Concurrency control


In computing, a futex (short for "fast userspace mutex") is a kernel system call that programmers can use to implement basic locking, or as a building block for higher-level locking abstractions such as semaphores and POSIX mutexes or condition variables. A futex consists of a kernelspace wait queue that is attached to an atomic integer in userspace. Multiple processes or threads operate on the integer entirely in userspace (using atomic operations to avoid interfering with one another), and only resort to relatively expensive system calls to request operations on the wait queue (for example to wake up waiting processes, or to put the current process on the wait queue). A properly programmed futex-based lock will not use system calls except when the lock is contended; since most operations do not require arbitration between processes, this will not happen in most cases. (Wikipedia).

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Hacking Livestream #17: Basics of fuzzing

Next topic will be on basics of fuzzing. Probably nothing that my more advanced viewers don't already know. See also:

From playlist Gynvael's [EN] Live

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This levitron manufactured by my friend İzzet Özgöçmen. We enjoyed playing with it.

From playlist Izzet Özgöçmen

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Writing an OS in Rust - Part 12b - Async/Await

This is my version of Philipp Oppermann's "BlogOS". It's a baremetal operating system that can boot off of a USB stick on any BIOS-compatible machine, which is pretty amazing. I'm going to be following the whole blog, one video at a time, and running the OS using QEMU instead of booting a

From playlist Rust OS

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RustConf 2016 - Closing Keynote by Julia Evans

RustConf 2016 - Closing Keynote by Julia Evans Do you ever think “Ok, I'm definitely not a beginner at programming anymore, but how do I get WAY BETTER?” I have. It turns out that there are a lot of amazing things you can learn about programming by learning a little bit of Rust and system

From playlist RustConf 2016

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What is general relativity?

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U. Visit our Website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

From playlist Science Unplugged: General Relativity

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My favourite track from "Fab Four Suture"

From playlist the absolute best of stereolab

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World's Most Powerful Visible Diode Laser

"The NUBM44 Laser Diode" The World's Most Powerful

From playlist Lasers

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The Space Elevator

Alan Chan's Masterpiece about Space Exploration and the Space Elevator

From playlist The Best of Futurism on YouTube

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Stereolab - The Super-It

Created with

From playlist the absolute best of stereolab

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AWESOME antigravity electromagnetic levitator (explaining simply)

Physics levitron (science experiments)


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WebAssembly: The What, Why and How

WebAssembly is a portable, size, and load-time efficient binary format for the web. It is an emerging standard being developed in the WebAssembly community group, and supported by multiple browser vendors. This talk details what WebAssembly is, the problems it is trying to solve, exciting

From playlist Talks

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Stanford Seminar - Making the Invisible Visible: Observing Complex Software Dynamics

Dick Sites March 9 Dick discusses key topics in his recent book "Understanding Software Dynamics". Over his career he has taken a particular interest in complex software performance and determining why things can be slow. He will cover examples for each of the seven reasons code may not b

From playlist Stanford EE380-Colloquium on Computer Systems - Seminar Series

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If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Photoshop

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Error estimates for Feynman-Kac semi- groups by Grégoire Ferré

Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges DATE: 14 August 2017 to 13 October 2017 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Large deviation theory made its way into statistical physics as a mathematical framework for studying equilibrium syst

From playlist Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges

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Zeta functions of Siegel threefolds - Gerard Laumon

Automorphic Forms Gerard Laumon April 5, 2001 Concepts, Techniques, Applications and Influence April 4, 2001 - April 7, 2001 Support for this conference was provided by the National Science Foundation Conference Page: Conference Agena: h

From playlist Mathematics

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Jean-René Chazottes: A brief introduction to concentration inequalities

$Let (X,T)$ be a dynamical system preserving a probability measure $\mu $. A concentration inequality quantifies how small is the probability for $F(x,Tx,\ldots,T^{n-1}x)$ to deviate from $\int F(x,Tx,\ldots,T^{n-1}x) \mathrm{d}\mu(x)$ by an given amount $u$, where $F:X^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Raphaël Rouquier - Geometric representation theory as representation-theoretic geometry

Abstract: I will explain how varieties occurring in representation theory should be viewed as representations of certain higher categorical structures. This gives a new perspective for the construction and the study of moduli spaces.

From playlist Algebraic Analysis in honor of Masaki Kashiwara's 70th birthday

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High trace methods in random matrix theory (Remote Talk) - Lecture 3 by Charles Bordenave

PROGRAM :UNIVERSALITY IN RANDOM STRUCTURES: INTERFACES, MATRICES, SANDPILES ORGANIZERS :Arvind Ayyer, Riddhipratim Basu and Manjunath Krishnapur DATE & TIME :14 January 2019 to 08 February 2019 VENUE :Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore The primary focus of this program will be on the

From playlist Universality in random structures: Interfaces, Matrices, Sandpiles - 2019

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GeoGebra 3D Calculator: When to Use?

GeoGebra 3D Calculator is one of the five apps in Calculator Suite.

From playlist GeoGebra Apps Intro: Which to USE?

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An introduction to Dolgopyat's method - Frédéric Naud

Emerging Topics Working Group Topic: An introduction to Dolgopyat's method Speaker:Frédéric Naud Affiliation: Université Avignon Date: October 11, 2017 For more videos, please visit

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