Algebraic number theory | Abelian group theory

Herbrand quotient

In mathematics, the Herbrand quotient is a quotient of orders of cohomology groups of a cyclic group. It was invented by Jacques Herbrand. It has an important application in class field theory. (Wikipedia).

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Graham Leigh: On the computational content of classical sequent calculus

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Types, Sets and Constructions. Abstract: Computational interpretations of classical logic are entwined with constructive proofs of Herbrand's Theorem which states, its simplest form, that for every valid existen

From playlist Workshop: "Proofs and Computation"

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Michael Temkin - Wild coverings of Berkovich curves

I will describe the structure of finite morphisms between smooth Berkovich curves. The tame case is well known so the accent will be on the wild case. In particular, I will describe the loci of points of multiplicity n and their relation to Herbrand function and the ramification theory. If

From playlist A conference in honor of Arthur Ogus on the occasion of his 70th birthday

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Artur Avila "Poincaré series and renormalization"

Originaire du Brésil, Artur Avila obtient son doctorat en 2001 à l'IMPA. En 2008 il reçoit le prix de l'EMS puis le Grand Prix Jacques Herbrand de l'Académie des sciences en 2009. Il a été conférencier plénier au Congrès international des mathématiciens en 2010. Il est Directeur de Recherc

From playlist Colloque Scientifique International Poincaré 100

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Nalini Anantharaman "From the three-body problem to quantum mechanics"

Résumé Poincaré annonçait, dans l'introduction des Méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique céleste, fournit « un terrain solide sur lequel on pourra s'appuyer avec confiance ». C'est avec cette confiance que les physiciens du début du 20ème siècle se sont attaqués à l'étude de l'atome d'hélium,

From playlist Colloque Scientifique International Poincaré 100

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How to use the division property of exponents to simplify

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the quotient rule of exponents. The quotient rule of exponents states that the quotient of powers with a common base is equivalent to the power with the common base and an exponent which is the difference of the exponents of the term in the numerat

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents | Quotient Rule

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Simplify an expression by applying quotient rule of exponents

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the quotient rule of exponents. The quotient rule of exponents states that the quotient of powers with a common base is equivalent to the power with the common base and an exponent which is the difference of the exponents of the term in the numerat

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents | Quotient Rule

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How to use the division property of exponents

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the quotient rule of exponents. The quotient rule of exponents states that the quotient of powers with a common base is equivalent to the power with the common base and an exponent which is the difference of the exponents of the term in the numerat

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents | Quotient Rule

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How to use the division rules of exponents to simplify

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the quotient rule of exponents. The quotient rule of exponents states that the quotient of powers with a common base is equivalent to the power with the common base and an exponent which is the difference of the exponents of the term in the numerat

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents | Quotient Rule

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The Quotient Rule (Calculus)

The quotient rule is one of the 5 fundamental derivative rules. It shows you how to take the derivative of f(x)/g(x). In this video we will give some examples, talk about a common mistake, and give a proof of the quotient rule. What to watch next: The Tangent Line & the Derivative http

From playlist Calculus

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Potential Automorphy - Richard Taylor

Richard Taylor Institute for Advanced Study October 4, 2010 I will introduce l-adic representations and what it means for them to be automorphic, talk about potential automorphy as an alternative to automorphy, explain what can currently be proved (but not how) and discuss what seem to me

From playlist Mathematics

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Learn the basics for simplifying an expression using the rules of exponents

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the quotient rule of exponents. The quotient rule of exponents states that the quotient of powers with a common base is equivalent to the power with the common base and an exponent which is the difference of the exponents of the term in the numerat

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents | Quotient Rule

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Hugo Duminil Copin - Compter les chemins auto-évitants sur le réseau en nid d'abeille

IHES, Prix Jacques Herbrand 2017 Réalisation technique : Antoine Orlandi (GRICAD) | Tous droits réservés

From playlist Des mathématiciens primés par l'Académie des Sciences 2017

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Simplifying an expression using properties of exponents

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the quotient rule of exponents. The quotient rule of exponents states that the quotient of powers with a common base is equivalent to the power with the common base and an exponent which is the difference of the exponents of the term in the numerat

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents | Quotient Rule

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How to simplify an expression use the rules of exponents

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the quotient rule of exponents. The quotient rule of exponents states that the quotient of powers with a common base is equivalent to the power with the common base and an exponent which is the difference of the exponents of the term in the numerat

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents | Quotient Rule

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Ex 2: The Difference Quotient (Quadratic Function)

This video provides an example of how to find the difference quotient for a quadratic function. Site:

From playlist Determining Function Values

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 14: Quotient Spaces

I AM GOING TO REDO THIS VIDEO. I have made some annotations here and annotations are not visible on mobile devices. STAY TUNED. This is a long lesson about an important topological concept: quotient spaces.

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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Ex: Division Using Partial Quotient - Two Digit Divided by One Digit (With Remainder)

This video explains how to perform division using partial quotients.

From playlist Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers

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Prayagdeep Parija: Random Quotients of Hyperbolic Groups and Property (T)

Prayagdeep Parija, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Title: Random Quotients of Hyperbolic Groups and Property (T) What does a typical quotient of a group look like? Gromov had looked at density model of quotients of free groups. The density parameter d measures the rate of exponential gro

From playlist 39th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 6-8, 2022

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Partial Quotients - Dividing Whole Numbers

The video explains how to use the method of partial quotients to divide whole numbers. This is an alternative method to performing long division. Library: Search:

From playlist Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers

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Ex: Use the Quotient Rule to Find the Derivative and Derivative Value (Basic)

This video provides an introductory example of how to use the quotient rule to find the derivative of a function and the value of the derivative at a given value of x. Site: Blog:

From playlist Differentiation Using the Quotient Rule

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