Ferroelectric materials

Ice XI

Ice XI is the hydrogen-ordered form of Ih, the ordinary form of ice. Different phases of ice, from ice II to ice XVIII, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and pressures. The total internal energy of ice XI is about one sixth lower than ice Ih, so in principle it should naturally form when ice Ih is cooled to below 72 K. The low temperature required to achieve this transition is correlated with the relatively low energy difference between the two structures. Water molecules in ice Ih are surrounded by four semi-randomly directed hydrogen bonds. Such arrangements should change to the more ordered arrangement of hydrogen bonds found in ice XI at low temperatures, so long as localized proton hopping is sufficiently enabled; a process that becomes easier with increasing pressure. Correspondingly, ice XI is believed to have a triple point with hexagonal ice and gaseous water at (~72 K, ~0 Pa). (Wikipedia).

Ice XI
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On board the German research vessel Polarstern

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Iceberg movements create eerie songs

Researchers have recorded and sped up the sounds that icebergs make as they scrape past each other, after an earthquake or as they break up. The resulting music makes for eerie listening. Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14286-embracing-icebergs-sing-eerie-duets/

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Traveling the Antarctic Ice Sheet

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Teach Astronomy - Climate and Earth's Orbit

http://www.teachastronomy.com/ Ice ages are periods of global cooling by a few degrees, up to ten or so degrees, that occur at irregular intervals of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. The causes of ice ages are complex, but over the past few million years, there is good

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South Pole Telescope Commute

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IceBridge: The Daily Routine

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Tagging the Seals

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詹祖華老師 英文課程 第五堂

免費英文教學! 學英文要一步一步慢慢來. 一堂課完全熟練之前, 不要看下一堂. 這堂課我們學怎麼知道在名詞前加a 或 an, 然後我們學的單字裡那些詞是名詞, 形容詞和動詞. 詹祖華老師是為在澳洲教書長達十二年的高中老師,最擅長讓學生青出於藍而勝於藍。Youtube上已有超過兩百八十萬人看過他的教學視頻.

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