Surgery theory | Differential topology


In geometric topology and differential topology, an (n + 1)-dimensional cobordism W between n-dimensional manifolds M and N is an h-cobordism (the h stands for homotopy equivalence) if the inclusion maps are homotopy equivalences. The h-cobordism theorem gives sufficient conditions for an h-cobordism to be trivial, i.e., to be C-isomorphic to the cylinder M × [0, 1]. Here C refers to any of the categories of smooth, piecewise linear, or topological manifolds. The theorem was first proved by Stephen Smale for which he received the Fields Medal and is a fundamental result in the theory of high-dimensional manifolds. For a start, it almost immediately proves the generalized Poincaré conjecture. (Wikipedia).

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Covariance (1 of 17) What is Covariance? in Relation to Variance and Correlation

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate:a We will learn the difference between the variance and the covariance. A variance (s^2) is a measure of how spread out the numbers of


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Trigonometry 5 The Cosine Relationship

A geometrical explanation of the law of cosines.

From playlist Trigonometry

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Proof of the Law of Cosines: Alternate

Here is a lovely little proof of the law of Cosines that serves as an alternate to the one that may be presented in your text.

From playlist Trigonometry

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Applying the law of cosines to solve a word problem

Learn how to solve for the lengths of the sides and the measures of the angles of a triangle using the law of cosines. The law of cosines is used in determining the lengths of the sides or the measures of the angles of a triangle when no angle measure and the length of the side opposite th

From playlist Solve Law of Cosines (Word Problem) #ObliqueTriangles

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Calculus - Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions - Cosine (2 of 4)

Visit for more math and science lectures! This video is part of an eight 9 part lecture series that continues and builds upon the previous 8 part derivative lectures.


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Covariance (5 of 17) What is the Covariance Matrix?

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate:a We will learn the covariance matrix is an nxn matrix (where n=number of data sets) such that the diagonal elements represents the va


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Physics 35 Coulomb's Law (1 of 8)

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this three part lecture, I will introduce you to Coulomb's law, which describes the electric force between two charged particles or objects. It's format is similar to Newton's law of gravity, though Coulomb's constant


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What is a Coulomb? An Explanation

Gives a comprehensive description of what coulomb is. Includes three worked examples; how to calculate the number of electrons in a coulomb, number of electrons in a given amount of charge and charge from a given number of electrons. You can see a listing of all my videos at my website,

From playlist Electricity and Magnetism

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Lagrangian cobordisms, enriched knot diagrams, and algebraic invariants - Ipsita Datta

Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar Topic: Lagrangian cobordisms, enriched knot diagrams, and algebraic invariants Speaker: Ipsita Datta Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: November 4, 2022 We introduce new invariants to the existence of

From playlist Mathematics

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A Controlled Mather Thurston Theorem - Mike Freedman

Workshop on the h-principle and beyond Topic: A Controlled Mather Thurston Theorem Speaker: Mike Freedman Affiliation: Microsoft Date: November 03, 2021 Abstract: The "c-principle" is a cousin of Gromov's h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) s

From playlist Mathematics

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On the Lagrangian cobordism relation on Legendrian links -Joshua Sabloff

Seminar in Analysis and Geometry Topic: On the Lagrangian cobordism relation on Legendrian links Speaker: Joshua Sabloff Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: February 22, 2022 Lagrangian cobordism induces a preorder on the set of Legendrian links in any contact 3-manifold. We

From playlist Mathematics

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Homology cobordism and triangulations – Ciprian Manolescu – ICM2018

Geometry | Topology Invited Lecture 5.5 | 6.1 Homology cobordism and triangulations Ciprian Manolescu Abstract: The study of triangulations on manifolds is closely related to understanding the three-dimensional homology cobordism group. We review here what is known about this group, with

From playlist Geometry

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Paul BIRAN - Lagrangian Cobordisms, Dehn-twists and Real Algebraic Geometry

We will explain the relevance of Lagrangian cobordisms in Lefschetz fibrations to the study of the (derived) Fukaya category of the fiber. In particular we will give a cobordism interpretation of Seidel's long exact sequence, introduce cobordism groups and also outline how to study real al

From playlist 2015 Summer School on Moduli Problems in Symplectic Geometry

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Irving Dai - Homology cobordism and local equivalence between plumbed manifolds

June 22, 2018 - This talk was part of the 2018 RTG mini-conference Low-dimensional topology and its interactions with symplectic geometry Recently constructed by Hendricks and Manolescu, involutive Heegaard Floer homology provides several new tools for studying the three-dimensional homol

From playlist 2018 RTG mini-conference on low-dimensional topology and its interactions with symplectic geometry I

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Projective Dehn twist via Lagrangian cobordism - Cheuk Yu Mak

Princeton/IAS Symplectic Geometry Seminar Topic:Projective Dehn twist via Lagrangian cobordism Speaker: Cheuk Yu Mak Affiliation: IAS Member, School of Mathematics Date: October 4, 2016 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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A quantitative look at Lagrangian cobordisms - Lisa Traynor

Augmentations and Legendrians at the IAS Topic: A quantitative look at Lagrangian cobordisms Speaker: Lisa Traynor Date: Friday, February 12 Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrian submanifolds arise in Relative Symplectic Field Theory. In recent years, there has been much progress on an

From playlist Mathematics

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Emmy Murphy: Existence of Liouville structures on cobordisms

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Jean-Morlet Chair - Lalonde/Teleman

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What is a Coordinate Covalent Bond?

This chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into coordinate covalent bond. Line any covalent bond, electrons are shared. However, in a coordinate covalent bond, one atom donates both electrons that contribute to the formation of the bond. A lewis acid lewis base reaction

From playlist New AP & General Chemistry Video Playlist

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Khovanov Homology and Virtual Knot Cobordism by Louis H. Kauffman

PROGRAM KNOTS THROUGH WEB (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Rama Mishra, Madeti Prabhakar, and Mahender Singh DATE & TIME: 24 August 2020 to 28 August 2020 VENUE: Online Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the original program has been canceled. However, the meeting will be conducted through onl

From playlist Knots Through Web (Online)

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Trigonometry 7 The Cosine of the Sum and Difference of Two Angles

A geometric proof of the cosine of the sum and difference of two angles identity.

From playlist Trigonometry

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