dynamically, showing the movement of both uke & tori. Includes many examples of throws in high level competitions.

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Alessandra Sarti: Topics on K3 surfaces - Lecture 1: K3 surfaces in the Enriques Kodaira...

Lecture 1: K3 surfaces in the Enriques Kodaira classification and examples Abstract: Aim of the lecture is to give an introduction to K3 surfaces, that are special algebraic surfaces with an extremely rich geometry. The most easy example of such a surface is the Fermat quartic in complex

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Bourbaki - 07/11/15 - 3/4 - Benoît CLAUDON

Semi-positivité du cotangent logarithmique et conjecture de Shafarevich-Viehweg, d’après Campana, Pa ̆un, Taji,... Démontrée par A. Parshin et S. Arakelov au début des années 1970, la conjecture d’hyperbolicité de Shafarevich affirme qu’une famille de courbes de genre g ≥ 2 paramétrée pa

From playlist Bourbaki - 07 novembre 2015

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Bourbaki - 24/01/15 - 4/4 - Philippe EYSSIDIEUX

Métriques de Kähler-Einstein sur les variétés de Fano [d'après Chen-Donaldson-Sun et Tian]

From playlist Bourbaki - 24 janvier 2015

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Junyan Cao: Kodaira dimension of algebraic fiber spaces over abelian varieties or projective...

Abstract: Let f:X→Y be a fibration between two projective manifolds. The Iitaka’s conjecture predicts that the Kodaira dimension of X is larger than the sum of the Kodaira dimension of X and the Kodaira dimension of the generic fiber. We explain a proof of the Iitaka conjecture for algebra

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Complex surfaces 4: Ruled surfaces

This talk gives an informal survey of ruled surfaces and their role in the Enriques classification. We give a few examples of ruled surfaces, summarize the basic invariants of surfaces, and sketch how one classifies the surfaces of Kodaira dimension minus infinity.

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Related pages

Abelian surface | Algebraic surface | Compact space | K3 surface | Kunihiko Kodaira | Betti number | Enriques surface | Kodaira dimension