Theory of probability distributions

Khinchin's theorem on the factorization of distributions

Khinchin's theorem on the factorization of distributions says that every probability distribution P admits (in the convolution semi-group of probability distributions) a factorization where P1 is a probability distribution without any indecomposable factor and P2 is a distribution that is either degenerate or is representable as the convolution of a finite or countable set of indecomposable distributions. The factorization is not unique, in general. The theorem was proved by A. Ya. Khinchin for distributions on the line, and later it became clear that it is valid for distributions on considerably more general groups. A broad class (see) of topological semi-groups is known, including the convolution semi-group of distributions on the line, in which factorization theorems analogous to Khinchin's theorem are valid. (Wikipedia).

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Maxim Kontsevich - An Update on Algebraic Hypergeometric Series

Algebraic hypergeometric series in one variable were classified in 1989 by F. Beukers and G. Heckman, in terms of finite complex reflection groups. Recently, K. Penson observed that one of such series is a generating series of a probability density with compact support, given again by an a

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Characteristic Polynomials of the Hermitian Wigner and Sample Covariance Matrices - Shcherbina

Tatyana Shcherbina Institute for Low Temperature Physics, Kharkov November 1, 2011 We consider asymptotics of the correlation functions of characteristic polynomials of the hermitian Wigner matrices Hn=n−1/2WnHn=n−1/2Wn and the hermitian sample covariance matrices Xn=n−1A∗m,nAm,nXn=n−1Am,n

From playlist Mathematics

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Maxim Kazarian - 1/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

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Maxim Kazarian - 2/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

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Tomasz Tkocz: Khinchin inequalities with sharp constants

I shall survey some classical results and present some recent results on sharp moment comparison inequalities for weighted sums of i.i.d. random variables, a.k.a. Khinchin inequalities.

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12: Spectral Analysis Part 2 - Intro to Neural Computation

MIT 9.40 Introduction to Neural Computation, Spring 2018 Instructor: Michale Fee View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Covers Fourier transform pairs and power spectra, spectral esti

From playlist MIT 9.40 Introduction to Neural Computation, Spring 2018

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Six Sequences - Numberphile

Which of these number sequences do you like best? Vote at The extra bit of footage is at: More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ This video features Tony Padilla from the University of Nottingham:

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Dimitris Koukoulopoulos: Approximating reals by rationals

Abstract: Given any irrational number α, Dirichlet proved that there are infinitely many reduced fractions a/q such that |α − a/q| ≤ 1/q^2. A natural question that arises is whether the fractions a/q can get even closer to α. For certain ”quadratic irrationals” such as α = √2 the answer is

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Alexander Pushnitski : Rational approximation of functions with logarithmic singularities

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Uncertainty modeling, Maximum Entropy principles and Power law by Karmeshu Kar

Modern Finance and Macroeconomics: A Multidisciplinary Approach URL: DESCRIPTION: The financial meltdown of 2008 in the US stock markets and the subsequent protracted recession in the Western economies have accentuated the need to understand the dy

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Intrinsic Diophantine approximation (Lecture 3) by Amos Nevo

PROGRAM SMOOTH AND HOMOGENEOUS DYNAMICS ORGANIZERS: Anish Ghosh, Stefano Luzzatto and Marcelo Viana DATE: 23 September 2019 to 04 October 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Ergodic theory has its origins in the the work of L. Boltzmann on the kinetic theory of gases.

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Khintchine-type theorems for values of homogeneous.... (Lecture 1) by Dmitry Kleinbock

PROGRAM SMOOTH AND HOMOGENEOUS DYNAMICS ORGANIZERS: Anish Ghosh, Stefano Luzzatto and Marcelo Viana DATE: 23 September 2019 to 04 October 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Ergodic theory has its origins in the the work of L. Boltzmann on the kinetic theory of gases.

From playlist Smooth And Homogeneous Dynamics

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Maxim Kazarian - 3/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

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13. Little, M/G/1, Ensemble Averages

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Robert Gallager License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

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Gilles Pisier : On the non-commutative Khintchine inequalities

Abstract: This is joint work with Éric Ricard. We give a proof of the Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Sergei Konyagin: On sum sets of sets having small product set

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

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Topics in Combinatorics lecture 13.8 --- The slice rank of a diagonal 3-tensor

A result that has played a central role in additive combinatorics is the statement that for every positive c there exists n such that every subset of F_3^n of density at least c contains three distinct vectors x, y and z such that x + y + z = 0. For a long time, a major open problem was to

From playlist Topics in Combinatorics (Cambridge Part III course)

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Alisa Knizel: Log-gases on a quadratic lattice via discrete loop equations

We study a general class of log-gas ensembles on a quadratic lattice. Using a variational principle we prove that the corresponding empirical measures satisfy a law of large numbers and that their global fluctuations are Gaussian with a universal covariance. We apply our general results to

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Alexander Gorodnik - Diophantine approximation and flows on homogeneous spaces (Part 3)

The fundamental problem in the theory of Diophantine approximation is to understand how well points in the Euclidean space can be approximated by rational vectors with given bounds on denominators. It turns out that Diophantine properties of points can be encoded using flows on homogeneous

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Indecomposable distribution | Probability distribution