Representation theory

Hecke algebra of a locally compact group

In mathematics, a Hecke algebra of a locally compact group is an algebra of bi-invariant measures under convolution. (Wikipedia).

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Mark W. McConnell: Computing Hecke operators for cohomology of arithmetic subgroups of SL_n(Z)

Abstract: We will describe two projects. The first which is joint with Avner Ash and Paul Gunnells, concerns arithmetic subgroups Γ of G=SL_4(Z). We compute the cohomology of Γ∖G/K, focusing on the cuspidal degree H^5. We compute a range of Hecke operators on this cohomology. We fi Galois

From playlist Number Theory

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A Satake Isomorphism Mod.p - Guy Henniart

A Satake Isomorphism Mod.p Guy Henniart November 4, 2010 Let F be a locally compact non-Archimedean field, p its residue characteristic and G a connected reductive algebraic group over F . The classical Satake isomorphism describes the Hecke algebra (over the field of complex numbers) of

From playlist Mathematics

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Abstract Algebra | The notion of a subgroup.

We present the definition of a subgroup and give some examples.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Lagrange theorem

We finally get to Lagrange's theorem for finite groups. If this is the first video you see, rather start at In this video I show you how the set that makes up a group can be partitioned by a subgroup and its cosets. I also take a look at

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Xuhua He: Tits groups of Iwahori-Weyl groups and presentations of Hecke algebras

SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online: Xuhua He (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Abstract: Let G(ℂ) be a complex reductive group and W be its Weyl group. In 1966, Tits introduced a certain subgroup of G(ℂ), which is an extension of W by an elementary abelian 2-group. This group is called the

From playlist SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online

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GT2. Definition of Subgroup

Abstract Algebra: We define the notion of a subgroup and provide various examples. We also consider cyclic subgroups and subgroups generated by subsets in a given group G. Example include A4 and D8. U.Reddit course materials available at

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Algorithms for the topology of arithmetic groups and Hecke actions - Michael Lipnowski

Workshop on Motives, Galois Representations and Cohomology Around the Langlands Program Topic: Algorithms for the topology of arithmetic groups and Hecke actions Speaker: Michael Lipnowski Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: November 6, 2017 For more videos, please visit htt

From playlist Mathematics

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Nigel Higson: Isomorphism conjectures for non discrete groups

The lecture was held within the framework of the (Junior) Hausdorff Trimester Program Topology: "The Farrell-Jones conjecture" I shall discuss aspects of the C*-algebraic version of the Farrell-Jones conjecture (namely the Baum-Connes conjecture) for Lie groups and p-adic groups. The conj

From playlist HIM Lectures: Junior Trimester Program "Topology"

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Shimura Varieties and the Bernstein Center - Tom Haines

Shimura Varieties and the Bernstein Center - Tom Haines University of Maryland; von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics December 6, 2010 The local Langlands conjecture (LLC) seeks to parametrize irreducible smooth representations of a p-adic group G in terms of Weil-Deligne parameters. B

From playlist Mathematics

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Corina Ciobotaru: Analytic aspects of locally compact groups

The theory of unitary representations describes locally compact groups from the point of view of harmonic analysis and operator theory. To provide a good understanding there are various concepts that are considered. In this talk I present recent results and open questions regarding the Hec

From playlist HIM Lectures: Junior Trimester Program "Topology"

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Ana Caraiani - 2/3 Shimura Varieties and Modularity

We describe the Calegari-Geraghty method for proving modularity lifting theorems beyond the classical setting of the Taylor-Wiles method. We discuss the three conjectures that this method relies on (existence of Galois representations, local-global compatibility and vanishing of cohomology

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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Ben Elias: Categorifying Hecke algebras at prime roots of unity

Thirty years ago, Soergel changed the paradigm with his algebraic construction of the Hecke category. This is a categorification of the Hecke algebra at a generic parameter, where the parameter is categorified by a grading shift. One key open problem in categorification is to categorify He

From playlist Workshop: Monoidal and 2-categories in representation theory and categorification

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Local-global compatibility in the crystalline case - Ana Caraiani

Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar Topic: Local-global compatibility in the crystalline case Speaker: Ana Caraiani Affiliation: Imperial College Date: April 16, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Dennis Gaitsgory. A toy model for the Drinfeld-Lafforgue shtuka construction

Abstract: The goal of this talk is to provide a categorical framework that leads to the definition of shtukas à la Drinfeld and of excursion operators à la V. Lafforgue. We take as the point of departure the Hecke action of Rep(G^L) on the category Shv(Bun_G) of sheaves on Bun_G, and also

From playlist CORONA GS

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Ana Caraiani - 3/3 Shimura Varieties and Modularity

We discuss vanishing theorems for the cohomology of Shimura varieties with torsion coefficients, under a genericity condition at an auxiliary prime. We describe two complementary approaches to these results, due to Caraiani-Scholze and Koshikawa, both of which rely on the geometry of the H

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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Clément Dell’aiera - Paires de Hecke et K-théorie

Introduites par Shimura en théorie des nombres dans les années 50, les paires de Hecke sont des inclusions de sous-groupes qui sont presque normales : leurs conjugués sont tous commensurables. À une paire de Hecke est associée un groupe localement compact totalement discontinu : sa complét

From playlist Annual meeting “Arbre de Noël du GDR Géométrie non-commutative”

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Panorama of Mathematics: Peter Scholze

Panorama of Mathematics To celebrate the tenth year of successful progression of our cluster of excellence we organized the conference "Panorama of Mathematics" from October 21-23, 2015. It outlined new trends, results, and challenges in mathematical sciences. Peter Scholze: "Locally sym

From playlist Panorama of Mathematics

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Sophie Morel - 1/3 Shimura Varieties

Depending on your point of view, Shimura varieties are a special kind of locally symmetric spaces, a generalization of moduli spaces of abelian schemes with extra structures, or the imperfect characteristic 0 version of moduli spaces of shtuka. They play an important role in the Langlands

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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Stephane Gaussent, Research talk - 3 February 2015

Stephane Gaussent (Université Jean Monnet - Saint Etienne) - Research talk Spherical, Hecke or Iwahori-Hecke algebras associated to a reductive group over a local field are well known and have a lot of applications in representation theory. Braverman, Ka

From playlist Lie Theory and Representation Theory - 2015

Related pages

Iwahori–Hecke algebra | Hecke algebra | Borel subgroup | Gelfand pair | Finite field | Local field | Weyl group | Affine Hecke algebra | Group (mathematics) | Iwahori subgroup | Continuous function | Group algebra of a locally compact group | Convolution | Residue field