Asymptotic analysis | Logarithms

Iterated logarithm

In computer science, the iterated logarithm of , written (usually read "log star"), is the number of times the logarithm function must be iteratively applied before the result is less than or equal to . The simplest formal definition is the result of this recurrence relation: On the positive real numbers, the continuous super-logarithm (inverse tetration) is essentially equivalent: i.e. the base b iterated logarithm is if n lies within the interval , where denotes tetration. However, on the negative real numbers, log-star is , whereas for positive , so the two functions differ for negative arguments. The iterated logarithm accepts any positive real number and yields an integer. Graphically, it can be understood as the number of "zig-zags" needed in Figure 1 to reach the interval on the x-axis. In computer science, lg* is often used to indicate the binary iterated logarithm, which iterates the binary logarithm (with base ) instead of the natural logarithm (with base e). Mathematically, the iterated logarithm is well-defined for any base greater than , not only for base and base e. (Wikipedia).

Iterated logarithm
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Using the inverse of an exponential equation to find the logarithm

👉 Learn how to convert an exponential equation to a logarithmic equation. This is very important to learn because it not only helps us explain the definition of a logarithm but how it is related to the exponential function. Knowing how to convert between the different forms will help us i

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Solving a natural logarithmic equation using your calculator

👉 Learn how to solve logarithmic equations. Logarithmic equations are equations with logarithms in them. To solve a logarithmic equation, we first isolate the logarithm part of the equation. After we have isolated the logarithm part of the equation, we then get rid of the logarithm. This i

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Ex: Determine the Value of a Number on a Logarithmic Scale (Log Form)

This video explains how to determine the value of several numbers on a logarithmic scale scaled in logarithmic form.

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Isolating a logarithm and using the power rule to solve

👉 Learn how to solve logarithmic equations. Logarithmic equations are equations with logarithms in them. To solve a logarithmic equation, we first isolate the logarithm part of the equation. After we have isolated the logarithm part of the equation, we then get rid of the logarithm. This i

From playlist Solve Logarithmic Equations

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Introduction to Logarithms

This video defines a logarithms and provides examples of how to convert between exponential equations and logarithmic equations.

From playlist Exponential and Logarithmic Expressions and Equations

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Solving the Logarithmic Equation log(A) = log(B) - C*log(x) for A

Solving the Logarithmic Equation log(A) = log(B) - C*log(x) for A Please Subscribe here, thank you!!!

From playlist Logarithmic Equations

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Pre-Calculus - Evaluating a Natural Logarithm with a Radical in the Denominator

👉 Learn how to evaluate natural logarithms. Recall that the logarithm of a number says a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). Natural logarithms (ln or log to base e) are simply loga

From playlist How to Evaluate Natural Logarithms

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Evaluate a Natural Logarithm Without a Calculator

👉 Learn how to evaluate natural logarithms. Recall that the logarithm of a number says a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). Natural logarithms (ln or log to base e) are simply loga

From playlist How to Evaluate Natural Logarithms

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Sayan Das (Columbia) -- Law of Iterated Logarithms for the KPZ equation.

We consider the narrow wedge solution to the KPZ equation. It is well known that the one-point distribution of the KPZ equation, when centered by time/24 and scaled by time^(1/3), converges in distribution to Tracy Widom GUE distribution. Consequently, a natural thing is to ask how limsup

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Order and Conquer: Binary Search

Today, we will look at a first simple but very useful algorithm: Binary Search. We will understand how it works, why it is so fast and what things we can do with it. 00:00 Prologue: Can we find the maximum or duplicates any faster? 02:52 How does Binary Search work? 05:02 Implementation 0

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Erik Panzer - Feynman integrals and hyperlogarithms

Many Feynman integrals evaluate to multiple polylogarithms and their special values like multiple zeta values. One particularly successful approach to understand this phenomenon is due to Francis Brown and uses iterated integrals called hyperlogarithms as a basis for the arising transcende

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Robert Tichy: Metric Discrepancy Theory

CIRM HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "​ Diophantine Problems, Determinism and Randomness" the February 04, 2021 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathem

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2023 Number Challenge: Find the first 6 digits of 2023^2023

Check out other 2023 Number Challenges from this list. Share with your friends!! We use the log base 10 analysis and Newton's Method in finding the first 6 digits of 2023 raised to the 2023rd power. We also presen

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Aaron Sidford: Introduction to interior point methods for discrete optimization, lecture III

Over the past decade interior point methods (IPMs) have played a pivotal role in mul- tiple algorithmic advances. IPMs have been leveraged to obtain improved running times for solving a growing list of both continuous and combinatorial optimization problems including maximum flow, bipartit

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All the math you need to know about gradient descent for Logistic Regression. INTERESTING VIDEOS [1] Visualize Logistic Regression: [2] Newton Raphson optimization for logistic regression: REFERENCES

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Overview of logs - Free Math Help - Help on math

👉 Learn how to convert an exponential equation to a logarithmic equation. This is very important to learn because it not only helps us explain the definition of a logarithm but how it is related to the exponential function. Knowing how to convert between the different forms will help us i

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