Modular forms

Ikeda lift

In mathematics, the Ikeda lift is a lifting of modular forms to Siegel modular forms. The existence of the lifting was conjectured by W. Duke and Ö. Imamoḡlu and also by T. Ibukiyama, and the lifting was constructed by . It generalized the Saito–Kurokawa lift from modular forms of weight 2k to genus 2 Siegel modular forms of weight k + 1. (Wikipedia).

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Kyokushin kumite training

Hiroki Kurosawa, Naoki Ichimura and others...

From playlist Aikido

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Aikido Practice: Ukemi Drills #5 (Mae Ukemi 3-Point) | In order to practice Aikido we most learn how to take soft flowing falls or "Ukemi" to be able to protect ourselves and to redirect the energy that is taking us down as the power that will bring us back up. Learning to relax the body and develop flexibility are

From playlist Aikido

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Kodokan Throwing Techniques (Nagewaza)

Kodokan 67 throwing techniques and variations.. All throws are done dynamically, showing the movement of both uke & tori. Includes many examples of throws in high level competitions.

From playlist Kenpo

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From playlist Weightlessness - Jaxa

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Star Wars Japanese Dojo Diorama Build!

We get an early look at Bandai's Ronin Mandalorian figure from their popular Star Wars Movie Realization series, and Norm builds a 1/12th scale dojo diorama in the aesthetic of this feudal Japanese spin on Star Wars. Here's how this display was designed and laser cut with our glowforge, an

From playlist Toys, Models and Collectibles

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[BOURBAKI 2018] 13/01/2018 - 2/4 - Raphaël BEUZART-PLESSIS

Progrès récents sur les conjectures de Gan-Gross-Prasad [d'après Jacquet-Rallis, Waldspurger, W. Zhang, etc.] Les conjectures de Gan-Gross-Prasad ont deux aspects: localement elles décrivent de façon explicite certaines lois de branchements entre représentations de groupes de Lie réels ou

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2018

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Aikido Forward Roll Tutorial

A video explaining the forward roll as used in Aikido's ukemi waza. For more videos like this please go to

From playlist Aikido

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Raphaël Beuzart Plessis - Comparaisons de caractères relatifs locaux...

Comparaisons de caractères relatifs locaux et la conjecture d' Ichino - Ikeda pour les groupes unitaires Les conjectures globales de Gan, Gross et Prasad relient la non -annulation de certaines fonctions L de Rankin-Selberg en leur centre de symétrie à celle de périodes automorphes (intég

From playlist Reductive groups and automorphic forms. Dedicated to the French school of automorphic forms and in memory of Roger Godement.

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An Analogue of the Ichino-Ikeda Conjecture for... coefficients of the Metaplectic Group - Erez Lapid

Erez Lapid Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Weizmann Institute of Science March 14, 2013 A few years ago Ichino-Ikeda formulated a quantitative version of the Gross-Prasad conjecture, modeled after the classical work of Waldspurger. This is a powerful local-to-global principle which is

From playlist Mathematics

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The Plancherel formula for L^2(GL_n(F)\GL_n(E)) and applications… - Raphael Beuzart-Plessis

Workshop on Representation Theory and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces Topic: The Plancherel formula for L^2(GL_n(F)\GL_n(E)) and applications to the Ichino-Ikeda and formal degree conjectures for unitary groups Speaker: Raphael Beuzart-Plessis Affiliation: CNRS Date: March 6, 2018 Fo

From playlist Mathematics

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Warm-up of Yang's TaiChi: Lift up, Press down(Demo and Brief)

Such action looks simple, but it involves a lot of joints, you must pay attention on the folding of your limbs and body. On the other hand, when you do such action, it will be more effective if you loosen you muscle.

From playlist The Beauty of Yang's Tai Chi (太極)

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What is MSG, and is it actually bad for you? - Sarah E. Tracy

Dig into the seasoning known as MSG, and find out how this flavoring was developed and if it’s actually bad for your health. -- In 1968, Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok felt ill after dinner at a Chinese restaurant and wrote a letter to a medical journal connecting his symptoms to MSG. His letter

From playlist New TED-Ed Originals

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Digital Uplift Showcase: Nura Gili

This is a showcase of a Nura Gili course which have been improved by Digital Uplift.

From playlist Digital Uplift Showcase

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Rewind Ep. 4 - Taste | SciShow Tangents Podcast

Welcome to SciShow Tangents Rewind! Each week, we'll be bringing you an old episode of the show, in original airing order. Whether you're listening through for the first time or rediscovering old favorites, there's something for everyone! Enjoy! Have you ever wanted to lick the Moon and f

From playlist This Week in SciShow (Aug 22nd -26th)

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Doing chin-ups on Kogan Pull Up Fitness Station (home gym)

So I bought this home chin up bar from Kogan and assembled it myself. This is me doing chin ups on it. It is quite stable but be careful how many you do! Since it's so accessible you can do too much and lead to injury. (I am not affiliated with Kogan)

From playlist General Fitness

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On p-adic L-functions for U(3)xU(2) by Ming-Lun Hsieh

PROGRAM ELLIPTIC CURVES AND THE SPECIAL VALUES OF L-FUNCTIONS (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: Ashay Burungale (CalTech/UT Austin, USA), Haruzo Hida (UCLA), Somnath Jha (IIT Kanpur) and Ye Tian (MCM, CAS) DATE: 08 August 2022 to 19 August 2022 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall and online The program pla


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Ruby On Ales 2015 - The Recipe for the Worlds Largest Rails Monolith

By, Akira Matsuda Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist Ruby on Ales 2015

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Hilbert modular eigenvariety at exotic and CM classical points of parallel weight one by Shaunak Deo

PERFECTOID SPACES ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee, Denis Benois, Chitrabhanu Chaudhuri, and Narasimha Kumar Cheraku DATE & TIME: 09 September 2019 to 20 September 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Scientific committee: Jacques Tilouine (University of Paris, France) Eknath

From playlist Perfectoid Spaces 2019

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若田宇宙飛行士のおもしろ宇宙実験 Try Zero-G

皆様から募集した「おもしろ宇宙実験」を若田光一宇宙飛行士が国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)で実施しました。 ラジオ体操/バック転/リフティング/腕立て伏せ/側転/クロール/スピン(回転)/衣類をたたむ/魔法のじゅうたん/水鉄砲/目薬/空間移動/腕相撲/握手/押し相撲/綱引き (C)NASA/JAXA

From playlist Weightlessness - Jaxa

Related pages

Schottky form | Saito–Kurokawa lift | Modular form | Mathematics | Lift (mathematics) | Siegel modular form