Mathematical problems | Dynamical systems

Illumination problem

Illumination problems are a class of mathematical problems that study the illumination of rooms with mirrored walls by point light sources. (Wikipedia).

Illumination problem
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Light and Optics 5_2 Refractive Surfaces

Problems involving refractive surfaces.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 7_2 Interference

Out of phase waves lead to interference.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 5_1 Refractive Surfaces

The bending of light rays at the interface of refracting surfaces.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 7_4 Interference

Introduction to interference.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 7_5 Interference

Introduction to interference.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 7_3 Interference

Introduction to interference

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 4_5 More on Thin Lenses

More example problems involving thin lenses.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 1_4 Introduction to Reflection

Examples of plane and spherical mirror problems.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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Light and Optics 7_10 Thin Film Interference

Interference caused by reflection from thin films.

From playlist Physics - Light and Optics

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The Illumination Problem - Numberphile

Featuring Professor Howard Masur from the University of Chicago. Filmed at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI). Part 2 of this interview: Patreon: Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Researc

From playlist Animations by Pete McPartlan

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Laura Waller - 3D phase imaging with scattering samples - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 12 October 2022. Laura Waller of the University of California, Berkeley, presents "3D phase imaging with scattering samples" at IPAM's Diffractive Imaging with Phase Retrieval Workshop. Abstract: This talk will describe new microscopy methods and computational algorithms that use

From playlist 2022 Diffractive Imaging with Phase Retrieval - - Computational Microscopy

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Stefano Marchesini - Framewise discrepancies in Ptychographic phase retrieval - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 13 October 2022. Stefano Marchesini of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory presents "Framewise discrepancies in Ptychographic phase retrieval" at IPAM's Diffractive Imaging with Phase Retrieval Workshop. Abstract: Most optimization methods popular in phase retrieval rely on g

From playlist 2022 Diffractive Imaging with Phase Retrieval - - Computational Microscopy

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Light bulbs and Billiards | Nathan Dalaklis

Lights and Billiards actually have a lot more in common than you might expect. At least, mathematically that is the case. In this video, I briefly go over an illumination problem I was thinking about and its relationship with mathematical billiards too. _____________________ Last video: h

From playlist The New CHALKboard

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TU Wien Rendering #14 - Global Illumination Benefits

Global illumination programs, unlike recursive ray tracers, are able to compute beautiful effects like indirect illumination and caustics. We take a closer look on how this is possible, and why the definition of shadows is fundamentally different in global illumination - this alternative d

From playlist TU Wien Rendering / Ray Tracing Course

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Lec 18 | MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2010

Lecture 18: Primer on Ray Tracing Techniques Instructor: Joshua Slocum View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems

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Niloy J. Mitra: Transferring Information across Image and Shape Collections

Abstract : Large image and 3D model repositories of everyday objects are now ubiquitous and are increasingly being used in computer graphics and computer vision, both for analysis and synthesis. However, images of objects in the real world have a richness of appearance that these repositor

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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0241 [ Game Dev ] Omnia Regna -- Lighting/Vision

This is #241 in my series of live (Twitch) coding streams. This stream I added static light sources to my game's rendering system. Notebook page: -- Watch live at

From playlist Excalibur

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I Made a Real-Life Unilluminable Room

I show you the illumination problem and how it was solved. Then I build my own unilluminable room to see if it really works. Here is the Ray simulator I used: Get Your Experiment Box Here: Checkout my experi

From playlist Illumination problem

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Physics - Optics: Single Slit Diffraction (6 of 15) What Causes Intensity Diffraction Patterns?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will conceptually explain the intensity cause by diffraction patterns. Next video in series:


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Penrose's solution to the illumination problem, starting behind a mushroom

This follow-up to the video shows what happens when the light source in Penrose's solution to the illumination problem is placed near the boundary, behind one of the "mushrooms", instead of the center of the room. The illumination problem asks the following qu

From playlist Illumination problem

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