Color space


In colorimetry, the HSLuv color space is a human-friendly alternative to the HSL color space. It was formerly known as "husl". It is a variation of the CIE LCH(uv) color space, where the C (colorfulness) component is replaced by a "Saturation" (S) component representing the colorfulness percentage relative to the maximum sRGB can provide given the L and H values. The value has nothing to do with "saturation" in color theory. (Wikipedia).

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An general explanation of the underactive thyroid.

From playlist For Patients

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HMHS Britannic - Sleeping sun.wmv

It's my third video

From playlist 'Sleeping Sun' videos.

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Research: What is a fractal?

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

From playlist research

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The BuShou of HanZi :囗

A brief description of the BuShou of 囗.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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A pentagonal-parabolic resonator (perceptually uniform color map)

This is a variant of the simulation with another color map. Following suggestions in a comment, I used a so-called perceptually uniform color map, implemented in the hsluv library found here - this is a very firs

From playlist Wave equation

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The BuShou of HanZi :禾

A brief description of the BuShou of 禾.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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Particles in a hexagonal-parabolic resonator

This #short animation shows a resonator made of six confocal parabolas in the approximation of geometric optics. The animation shows the behavior of a wave front, made of 50 000 particles, starting in the center of the picture. This center is the common focus of the six parabolic pieces of

From playlist Particles in billiards

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Particles in a four-sided eccentric parabolic resonator

This particle analogue of the simulation shows 10 000 particles reflected off the walls of a resonating cavity made of 4 parabolic arcs. The speed of particles is approximately equal to the speed of the waves in the above video, allowing for a comparison, in pa

From playlist Particles in billiards

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A moving light source in a Penrose unilluminable room

This #short video gives yet another illustration of how Penrose's solution of the illumination problem works. It shows a light source moving on a circular path inside the room. The path of light rays sent in 14 different directions is shown, giving an idea of which regions are illuminated.

From playlist Illumination problem

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The BuShou of HanZi :石

A brief description of the BuShou of 石.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :石

A brief description of the BuShou of 石.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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Waves in a Tokarsky unilluminable room

This simulation shows a solution of the wave equation in a Tokarsky room, which has been constructed in relation with the illumination problem. The illumination problem asks the following question: assume you have a room with mirrored walls. Is it always possible to place a light source in

From playlist Illumination problem

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Statistics for an (almost) finite horizon Sinai billiard on the torus

This simulation is similar to the video but with larger obstacles: the circles have radius 0.085 instead of 0.05 in the previous simulation. The distance between the centers of pegs is 0.2, while the columns of obstacles are at distance 0.2*sqrt(3)/2 = 0.1732.

From playlist Particles in billiards

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Sinai billiard on a torus with triangular lattice, collisions and free path statistics

Like the video, this seventh simulation with collision statistics in a Sinai billiard uses periodic boundary conditions (or wrap-around, or pacman-style boundaries), which gives "cleaner" collision and mean path distributions as for reflecting boundary conditio

From playlist Particles in billiards

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Statistics for a Sinai billiard on the torus with Poisson-distributed obstacles

The video shows the motion of a particle bouncing off 349 obstacles distributed randomly according to a Poisson point process, in a rectangular domain with periodic boundary conditions. The Poisson point process is the most random distribution of points one can imagine, with each point bei

From playlist Particles in billiards

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The BuShou of HanZi :耳

A brief description of the BuShou of 耳.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

Related pages

CIELUV | CIE 1931 color space | HSL and HSV | Color space | Haxe | Color model | SRGB | Additive color | Color difference