Mathematical constants | Real transcendental numbers

Gelfond's constant

In mathematics, Gelfond's constant, named after Aleksandr Gelfond, is eπ, that is, e raised to the power π. Like both e and π, this constant is a transcendental number. This was first established by Gelfond and may now be considered as an application of the Gelfond–Schneider theorem, noting that where i is the imaginary unit. Since −i is algebraic but not rational, eπ is transcendental. The constant was mentioned in Hilbert's seventh problem. A related constant is 2√2, known as the Gelfond–Schneider constant. The related value π + eπ is also irrational. (Wikipedia).

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The Euler Mascheroni Constant

I define one of the most important constants in mathematics, the Euler-Mascheroni constant. It intuitively measures how far off the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/n is from ln(n). In this video, I show that the constant must exist. It is an open problem to figure out if the constant is

From playlist Series

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Teach Astronomy - Measuring the Hubble Constant The Hubble constant sets the current expansion rate of the universe and gives an indication of its size and age. The best currently measured value of the Hubble constant comes from a heroic project done with the Hubble Space Telescope over a number of years.

From playlist 20. Galaxy Interaction and Motion

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Physics - Thermodynamics 2: Ch 32.1 Def. and Terms (9 of 23) What is the Gas Constant?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will give and explain what is the gas constant and how it was determined. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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How an Equilibrium Constant varies with Temperature - Thermodynamics - Physical Chemistry

Deriving a quantitative relationship to show how an equilibrium constant varies with temperature and so showing were Le Chatelier's Principle comes from in this context. Along the way, the Gibbs-Helmholtz van't Hoff equations are derived and used. My video for deriving the thermodynamics

From playlist Introductory Thermodynamics

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Simon Foucart: Essentials of Compressive Sensing (Lecture 4)

Compressive Sensing has recently had a tremendous impact in science and engineering, because it revealed the theoretical possibility of acquiring structured high-dimensional objects using much less information than previously expected, and more importantly because it provided practical pro

From playlist HIM Lectures: Trimester Program "Mathematics of Signal Processing"

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2^sqrt(2) and the definition of irrational exponent

The meaning of the Irrational exponent Read more on, Gelfond–Schneider constant 2^sqrt(2) Check out Newton's Method vs. Euler's Method here: 💪 Join our channel membership (for as low as $0.99 pe

From playlist Calculus Limits

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What is Einstein's cosmological constant?

Einstein's cosmological constant resulted from a prejudice regarding how the universe should behave. Brian Greene explains why the great physicist edited his equations to include it. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U. Visit our Website: http://www.w

From playlist Science Unplugged: General Relativity

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f+g is continuous

In this video I give a very straightforward proof that the sum f+g of continuous functions is continuous, both with the epsilon-delta definition and the sequence definition. I also show that any scalar multiple kf of a continuous function is continous. This implies that the set of continuo

From playlist Limits and Continuity

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Endre Szemerédi - The Abel Prize interview 2012

0:28 Early interest in mathematics 3:01 High schools in Hungary specializing in mathematics 4:38 Started studying mathematics at the age of 22 7:24 Professor Paul Turán inspired me to become a mathematician 8:57 Relationship between Paul Turán and Atle Selberg 9:24 Other influences and col

From playlist Endre Szemerédi

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Genius Proof by Schoolboy ! Hilbert's 7th problem history.

Join Insightful to enjoy Ad- free edutainment ! iOS: Android: Use METAMATHS code for registration Let’s look into amazing history behin

From playlist Math history and stories

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What are complex numbers? | Essence of complex analysis #2

A complete guide to the basics of complex numbers. Feel free to pause and catch a breath if you feel like it - it's meant to be a crash course! Complex numbers are useful in basically all sorts of applications, because even in the real world, making things complex sometimes, oxymoronicall

From playlist Essence of complex analysis

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Eisenstein Series on Exceptional Groups, Graviton Scattering Amplitudes... - Stephen Miller

Stephen D. Miller Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey May 3, 2012 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Planck's Constant - Sixty Symbols

This is one of the most important numbers in physics and is "unimaginably small" - or does it just seems small? More symbols explained at

From playlist From Sixty Symbols

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Michael Drmota: Automatic sequences along squares and primes

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Number Theory

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e to the pi i for dummies

NEW (Christmas 2019). Two ways to support Mathologer Mathologer Patreon: Mathologer PayPal: (see the Patreon page for details) For this Christmas video the Mathologer sets out to explain Euler's identity e to the pi i = -1, the mos

From playlist Recent videos

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Astronomy - Ch. 26: Hubble Law (7 of 20) What is the Most Sought After Constant in Science?

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: We will learn why the exact Hubble Constant is the most sought after constant in science. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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Gregory A. Freiman: Structure theory of set addition, a review

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Combinatorics

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Pierre-Henri Chaudouard - 1/2 Introduction to the (Relative) Trace Formula

The relative trace formula as envisioned by Jacquet and others is a possible generalization of the Arthur-Selberg trace formula. It is expected to be a useful tool in the relative Langlands program. We will try to present the general principle and give some examples and applications. Pie

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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f/g is continuous

Here I show that the ratio of two continuous functions is continuous. I do it both by using epsilon-delta and the sequence definition of continuity. Interestingly, the proof is similar to the proof of the quotient rule for derivatives. Enjoy! Reciprocals of limits:

From playlist Limits and Continuity

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