Permutation groups

Generalized symmetric group

In mathematics, the generalized symmetric group is the wreath product of the cyclic group of order m and the symmetric group of order n. (Wikipedia).

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Symmetric Groups (Abstract Algebra)

Symmetric groups are some of the most essential types of finite groups. A symmetric group is the group of permutations on a set. The group of permutations on a set of n-elements is denoted S_n. Symmetric groups capture the history of abstract algebra, provide a wide range of examples in

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Symmetric groups

In this video we construct a symmetric group from the set that contains the six permutations of a 3 element group under composition of mappings as our binary operation. The specifics topics in this video include: permutations, sets, groups, injective, surjective, bijective mappings, onto

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Definition of the Symmetric Group

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Definition of the Symmetric Group

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Symmetric matrices - eigenvalues & eigenvectors

Free ebook A basic introduction to symmetric matrices and their properties, including eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Several examples are presented to illustrate the ideas. Symmetric matrices enjoy interesting applications to quadratic forms.

From playlist Engineering Mathematics

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 2.3: Symmetric and alternating groups

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 2.3: Symmetric and alternating groups In this lecture, we introduce the last two of our "5 families" of groups: (4) symmetric groups and (5) alternating groups. The symmetric group S_n is the group of all n! permutations of {1,...,n}. We see several different

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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The Special Linear Group is a Subgroup of the General Linear Group Proof

The Special Linear Group is a Subgroup of the General Linear Group Proof

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Group theory 22: Symmetric groups

This lecture is part of an online mathematics course on group theory. It covers the basic theory of symmetric and alternating groups, in particular their conjugacy classes.

From playlist Group theory

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The General Linear Group, The Special Linear Group, The Group C^n with Componentwise Multiplication

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! The General Linear Group, The Special Linear Group, The Group C^n with Componentwise Multiplication

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Group Theory: The Center of a Group G is a Subgroup of G Proof

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Group Theory: The Center of a Group G is a Subgroup of G Proof

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Markus Land - L-Theory of rings via higher categories IV

For questions and discussions of the lecture please go to our discussion forum: This lecture is part of the event "New perspectives on K- and L-theory", 21-25 September 2020, hosted by Mathematics Münster: https://go.wwu

From playlist New perspectives on K- and L-theory

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Markus Land - L-Theory of rings via higher categories III

For questions and discussions of the lecture please go to our discussion forum: This lecture is part of the event "New perspectives on K- and L-theory", 21-25 September 2020, hosted by Mathematics Münster: https://go.wwu

From playlist New perspectives on K- and L-theory

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Hodge theory and cycle theory of locally symmetric spaces – Nicolas Bergeron – ICM2018

Geometry Invited Lecture 5.1 Hodge theory and cycle theory of locally symmetric spaces Nicolas Bergeron Abstract: We discuss several results pertaining to the Hodge and cycle theories of locally symmetric spaces. The unity behind these results is motivated by a vague but fruitful analogy

From playlist Geometry

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Vic Reiner, Lecture II - 11 February 2015

Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota) - Lecture II Many results in the combinatorics and invariant theory of reflection groups have q-analogues for the finite general linear groups GLn(Fq). These lectures will discuss several examples, and open questions

From playlist Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory - 2015

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Nonlinear algebra, Lecture 10: "Invariant Theory", by Bernd Sturmfels

This is the tenth lecture in the IMPRS Ringvorlesung, the advanced graduate course at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.

From playlist IMPRS Ringvorlesung - Introduction to Nonlinear Algebra

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Yonatan Harpaz - New perspectives in hermitian K-theory I

For questions and discussions of the lecture please go to our discussion forum: This lecture is part of the event "New perspectives on K- and L-theory", 21-25 September 2020, hosted by Mathematics Münster: https://go.wwu

From playlist New perspectives on K- and L-theory

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Markus Reineke - Cohomological Hall Algebras and Motivic Invariants for Quivers 4/4

We motivate, define and study Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Cohomological Hall algebras associated to quivers, relate them to the geometry of moduli spaces of quiver representations and (in special cases) to Gromov-Witten invariants, and discuss the algebraic structure of Cohomological H

From playlist 2021 IHES Summer School - Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory

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Towards derived Satake equivalence for symmetric varieties - Tsao-Hsien Chen

Workshop on Representation Theory and Geometry Topic: Towards derived Satake equivalence for symmetric varieties Speaker: Tsao-Hsien Chen Affiliation: University of Minnesota; Member, School of Mathematics Date: April 03, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Yonatan Harpaz - New perspectives in hermitian K-theory III

For questions and discussions of the lecture please go to our discussion forum: This lecture is part of the event "New perspectives on K- and L-theory", 21-25 September 2020, hosted by Mathematics Münster: https://go.wwu

From playlist New perspectives on K- and L-theory

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Local-global compatibility in the crystalline case - Ana Caraiani

Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar Topic: Local-global compatibility in the crystalline case Speaker: Ana Caraiani Affiliation: Imperial College Date: April 16, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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GT17. Symmetric and Alternating Groups

EDIT: at 15:00, we have (abcde) = (abc)(cde) instead of (abc)(ade) Abstract Algebra: We review symmetric and alternating groups. We show that S_n is generated by its 2-cycles and that A_n is generated by its 3-cycles. Applying the latter with the Conjugation Formula, we show that A_5 i

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Wreath product | Symmetric group | Mathematics | Schur multiplier | Cyclic group | Specht module