Fractals | Dimension theory | Metric geometry

Frostman lemma

In mathematics, and more specifically, in the theory of fractal dimensions, Frostman's lemma provides a convenient tool for estimating the Hausdorff dimension of sets. Lemma: Let A be a Borel subset of Rn, and let s > 0. Then the following are equivalent: * Hs(A) > 0, where Hs denotes the s-dimensional Hausdorff measure. * There is an (unsigned) Borel measure μ satisfying μ(A) > 0, and such thatholds for all x ∈ Rn and r>0. Otto Frostman proved this lemma for closed sets A as part of his PhD dissertation at Lund University in 1935. The generalization to Borel sets is more involved, and requires the theory of Suslin sets. A useful corollary of Frostman's lemma requires the notions of the s-capacity of a Borel set A ⊂ Rn, which is defined by (Here, we take inf ∅ = ∞ and 1⁄∞ = 0. As before, the measure is unsigned.) It follows from Frostman's lemma that for Borel A ⊂ Rn (Wikipedia).

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Water and Wine

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Problems, Paradoxes, and Sophisms

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The Straw Trick

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Problems, Paradoxes, and Sophisms

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Burnside's Lemma (Part 2) - combining math, science and music

Part 1 (previous video): Orbit-stabilizer theorem: Burnside's lemma is an interesting result in group theory that helps us count things with symmetries considered, e.g. in some situations, we don't want to count things that can be

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Toeplitz methods in completeness and spectral problems – Alexei Poltoratski – ICM2018

Analysis and Operator Algebras Invited Lecture 8.18 Toeplitz methods in completeness and spectral problems Alexei Poltoratski Abstract: We survey recent progress in the gap and type problems of Fourier analysis obtained via the use of Toeplitz operators in spaces of holomorphic functions

From playlist Analysis & Operator Algebras

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Math 060 101317C Linear Transformations: Isomorphisms

Lemma: Linear transformations that agree on a basis are identical. Definition: one-to-one (injective). Examples and non-examples. Lemma: T is one-to-one iff its kernel is {0}. Definition: onto (surjective). Examples and non-examples. Definition: isomorphism; isomorphic. Theorem: T

From playlist Course 4: Linear Algebra (Fall 2017)

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Stabilizer in abstract algebra

In the previous video we looked at the orbit of a set. To work towards the orbit stabilizer theorem, we take a look at what a stabilizer is in this video.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Linear Transformations: Onto

Linear Algebra: Continuing with function properties of linear transformations, we recall the definition of an onto function and give a rule for onto linear transformations.

From playlist MathDoctorBob: Linear Algebra I: From Linear Equations to Eigenspaces | Mathematics

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Linear Algebra 19r: Translations, or How to Represent Nonlinear Transformations by Matrix Products

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Part 3 Linear Algebra: Linear Transformations

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Drinfeld's lemma for schemes - Kiran Kedlaya

Joint IAS/Princeton University Algebraic Geometry Seminar Topic: Drinfeld's lemma for schemes Speaker: Kiran Kedlaya Affiliation: University of California, San Diego; Visiting Professor, School of Mathematics Date: February 4, 2019 For more video please visit

From playlist Joint IAS/PU Algebraic Geometry

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Linear Algebra Vignette 2a: RREF - What It's For

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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Graph regularity and counting lemmas - Jacob Fox

Conference on Graphs and Analysis Jacob Fox June 5, 2012 More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Regularity methods in combinatorics, number theory, and computer science - Jacob Fox

Marston Morse Lectures Topic: Regularity methods in combinatorics, number theory, and computer science Speaker: Jacob Fox Affiliation: Stanford University Date: October 24, 2016 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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9. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma IV: induced removal lemma

MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019 Instructor: Yufei Zhao View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Prof. Zhao explains a strengthening of the graph regulari

From playlist MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019

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6. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma I: statement and proof

MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019 Instructor: Yufei Zhao View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma is a powerful tool in

From playlist MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019

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A stable arithmetic regularity lemma in finite (...) - C. Terry - Workshop 1 - CEB T1 2018

Caroline Terry (Maryland) / 01.02.2018 A stable arithmetic regularity lemma in finite-dimensional vector spaces over fields of prime order In this talk we present a stable version of the arithmetic regularity lemma for vector spaces over fields of prime order. The arithmetic regularity l

From playlist 2018 - T1 - Model Theory, Combinatorics and Valued fields

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7. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma II: triangle removal lemma

MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019 Instructor: Yufei Zhao View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Continuing the discussion of Szemerédi's graph regularity

From playlist MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019

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László Lovász: The many facets of the Regularity Lemma

Abstract: The Regularity Lemma of Szemerédi, first obtained in the context of his theorem on arithmetic progressions in dense sequences, has become one of the most important and most powerful tools in graph theory. It is basic in extremal graph theory and in the theory of property testing.

From playlist Abel Lectures

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10. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma V: hypergraph removal and spectral proof

MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019 Instructor: Yufei Zhao View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: In this first half of this lecture, Prof. Zhao shows how

From playlist MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019

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Sylvia Serfaty (NYU) -- Microscopic description of Coulomb gases

We are interested in the statistical mechanics of systems of N points with Coulomb interactions in general dimension for a broad temperature range. We discuss local laws characterizing the rigidity of the system at the microscopic level, as well as free energy expansion and Central Limit T

From playlist Columbia Probability Seminar

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Linear Algebra Vignette 3d: Easy Eigenvalues - Linearly Dependent Columns

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

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