Fourier series | Real analysis | Numerical artefacts

Gibbs phenomenon

In mathematics, the Gibbs phenomenon, discovered by Henry Wilbraham and rediscovered by J. Willard Gibbs, is the oscillatory behavior of the Fourier series of a piecewise continuously differentiable periodic function around a jump discontinuity. The function's th partial Fourier series (formed by summing its lowest constituent sinusoids) produces large peaks around the jump which overshoot and undershoot the function's actual values. This approximation error approaches a limit of about 9% of the jump as more sinusoids are used, though the infinite Fourier series sum does eventually converge almost everywhere except the point of discontinuity. The Gibbs phenomenon was observed by experimental physicists, but was believed to be due to imperfections in the measuring apparatus, and it is one cause of ringing artifacts in signal processing. (Wikipedia).

Gibbs phenomenon
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Quantum Theory - Full Documentary HD

Check: The World of Quantum - Full Documentary HD For more Scientific DOCUMENTARIES. Subscribe for more Videos... Quantum mechanics (QM -- also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physica

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The Universe Exists Because of Identical Particles.

The universe as we know it, can only exist if certain particles are absolutely identical to each other (assuming also that quantum mechanics is correct...) Here's a talk I did recently (huge thanks to Reading School for inviting me) discussing this rather interesting concept. We started b

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Teach Astronomy - Doppler Effect The Doppler Effect is the shift of wavelength or frequency of a source of waves due to the motion of that source of waves. Doppler Effect is most familiar in terms of sound waves. As a source of sound, such as a siren, approaches you, the pitch or frequency

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Waves 6_1 Doppler Effect

Explaining the Doppler effect. Worked problems.

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Fourier Series and Gibbs Phenomena [Python]

This video will describe how to compute the Fourier Series in Python and Gibbs Phenomena that appear for discontinuous functions. Book Website: Book PDF: These lectures follow Chapter 2 from: "Data-Driven Science and Engineering:

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Fourier Series and Gibbs Phenomena [Matlab]

This video will describe how to compute the Fourier Series in Matlab and Gibbs Phenomena that appear for discontinuous functions. Book Website: Book PDF: These lectures follow Chapter 2 from: "Data-Driven Science and Engineering:

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Heat Equation with a Discontinuity - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

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Teach Astronomy - Spectral Lines In physics there are two fundamentally different kinds of radiation that come from atoms. Thermal radiation is the result of the microscopic motions of atoms and molecules in a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Thermal radiation is smooth and continuous spanning a

From playlist 06. Optics and Quantum Theory

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Fourier Series: What to Expect - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

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Lenses, refraction, and optical illusions of light

Optics, lenses, and optical illusions created by the refraction of light explained with 3D ray diagrams. My Patreon page is at

From playlist Physics

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Waves 2_13 Superposition of Waves and Interference

The principle of superposition of waves and interference.

From playlist Physics - Waves

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Waves and Particles B1 Compton Effect

Momentum of a photon and the Compton effect.

From playlist Physics - Wave Particle Duality

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Christopher Shriver (UCLA) -- Gibbs measures and Glauber dynamics on trees

We show that, under the assumption of shift-invariance, the Glauber-invariant states on a Cayley tree are exactly the Gibbs states. Moreover, any shift-invariant state weakly converges to the set of Gibbs states over time. This is achieved by developing an 'extrinsic' approach to free ener

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What is Compton Scattering?

This video provides a detailed overview of Compton Scattering and its role in the development of quantum physics. The photon model of light is used to explain the Compton shift in wavelength of scattered x-rays by electrons. The principles of energy and momentum conservation are used to ca

From playlist Quantum Physics

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Gibbs Sampling : Data Science Concepts

Another MCMC Method. Gibbs sampling is great for multivariate distributions where conditional densities are *easy* to sample from. To emphasize a point in the video: - First sample is (x0,y0) - Next Sample is (x1,y1) - Next Sample is (x2,y2) ... That is, we update *all* variables once

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DoR#14 Gibbs Free Energy

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Mechanical Explanations and the Direction of Time

Franke Program in Science and the Humanities Mechanical Explanations and the Direction of Time Professors David Albert and Tim Maudlin visited Yale to give lectures and participate in discussion for an event titled "Mechanical Explanations and the Direction of Time." David Albert is Freder

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Lec 24 | MIT 18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I

Discrete filters: lowpass and highpass A more recent version of this course is available at: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

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Inverting the Z transform and Z transform of systems

I move from signals to systems in describing discrete systems in the z domain

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Michael Kastoryano: "Classical restrictions of MPS are Gibbsian"

Entropy Inequalities, Quantum Information and Quantum Physics 2021 "Classical restrictions of MPS are Gibbsian" Michael Kastoryano - Amazon Abstract: We show that the norm squared amplitudes with respect to a local orthonormal basis (the classical restriction) of finite quantum systems o

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