Theorems in complex analysis

Jensen's formula

In the mathematical field known as complex analysis, Jensen's formula, introduced by Johan Jensen, relates the average magnitude of an analytic function on a circle with the number of its zeros inside the circle. It forms an important statement in the study of entire functions. (Wikipedia).

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Definition of derivative in terms of a limit, (def 1)

Definition of derivative, calculus 1 homework solution. #calculus Check out my 100 derivatives:

From playlist Sect 2.7, Definition of Derivative

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Prove the Derivative of a Constant: d/dx[c]

This video proves the derivative of a constant equals zero.

From playlist Calculus Proofs

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Ex : Determine The Value of a Derivative using the Limit Definition (Rational)

This video explains how to determine the value of a derivative at a given value of x using the limit definition of the derivative. The results are verified graphically

From playlist Introduction and Formal Definition of the Derivative

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definition of derivative, ex1

definition of derivative, find the derivative of a function by using the definition, math for fun, calculus homework help

From playlist Sect 2.8, Stewart Calculus 7th ed, video solutions to select

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Proof - the Derivative of a Constant Times a Function: d/dx[cf(x)]

This video proves the derivative of a constant times a function equals the constant time the derivative of f(x).

From playlist Calculus Proofs

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Ex : Determine The Value of a Derivative using the Limit Definition (Quadratic)

This video explains how to determine the value of a derivative at a given value of x using the limit definition of the derivative. The results are verified graphically

From playlist Introduction and Formal Definition of the Derivative

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Calculus 3.03d - Derivative Example 3

Another example of finding a derivative using the definition of a derivative.

From playlist Calculus Ch 3 - Derivatives

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FRM: Risk-adjusted performance ratios

RAPMs are variations of: return per unit of risk. Treynor and Sharpe are similar: both are excess return per unit of risk. Treynor defines risk as systematic risk (beta) and is therefore appropriate to well-diversified portfolios (i.e., into such portfolios idiosyncratic risk is eliminated

From playlist Performance measures

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Lecture 14 - Expectation-Maximization Algorithms | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018)

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Andrew Ng Adjunct Professor of Computer Science To follow along with the course schedule and syllabus, visit: http://cs229.sta

From playlist Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Full Course taught by Andrew Ng | Autumn 2018

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Lecture 12 | Machine Learning (Stanford)

Lecture by Professor Andrew Ng for Machine Learning (CS 229) in the Stanford Computer Science department. Professor Ng discusses unsupervised learning in the context of clustering, Jensen's inequality, mixture of Gaussians, and expectation-maximization. This course provides a broad in

From playlist Lecture Collection | Machine Learning

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Thm 1.10 - Probabilistic Version - part 06 - "Second Term"

Here we apply Jensen's inquality.

From playlist Theorem 1.10

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"How to Verify the Riemann Hypothesis for the First 1,000 Zeta Zeros" by Ghaith Hiary

An overview of algorithms and methods that mathematicians in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century used to verify the Riemann hypothesis. The resulting numerical computations, which used hand calculations and mechanical calculators, include those by Gram, Lindelöf, Backlu

From playlist Number Theory Research Unit at CAMS - AUB

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Topics in Combinatorics lecture 11.1 --- Subadditivity of entropy and Shearer's lemma

A useful rule that is satisfied by entropy is that if X_1,...,X_n are random variables, then H[X_1,...,X_n] is at most H[X_1]+...+H[X_n]. Shearer's lemma is a generalization of this, where one compares H[X_1,...,X_n] by a suitable weighted average of joint entropies of the form H[X_i : i i

From playlist Topics in Combinatorics (Cambridge Part III course)

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Effects of Poverty on the Brain and Academic Performance

In this video, I will discuss Effect of Poverty on the Brain and Academic Performance. Useful websites:

From playlist Suggestions for Researchers & Students

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Find a Derivative Using The Limit Definition (Rational Function: Linear/Linear)

This video explains how to find the derivative of a rational function using the limit definition.

From playlist Introduction and Formal Definition of the Derivative

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Find a Function and x-value From Limit Definition of the Derivative

This video explains how to determine a function and x-value given the limit definition of the derivative.

From playlist Introduction and Formal Definition of the Derivative

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The Remarkable BEST-SAT Algorithm

A dive into the remarkable BEST-SAT approximation algorithm. Created as a part of SoME2: ------------------ Timetable: 0:00 - Introduction 2:21 - RAND-SAT 3:35 - LP-SAT 8:49 - BEST-SAT 10:11 - Outro ------------------ Source code: https://gi

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Topics in Combinatorics lecture 10.0 --- The formula for entropy

In this video I present the formula for the entropy of a random variable that takes values in a finite set, prove that it satisfies the entropy axioms, and prove that it is the only formula that satisfies the entropy axioms. 0:00 The formula for entropy and proof that it satisfies the ax

From playlist Topics in Combinatorics (Cambridge Part III course)

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Use the Limit Definition of the Derivative to Find a Derivative Function Value

This video explains how to determine a derivative function value using the limit definition of the derivative for a basic rational function.

From playlist Introduction and Formal Definition of the Derivative

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Quenched large deviations for random motions in degenerate random media by Chiranjib Mukherjeer

Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges DATE: 14 August 2017 to 13 October 2017 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Large deviation theory made its way into statistical physics as a mathematical framework for studying equilibrium syst

From playlist Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges

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