Geometry | Binary trees

Geometry of binary search trees

In computer science, one approach to the dynamic optimality problem on online algorithms for binary search trees involves reformulating the problem geometrically, in terms of augmenting a set of points in the plane with as few additional points as possible in order to avoid rectangles with only two points on their boundary. (Wikipedia).

Geometry of binary search trees
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Check if a binary tree is binary search tree or not

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have written a program in C/C++ to verify whether a given binary tree is binary search tree or not. For practice problems and more, visit: http://www.m

From playlist Data structures

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Data structures: Binary Search Tree

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have discussed binary search tree data structure. Binary search is an efficient data structure in which we can store data to get search, insertion and de

From playlist Data structures

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Data structures: Binary Tree

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have discussed binary tree in detail. We have talked about different types of binary tree like "complete binary tree", "perfect binary tree" and "balance

From playlist Data structures

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Binary Tree 1. Constructing a tree (algorithm and pseudocode)

This is the first in a series of videos about binary trees. It is an explanation of the dynamic data structure known as the Binary Tree. It describes the way in which a binary tree is constructed, and how it can be represented numerically using a system of left and right pointers. This v

From playlist Data Structures

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Find height of a binary tree

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have written code to find height of a binary tree using a simple recursion. For practice problems and more, visit: Like u

From playlist Data structures

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Find min and max element in a binary search tree

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have written a program to find minimum or maximum element in a "binary search tree" data structure. We have written two solutions - iterative and recursi

From playlist Data structures

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Binary tree traversal - breadth-first and depth-first strategies

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have discussed algorithms for binary tree traversal. We have talked about breadth-first and depth-first strategies for tree traversal like level-order, p

From playlist Data structures

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Java Binary Search Tree

Get the Code Here: Subscribe to Me: Welcome to my tutorial on the Binary Tree in Java. On average a tree is more efficient then other data structures if you need to perform many different types of operations. In this tutorial I'll show you what a

From playlist Java Algorithms

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Lec 9 | MIT 6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503), Fall 2005

Lecture 09: Relation of BSTs to Quicksort | Analysis of Random BST View the complete course at: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503),

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Lecture 13: Spatial Data Structures (CMU 15-462/662)

Full playlist: Course information:

From playlist Computer Graphics (CMU 15-462/662)

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DjangoCon 2019 - Postgres Index types and where to find them by Louise Grandjonc

DjangoCon 2019 - Postgres Index types and where to find them by Louise Grandjonc For a long time I only used the default btree to index data. As I was working on an app for crocodiles to find their dentist, I started looking into the other index types postgres offers to improve SQL perfor

From playlist DjangoCon US 2019

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Binary tree traversal: Preorder, Inorder, Postorder

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have described Preorder, Inorder and Postorder algorithms for binary tree traversal and analyzed their time and space complexities. See source code her

From playlist Data structures

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Distance Geometry (3b1b Summer of Math Exposition 2 #SoME2)

*An introduction to distance geometry and to its discretizable subclass of instances* Given a simple weighted undirected graph G=(V,E,d), this problem asks whether we can realize G in a Euclidean space with a given dimension, such that the distances between realized vertices u and v of V

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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What Lies Beneath - A Deep Dive Into Clojure's Data Structures - Mohit Thatte

Immutable, persistent data structures are at the heart of Clojure's philosophy. It is instructive to see how these are implemented, to appreciate the trade-offs between persistence and performance. Lets explore the key ideas that led to effective, practical implementations of these data st

From playlist Clojure, Lisp

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Alexander Veselov: Growth and geometry in SL_2(ℤ) dynamics

Abstract: Usual discrete dynamics can be considered as the action of the group of integers. What happens if we replace ℤ by SL_2(ℤ)? There is a classical example of such dynamics goes back to remarkable work by Andrei A. Markov (1880), who described the solutions of the Diophantine equatio

From playlist Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations

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Blockly Developer Summit 2019: Blocks for CS Undergrads?

A Google TechTalk, 2019/10/11, presented by Pedro Guillermo Feijóo-García ABSTRACT: Block coding is not just for kids. Pedro talks through the design of DStBlocks, a Blockly based app for teaching data structures and algorithms at the college level. Slides:

From playlist Blockly Developers Summit 2019

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Jeff Erickson - Lecture 4 - Two-dimensional computational topology - 21/06/18

School on Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology: Discrete and Algorithmic Aspects ( Jeff Erickson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Two-dimensional computational topology - Lecture 4 Abstract: This series of lectures will describe recent

From playlist Jeff Erickson - School on Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology: Discrete and Algorithmic Aspects

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Lecture 24 - Geometry - Problem Discussion

This is Lecture 24 of the COMP300E (Programming Challenges) course taught by Professor Steven Skiena [] at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2009. The lecture slides are available at:

From playlist COMP300E - Programming Challenges - 2009 HKUST

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Binary search tree - Implementation in C/C++

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have implemented binary search tree in C/C++. We have written a simple program to create a binary search tree of integers and search an element in it.

From playlist Data structures

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