Search algorithms

Incremental heuristic search

Incremental heuristic search algorithms combine both incremental and heuristic search to speed up searches of sequences of similar search problems, which is important in domains that are only incompletely known or change dynamically. Incremental search has been studied at least since the late 1960s. Incremental search algorithms reuse information from previous searches to speed up the current search and solve search problems potentially much faster than solving them repeatedly from scratch. Similarly, heuristic search has also been studied at least since the late 1960s. Heuristic search algorithms, often based on A*, use heuristic knowledge in the form of approximations of the goal distances to focus the search and solve search problems potentially much faster than uninformed search algorithms. The resulting search problems, sometimes called dynamic path planning problems, are graph search problems where paths have to be found repeatedly because the topology of the graph, its edge costs, the start vertex or the goal vertices change over time. So far, three main classes of incremental heuristic search algorithms have been developed: * The first class restarts A* at the point where its current search deviates from the previous one (example: Fringe Saving A*). * The second class updates the h-values (heuristic, i.e. approximate distance to goal) from the previous search during the current search to make them more informed (example: Generalized Adaptive A*). * The third class updates the g-values (distance from start) from the previous search during the current search to correct them when necessary, which can be interpreted as transforming the A* search tree from the previous search into the A* search tree for the current search (examples: Lifelong Planning A*, D*, D* Lite). All three classes of incremental heuristic search algorithms are different from other replanning algorithms, such as planning by analogy, in that their plan quality does not deteriorate with the number of replanning episodes. (Wikipedia).

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Conducting an Online Job Search

In this video, you’ll learn more about conducting an online job search. Visit to learn even more. We hope you enjoy!

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Google and eigenvalues

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Get More Out of Google Search

In this video, you’ll learn some tips and tricks for getting the most out of using Google to search for stuff online. Visit to learn even more. We hope you enjoy!

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Google maps create link to location short URL tutorial

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Recursion Replacement - Intro to Algorithms

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Advanced 1. Incremental Path Planning

MIT 16.412J Cognitive Robotics, Spring 2016 View the complete course: Instructor: MIT students This is the 2nd advanced lecture in the MIT 16.412 Cognitive Robotics of Spring 2016, led by MIT students. Students took a deep dive into the topic of incremental

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Indexing 13: heuristics for faster search

We discuss the following heuristics for speeding up query execution: caching of search results, binary search (for conjunctions), skip pointers, early termination, top-docs, and prioritised processing.

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Lec 13 | MIT 6.01SC Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I, Spring 2011

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Solving a trigonometric equation with applying pythagorean identity

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Bob Hearn - There Are Only 15 - G4G13 Apr 2018

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Sigmoid functions for population growth and A.I.

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DDPS | Computational Scientific Discovery: Heuristic Search for Communicable Laws and Models

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The Power of Self-Learning Systems - IAS - Demis Hassabis

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How to Find the Matrix of a Linear Transformation

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