Geometric inequalities | Riemannian geometry | Differential geometry | Systolic geometry

Gromov's inequality for complex projective space

In Riemannian geometry, Gromov's optimal stable 2-systolic inequality is the inequality , valid for an arbitrary Riemannian metric on the complex projective space, where the optimal bound is attainedby the symmetric Fubini–Study metric, providing a natural geometrisation of quantum mechanics. Here is the stable 2-systole, which in this case can be defined as the infimum of the areas of rational 2-cycles representing the class of the complex projective line in 2-dimensional homology. The inequality first appeared in as Theorem 4.36. The proof of Gromov's inequality relies on the Wirtinger inequality for exterior 2-forms. (Wikipedia).

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An introduction to the Gromov-Hausdorff distance

Title: An introduction to the Gromov-Hausdorff distance Abstract: We give a brief introduction to the Hausdorff and Gromov-Hausdorff distances between metric spaces. The Hausdorff distance is defined on two subsets of a common metric space. The Gromov-Hausdorff distance is defined on any

From playlist Tutorials

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Mikhail Gromov - 3/4 Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

Geometry of scalar curvature, that is comparable in scope to symplectic geometry, mediates between two worlds: the domain of rigidity, one sees in convexity and the realm of softness, characteristic of topology, such as the cobordism theory. The aim of this course is threefold: 1. An ove

From playlist Mikhail Gromov - Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

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Mikhail Gromov - 1/4 Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

Geometry of scalar curvature, that is comparable in scope to symplectic geometry, mediates between two worlds: the domain of rigidity, one sees in convexity and the realm of softness, characteristic of topology, such as the cobordism theory. The aim of this course is threefold: 1. An ove

From playlist Mikhail Gromov - Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

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Sunhyuk Lim (9/24/21): The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between spheres

We provide general upper and lower bounds for the Gromov-Hausdorff distance d_GH(S^m,S^n) between spheres S^m and S^n (endowed with the round metric) for m less than n, with both integers between 0 and infinity, inclusive. Some of these lower bounds are based on certain topological ideas r

From playlist Vietoris-Rips Seminar

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Dimitri Zvonkine - On two ELSV formulas

The ELSV formula (discovered by Ekedahl, Lando, Shapiro and Vainshtein) is an equality between two numbers. The first one is a Hurwitz number that can be defined as the number of factorizations of a given permutation into transpositions. The second is the integral of a characteristic class

From playlist 4th Itzykson Colloquium - Moduli Spaces and Quantum Curves

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Mikhail Gromov - 2/4 Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

Geometry of scalar curvature, that is comparable in scope to symplectic geometry, mediates between two worlds: the domain of rigidity, one sees in convexity and the realm of softness, characteristic of topology, such as the cobordism theory. The aim of this course is threefold: 1. An ove

From playlist Mikhail Gromov - Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

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Mikhail Gromov - 4/4 Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

Geometry of scalar curvature, that is comparable in scope to symplectic geometry, mediates between two worlds: the domain of rigidity, one sees in convexity and the realm of softness, characteristic of topology, such as the cobordism theory. The aim of this course is threefold: 1. An ove

From playlist Mikhail Gromov - Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature

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On the Gromov width of polygon spaces - Alessia Mandini

Alessia Mandini University of Pavia October 31, 2014 After Gromov's foundational work in 1985, problems of symplectic embeddings lie in the heart of symplectic geometry. The Gromov width of a symplectic manifold (M,ω)(M,ω) is a symplectic invariant that measures, roughly speaking, the siz

From playlist Mathematics

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Riemann Sum Defined w/ 2 Limit of Sums Examples Calculus 1

I show how the Definition of Area of a Plane is a special case of the Riemann Sum. When finding the area of a plane bound by a function and an axis on a closed interval, the width of the partitions (probably rectangles) does not have to be equal. I work through two examples that are rela

