Banach spaces | Theorems in functional analysis

Goldstine theorem

In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, the Goldstine theorem, named after Herman Goldstine, is stated as follows: Goldstine theorem. Let be a Banach space, then the image of the closed unit ball under the canonical embedding into the closed unit ball of the bidual space is a weak*-dense subset. The conclusion of the theorem is not true for the norm topology, which can be seen by considering the Banach space of real sequences that converge to zero, c0 space and its bi-dual space Lp space (Wikipedia).

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Calculus - The Fundamental Theorem, Part 1

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. First video in a short series on the topic. The theorem is stated and two simple examples are worked.

From playlist Calculus - The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

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ENIAC: Computer History 1946 "Behind the Scenes" Commentary, Trivia, History, Film Restoration

Just for fun, a brief “Behind the Scenes” look at what we did to restore the original 1946 film, plus some “Outtakes,” Commentary, History and a bit of Trivia. Hope you enjoy! ENIAC was the first large scale, general purpose, programmable electronic digital computer. {See links below

From playlist Computer History: ENIAC 1944-1946: Origin and History of a Giant Brain

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The Condition Number of a Random Matrix: From von Neumann-Goldstine to Spielman-Teng - Van Vu

Van Vu Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey September 27, 2010 The condition number of a matrix is at the heart of numerical linear algebra. In the 1940s von-Neumann and Goldstine, motivated by the problem of inverting, posed the following question: (1) What is the condition number

From playlist Mathematics

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Proof of Lemma and Lagrange's Theorem

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Proof of Lemma and Lagrange's Theorem. This video starts by proving that any two right cosets have the same cardinality. Then we prove Lagrange's Theorem which says that if H is a subgroup of a finite group G then the order of H div

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Computer History: 1946 ENIAC Computer History Remastered FULL VERSION First Electronic Computer U.S.

Computer History: ENIAC Computer History, an educational film: The First Large Scale, Programmable, General Purpose Electronic Digital Computer ~ ENIAC - original 1946 announcement film, restored & new narration. ENIAC, "Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer", was designed by J.

From playlist Computer History: ENIAC 1944-1946: Origin and History of a Giant Brain

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Susan Goldstine - Maps of Strange Worlds: Beyond the Four-Color Theorem - CoM Jan 2021

In 1852, a math student posed a deceptively simple-sounding question: if you want to color a map so that bordering regions always have different colors, how many colors do you need? This opened a rabbit hole that has kept mathematicians, computer scientists, and philosophers occupied for

From playlist Celebration of Mind 2021

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Turing Centennial Conference: Turing, Church, Gödel, Computability, Complexity and Randomization

Turing, Church, Gödel, Computability, Complexity and Randomization Presented by Prof. Michael Rabin, Turing Award laureate, Hebrew University & Harvard University Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel April 4, 2012 The Wohl Centre Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel For more in

From playlist Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel

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Theory of numbers: Congruences: Euler's theorem

This lecture is part of an online undergraduate course on the theory of numbers. We prove Euler's theorem, a generalization of Fermat's theorem to non-prime moduli, by using Lagrange's theorem and group theory. As an application of Fermat's theorem we show there are infinitely many prim

From playlist Theory of numbers

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The Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff and Dynkin formula and its finite nature

In this video explain, implement and numerically validate all the nice formulas popping up from math behind the theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin, usually a.k.a. Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula. Here's the TeX and python code:

From playlist Algebra

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Susan Goldstine - Symmetry Samplers - G4G13 Apr 2018

A short survey of symmetry samplers in knitting, embroidery, and beadwork.

From playlist G4G13 Videos

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Susan Goldstine - Mosaic Knitting Friezes: Seventeen Symmetries, Minus Three - G4G14 Apr 2022

Mosaic knitting, a relatively new form of two-color knitting, has become popular because it is easier for the knitter than most traditional forms of color work. The price of this ease is an unusual set of restrictions on color placement for the pattern designer. Carolyn Yackel and I have r

From playlist G4G14 Videos

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Introduction to additive combinatorics lecture 1.8 --- Plünnecke's theorem

In this video I present a proof of Plünnecke's theorem due to George Petridis, which also uses some arguments of Imre Ruzsa. Plünnecke's theorem is a very useful tool in additive combinatorics, which implies that if A is a set of integers such that |A+A| is at most C|A|, then for any pair

From playlist Introduction to Additive Combinatorics (Cambridge Part III course)

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Ellie Baker - Crafts, Math, and the Joy of Turning Things Inside Out - CoM Apr 2021

Infinitely Invertible Infinity paper: Invertible Infinity: A Toroidal Fashion Statement paper: Trefoil knotted scarf with hidden seams:

From playlist Celebration of Mind 2021

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The Institute for Advanced Study: The First 100 Years - George Dyson

Public Lecture: The Institute for Advanced Study: The First 100 Years George Dyson, Author, Historian, and past Director's Visitor (2002–03) at the Institute In 1916, social theorist Thorstein Veblen called for the post-war institution of “academic houses of refuge... where teachers and

From playlist Public Lectures

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Lie groups: Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. We state the Poincare-Birkhoff Witt theorem, which shows that the universal enveloping algebra (UEA) of a Lie algebra is the same size as a polynomial algebra. We prove it for Lie algebras of Lie groups and sketch a proof of

From playlist Lie groups

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Abstract Algebra | Lagrange's Theorem

We prove some general results, culminating in a proof of Lagrange's Theorem.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Solve a Bernoulli Differential Equation (Part 2)

This video provides an example of how to solve an Bernoulli Differential Equation. The solution is verified graphically. Library:

From playlist Bernoulli Differential Equations

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Solve a Bernoulli Differential Equation Initial Value Problem

This video provides an example of how to solve an Bernoulli Differential Equations Initial Value Problem. The solution is verified graphically. Library:

From playlist Bernoulli Differential Equations

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Euler-Lagrange equation explained intuitively - Lagrangian Mechanics

Lagrangian Mechanics from Newton to Quantum Field Theory. My Patreon page is at

From playlist Physics

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2020 Auction Fundraiser - Zoom Preview

2020 Auction Webpage: ** Auction Preview Timestamps: ** 00:20 – Bob Hearn – introduction and auction explanation 05:00 – G4G branded face mask give-away 05:45 – John Conway’s traveling backgammon game 06:00 – Autographed books 07:15 – Adam Rubi

From playlist Celebration of Mind

Related pages

Hahn–Banach theorem | Dense set | Banach space | Functional analysis | Lp space | Dual space