Theorems in algebraic geometry | Theorems in complex geometry

Kodaira embedding theorem

In mathematics, the Kodaira embedding theorem characterises non-singular projective varieties, over the complex numbers, amongst compact Kähler manifolds. In effect it says precisely which complex manifolds are defined by homogeneous polynomials. Kunihiko Kodaira's result is that for a compact Kähler manifold M, with a Hodge metric, meaning that the cohomology class in degree 2 defined by the Kähler form ω is an integral cohomology class, there is a complex-analytic embedding of M into complex projective space of some high enough dimension N. The fact that M embeds as an algebraic variety follows from its compactness by Chow's theorem. A Kähler manifold with a Hodge metric is occasionally called a Hodge manifold (named after W. V. D. Hodge), so Kodaira's results states that Hodge manifolds are projective. The converse that projective manifolds are Hodge manifolds is more elementary and was already known. Kodaira also proved (Kodaira 1963), by recourse to the classification of compact complex surfaces, that every compact Kähler surface is a deformation of a projective Kähler surface. This was later simplified by Buchdahl to remove reliance on the classification (Buchdahl 2008). (Wikipedia).

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Jacob Lurie: 1/5 Tamagawa numbers in the function field case [2019]

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Daniel CRISTOFARO GARDINER - Symplectic embeddings of products

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Marianna Russkikh (MIT) -- Dimers and embeddings

One of the main questions in the context of the universality and conformal invariance of a critical 2D lattice model is to find an embedding which geometrically encodes the weights of the model and that admits "nice" discretizations of Laplace and Cauchy-Riemann operators. We establish a c

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Beata Randrianantoanina: On a difference between two methods of low-distortion embeddings of...

Abstract: In a recent paper, the speaker and M.I. Ostrovskii developed a new metric embedding method based on the theory of equal-signs-additive (ESA) sequences developed by Brunel and Sucheston in 1970’s. This method was used to construct bilipschitz embeddings of diamond and Laakso graph

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Symplectic Embeddings and Infinite Staircases - Nicole Magill

Joint IAS/Princeton University Symplectic Geometry Seminar Topic: Symplectic Embeddings and Infinite Staircases Speaker: Nicole Magill Affiliation: Cornell University Date: February 6, 2023 The four dimensional ellipsoid embedding function of a toric symplectic manifold M measures when a

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Obsructions to Symplectic Embeddings

Speakers; C.Huangdai(Basic Background, Definitions, 4-D Symplectic manifold, , Symplectomorphisms and Symplectic Embeddings, Results). T.Coyne(What fits in what, Rigidity in Symplectic Geometry, Symplectic Capacities, Flexibility of Symplectic Embeddings, ECH Capacities, Polydisks into a

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Bourbaki - 24/01/15 - 4/4 - Philippe EYSSIDIEUX

Métriques de Kähler-Einstein sur les variétés de Fano [d'après Chen-Donaldson-Sun et Tian]

From playlist Bourbaki - 24 janvier 2015

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Frédéric Mangolte: Algebraic models of the line in the real affine plane

Abstract: We study the following real version of the famous Abhyankar-Moh Theorem: Which real rational map from the affine line to the affine plane, whose real part is a non-singular real closed embedding of ℝ into ℝ^2, is equivalent, up to a birational diffeomorphism of the plane, to the

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Bhargav Bhatt - Prismatic cohomology and applications: Kodaira vanishing

February 21, 2022 - This is the third in a series of three Minerva Lectures. Prismatic cohomology is a recently discovered cohomology theory for algebraic varieties over p-adically complete rings. In these lectures, I will give an introduction to this notion with an emphasis on applicatio

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Hsueh-Yung Lin: On the existence of algebraic approximations of compact Kähler manifolds

Abstract: Let X be a compact Kähler manifold. The so-called Kodaira problem asks whether X has arbitrarily small deformations to some projective varieties. While Kodaira proved that such deformations always exist for surfaces. Starting from dimension 4, there are examples constructed by Vo

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Alessandra Sarti: Topics on K3 surfaces - Lecture 1: K3 surfaces in the Enriques Kodaira...

Lecture 1: K3 surfaces in the Enriques Kodaira classification and examples Abstract: Aim of the lecture is to give an introduction to K3 surfaces, that are special algebraic surfaces with an extremely rich geometry. The most easy example of such a surface is the Fermat quartic in complex

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Alessandra Sarti: Topics on K3 surfaces - Lecture 4: Nèron-Severi group and automorphisms

Abstract: Aim of the lecture is to give an introduction to K3 surfaces, that are special algebraic surfaces with an extremely rich geometry. The most easy example of such a surface is the Fermat quartic in complex three-dimensional space. The name K3 was given by André Weil in 1958 in hono

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Bourbaki - 07/11/15 - 3/4 - Benoît CLAUDON

Semi-positivité du cotangent logarithmique et conjecture de Shafarevich-Viehweg, d’après Campana, Pa ̆un, Taji,... Démontrée par A. Parshin et S. Arakelov au début des années 1970, la conjecture d’hyperbolicité de Shafarevich affirme qu’une famille de courbes de genre g ≥ 2 paramétrée pa

From playlist Bourbaki - 07 novembre 2015

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Dominik Inauen: Isometric Embeddings Flexibility vs Rigidity

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Evolution of Interfaces. Abstract: The problem of embedding abstract Riemannian manifolds isometrically (i.e. preserving the lengths) into Euclidean space stems from the conceptually fundamental question of whe

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Enrica Floris: Invariance of plurigenera for foliations on surfaces

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Alessandra Sarti: Topics on K3 surfaces - Lecture 5: Finite automorphism groups

Abstract: Aim of the lecture is to give an introduction to K3 surfaces, that are special algebraic surfaces with an extremely rich geometry. The most easy example of such a surface is the Fermat quartic in complex three-dimensional space. The name K3 was given by André Weil in 1958 in hono

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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The Lens of Abelian Embeddings - Dor Minzer

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: The Lens of Abelian Embeddings Speaker: Dor Minzer Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Date: March 28, 2023 A predicate P:Σk→0,1 is said to be linearly embeddable if the set of assignments satisfying it can be embedde

From playlist Mathematics

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Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Understanding Word Embeddings 1: Just Letters

We're making a few videos that highlight word embeddings. Before training word embeddings we figured it might help the intuition if we first trained some letter embeddings. It might suprise you but the idea with an embedding can also be demonstrated with letters as opposed to words. We're

From playlist Algorithm Whiteboard

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Schemes 48: The canonical sheaf

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. In this lecture we define the canonical sheaf, giev a survey of some applications (Riemann-Roch theorem, Serre duality, canonical embeddings, Kodaira dimensio

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