Continuous distributions

Hyperbolic distribution

The hyperbolic distribution is a continuous probability distribution characterized by the logarithm of the probability density function being a hyperbola. Thus the distribution decreases exponentially, which is more slowly than the normal distribution. It is therefore suitable to model phenomena where numerically large values are more probable than is the case for the normal distribution. Examples are returns from financial assets and turbulent wind speeds. The hyperbolic distributions form a subclass of the generalised hyperbolic distributions. The origin of the distribution is the observation by Ralph Bagnold, published in his book The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes (1941), that the logarithm of the histogram of the empirical size distribution of sand deposits tends to form a hyperbola. This observation was formalised mathematically by Ole Barndorff-Nielsen in a paper in 1977, where he also introduced the generalised hyperbolic distribution, using the fact the a hyperbolic distribution is a random mixture of normal distributions. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Hyperbolic Functions

This video provides a basic overview of hyperbolic function. The lesson defines the hyperbolic functions, shows the graphs of the hyperbolic functions, and gives the properties of hyperbolic functions. Site: Blog:

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Introduction to Hyperbolic Functions

This video provides a basic overview of hyperbolic function. The lesson defines the hyperbolic functions, shows the graphs of the hyperbolic functions, and gives the properties of hyperbolic functions.

From playlist Using the Properties of Hyperbolic Functions

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What are Hyperbolas? | Ch 1, Hyperbolic Trigonometry

This is the first chapter in a series about hyperbolas from first principles, reimagining trigonometry using hyperbolas instead of circles. This first chapter defines hyperbolas and hyperbolic relationships and sets some foreshadowings for later chapters This is my completed submission t

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Hyperbolic Coordinates

In this video, I introduce the hyperbolic coordinates, which is a variant of polar coordinates that is particularly useful for dealing with hyperbolas (and 3 dimensional versions like hyperboloids of one sheet or two sheets). Suprisingly (or not), they involve the hyperbolic trig functions

From playlist Double and Triple Integrals

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Hyperbola 3D Animation | Objective conic hyperbola | Digital Learning

Hyperbola 3D Animation In mathematics, a hyperbola is a type of smooth curve lying in a plane, defined by its geometric properties or by equations for which it is the solution set. A hyperbola has two pieces, called connected components or branches, that are mirror images of each other an

From playlist Maths Topics

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What is the definition of a hyperbola

Learn all about hyperbolas. A hyperbola is a conic section with two fixed points called the foci such that the difference between the distances of any point on the hyperbola from the two foci is equal to the distance between the two foci. Some of the characteristics of a hyperbola includ

From playlist The Hyperbola in Conic Sections

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Calculus 2: Hyperbolic Functions (1 of 57) What is a Hyperbolic Function? Part 1

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what are hyperbolic functions and how it compares to trig functions. Next video in the series can be seen at:


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What is the definition of a hyperbola

Learn all about hyperbolas. A hyperbola is a conic section with two fixed points called the foci such that the difference between the distances of any point on the hyperbola from the two foci is equal to the distance between the two foci. Some of the characteristics of a hyperbola includ

From playlist The Hyperbola in Conic Sections

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EVS Session 1 Intro

Extreme Value Statistics, Introduction

From playlist Extreme Value Statistics

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The Poisson boundary: a qualitative theory by Vadim Kaimanovich

Program Probabilistic Methods in Negative Curvature ORGANIZERS: Riddhipratim Basu, Anish Ghosh and Mahan Mj DATE: 11 March 2019 to 22 March 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore The focal area of the program lies at the juncture of three areas: Probability theory o

From playlist Probabilistic Methods in Negative Curvature - 2019

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Molecular Noise, Non-stationarity and Memory in Single-enzyme Kinetics by Arti Dua

PROGRAM STATISTICAL BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS: FROM SINGLE MOLECULE TO CELL ORGANIZERS: Debashish Chowdhury (IIT-Kanpur, India), Ambarish Kunwar (IIT-Bombay, India) and Prabal K Maiti (IISc, India) DATE: 11 October 2022 to 22 October 2022 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall 'Fluctuation-and-noise' a


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Marcos Kiwi: Random hyperbolic graphs

Abstract: Random hyperbolic graphs (RHG) were proposed rather recently (2010) as a model of real-world networks. Informally speaking, they are like random geometric graphs where the underlying metric space has negative curvature (i.e., is hyperbolic). In contrast to other models of complex

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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David Burguet: Some new dynamical applications of smooth parametrizations for C∞ systems - lecture 3

Smooth parametrizations of semi-algebraic sets were introduced by Yomdin in order to bound the local volume growth in his proof of Shub’s entropy conjecture for C∞ maps. In this minicourse we will present some refinement of Yomdin’s theory which allows us to also control the distortion. We

From playlist Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations

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Knot Theory and Machine Learning - Andras Juhasz

DeepMind Workshop Topic: Knot Theory and Machine Learning Speaker: Andras Juhasz Affiliation: University of Oxford Date: March 28, 2022 The signature of a knot K in the 3-sphere is a classical  invariant that gives a lower bound on the genera of compact oriented surfaces in the 4-ball wi

From playlist DeepMind Workshop

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David Borthwick: Asymptotics of resonances for hyperbolic surfaces

Abstract: After a brief introduction to the spectral theory of hyperbolic surfaces, we will focus on the problem of understanding the asymptotic distribution of resonances for hyperbolic surfaces. The theory of open quantum chaotic systems has inspired several interesting conjectures about

From playlist Mathematical Physics

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The circle and projective homogeneous coordinates (cont.) | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 7b

Universal hyperbolic geometry is based on projective geometry. This video introduces this important subject, which these days is sadly absent from most undergrad/college curriculums. We adopt the 19th century view of a projective space as the space of one-dimensional subspaces of an affine

From playlist Universal Hyperbolic Geometry

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Daniel Hug: Random tessellations in hyperbolic space - first steps

Random tessellations in Euclidean space are a classical topic and highly relevant for many applications. Poisson hyperplane tessellations present a particular model for which mean values and variances for functionals of interest have been studied successfully and a central limit theory has

From playlist Trimester Seminar Series on the Interplay between High-Dimensional Geometry and Probability

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Computations with homogeneous coordinates | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 8 | NJ Wildberger

We discuss the two main objects in hyperbolic geometry: points and lines. In this video we give the official definitions of these two concepts: both defined purely algebraically using proportions of three numbers. This brings out the duality between points and lines, and connects with our

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Related pages

Scale parameter | Hyperbola | Real number | Probability density function | Generalised hyperbolic distribution | Normal distribution | Location parameter | Turbulence