From playlist Calculus

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How Large is the Shadow of a Symplectic Ball? - Alberto Abbondandolo

Alberto Abbondandolo University of Pisa, Italy February 8, 2012 I will discuss a middle-dimensional generalization of Gromov's Non-Squeezing Theorem. For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Lagrangian Floer theory (Lecture – 02) by Sushmita Venugopalan

J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants DATE:25 December 2017 to 04 January 2018 VENUE:Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Holomorphic curves are a central object of study in complex algebraic geometry. Such curves are meaningful even when the target has an almost complex stru

From playlist J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants

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Symplectic Dynamics Seminar: How Large is the Shadow of a Symplectic Ball? - Alberto Abbondandolo

Alberto Abbondandolo University of Pisa, Italy February 8, 2012 I will discuss a middle-dimensional generalization of Gromov's Non-Squeezing Theorem. For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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[BOURBAKI 2017] 14/01/2017 - 1/4 - Cédric VILLANI

Inégalités isopérimétriques dans les espaces métriques mesurés, d’après F. Cavalletti et A. Mondino La théorie synthétique de la courbure de Ricci dans les espaces métriques mesurés a remporté ses premiers succès il y a une dizaine d’années, et s’est rapidement développée depuis ; elle ac

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2017

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Counting embedded curves in symplectic 6-manifolds - Aleksander Doan

Symplectic Dynamics/Geometry Seminar Topic: Counting embedded curves in symplectic 6-manifolds Speaker: Aleksander Doan Affiliation: Columbia University Date: February 03, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Introduction to h-principle by Mahuya Datta

DATE & TIME: 25 December 2017 to 04 January 2018 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Holomorphic curves are a central object of study in complex algebraic geometry. Such curves are meaningful even when the target has an almost complex structure. The moduli space of these curves (

From playlist J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants

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Samplings and Observables. Limits of measured metric spaces - Gabor Elek

Conference on Graphs and Analysis Gabor Elek June 4, 2012 More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Séminaire Bourbaki 08/11/2014 - Rémi Coulon 1/4

"Théorie de la petite simplification : une approche géométrique" [d'après F. Dahmani, V. Guirardel, D. Osin et S. Cantat, S. Lamy] Une "bonne" action de groupe sur un espace hyperbolique (au sens de Gromov) permet de capturer les propriétés à large échelle du groupe. N'importe quelle ac

From playlist Bourbaki - 08 novembre 2014

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Facundo Mémoli (5/2/21): The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between spheres

The Gromov-Hausdorff distance is a fundamental tool in Riemanian geometry, and also in applied geometry and topology. Whereas it is often easy to estimate the value of the distance between two given metric spaces, its precise value is rarely easy to determine. In this talk I will describe

From playlist TDA: Tutte Institute & Western University - 2021

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L^2 methods, projective embeddings and Kahler-Einstein metrics (Lecture 1)by Ved Datar

PROGRAM CAUCHY-RIEMANN EQUATIONS IN HIGHER DIMENSIONS ORGANIZERS: Sivaguru, Diganta Borah and Debraj Chakrabarti DATE: 15 July 2019 to 02 August 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Complex analysis is one of the central areas of modern mathematics, and deals with holomo

From playlist Cauchy-Riemann Equations in Higher Dimensions 2019

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Youness Lamzouri: Large character sums

Abstract : For a non-principal Dirichlet character χ modulo q, the classical Pólya-Vinogradov inequality asserts that M(χ):=maxx|∑n≤xχ(n)|=O(q‾√log q). This was improved to q‾√log log q by Montgomery and Vaughan, assuming the Generalized Riemann hypothesis GRH. For quadratic characters, th

From playlist Number Theory

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Pu's inequality | Gromov's systolic inequality for essential manifolds | Complex projective space | Wirtinger inequality (2-forms) | Riemannian geometry | Loewner's torus inequality | Fubini–Study metric | Systolic geometry