Number theorists

Friedrich Karl Schmidt

Friedrich Karl Schmidt (22 September 1901 – 25 January 1977) was a German mathematician, who made notable contributions to algebra and number theory. Schmidt studied from 1920 to 1925 in Freiburg and Marburg. In 1925 he completed his doctorate at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg under the direction of Alfred Loewy. In 1927 he became a Privatdozent (lecturer) at the University of Erlangen, where he received his habilitation and in 1933 became a professor extraordinarius. In 1933/34 he was a Dozent at the University of Göttingen, where he worked with Helmut Hasse. Schmidt was then a professor ordinarius at the University of Jena from 1934 to 1945. During WW II, he was at the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Segelflug (German Research Station for Gliding) in Reichenhall. He was a professor from 1946 to 1952 at Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität in Münster and from 1952 to 1966 at the University of Heidelberg, where he retired as professor emeritus. In the mid-1930s Schmidt was on the editorial staff of . Schmidt was elected in 1954 a member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften and was made in 1968 an honorary doctor of the Free University of Berlin. Schmidt is known for his contributions to the theory of algebraic function fields and in particular for his definition of a zeta function for algebraic function fields and his proof of the generalized Riemann–Roch theorem for algebraic function fields (where the base field can be an arbitrary perfect field). He also made contributions to class field theory and valuation theory. The analogy between number fields and function fields has been realized since the latter part of the 19th century. Kronecker was already in some sense aware of some of its aspects. Dedekind originated a terminology in his study of number fields which he and Weber applied to function fields in one variable [Ded-W 1882]. Hensel-Landsberg then provided a first systematic book treatment of basic facts concerning these function fields [Hen-L 1902], using the Dedekind–Weber approach. Artin in his thesis [Art 1921] translated the Riemann hypothesis to the function field analogue (actually for quadratic fields). Several years later F. K. Schmidt treated general analytic number theory including the functional equation of the zeta function for function fields of arbitrary genus [Schm 1931]. (Wikipedia).

Friedrich Karl Schmidt
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Hitler - The Road to Revenge

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Dresden gestern und heute - Bilder deutscher Städte (1983)

TV-Dokumentation. Ein CHRONOS Film von 1983, ausgestrahlt in der ARD. Dresden, Friedrich August I, Friedrich August der Erste, August der Starke, Kurfürst von Sachsen, König von Polen, Barock, Bombenangriff, Georgentor, Schlossruine, Zwinger-Anlage, Orangerie, Brühlsche Terrasse, Balkon E

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Zahlen und Geometrie. Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Peter Scholze

Am dies academicus der Universität Bonn im lfd. Sommersemester 2017 hat Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze (geb. 1987, u. a. Leibniz-Preisträger) seine Antrittsvorlesung gehalten. Peter Scholze ist Hausdorff Chair am Exzellenzcluster Hausdorff Center for Mathematics der Universität Bonn. Weitere Inf

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Schmidt Reaction

Wanna make an amide out of a ketone? Try the Schmidt reaction! It's got azides, it's got really neat concerted rearrangements, it's got diazoiminium intermediates, it has it all! Let's check out the mechanism, implications, and applications. Watch the whole Organic Chemistry playlist: htt

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Leibniz-Preise für Bonner Forscher: Peter Scholze und Frank Bradke

Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze vom Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, einem Exzellenzcluster der Universität Bonn, und Prof. Dr. Frank Bradke, der am Deutschen Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE) arbeitet und Professor für Neurowissenschaften an der Universität Bonn ist, erhalten für

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Karl Marx & Conflict Theory: Crash Course Sociology #6

Today we’ll continue to explore sociology’s founding theorists with a look at Karl Marx and his idea of historical materialism. We’ll discuss modes of production, their development, and how they fit into Marx’s overall theory of historical development, along with class struggle and revolut

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Paulus (1890 - 1957) - Der Feldmarschall und das Trauma Stalingrad

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Verteidigung (7/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

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Economic Schools of Thought: Crash Course Economics #14

We talk a lot about Keynesian economics on this show, pretty much because the real world currently runs on Keynesian principles. That said, there are some other economic ideas out there, and today we're going to talk about a few of them. So, if you've been aching to hear about socialism, c

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Potsdam gestern und heute - Bilder deutscher Städte (1983)

TV-Dokumentation. Ein CHRONOS Film von 1983, ausgestrahlt in der ARD. Potsdam, Havel, Kanäle, Seen, Sumpfgebiet, Bombenangriff, 14.4.1944, Bauwesen, Plattenbau, DDR, Wende, Stadtbildpflege, Stadttor, Jägertor, Brandenburger Tor, Freiheitsbeschränkung, Frühjahrsparade, Lustgarten, 1912, Ga

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Hitler - Revenge to Ruin

Portraits of Power - Hitler - Revenge to Ruin Narrated by Henry Fonda Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 -- 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Pa

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Hitler and the Hohenzollerns - The Kaiser's Family & the Nazis

During the Nazi period, the former Imperial Family of Kaiser Wilhelm II maintained a strange relationship with Hitler, hoping that he would re-instate one of them to the post of Emperor. Dr. Mark Felton FRHistS, FRSA, is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books

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Germany Before and After WW2

Depicting a view of the country prior to the outbreak.

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Chemnitz - Karl-Marx-Stadt - Bilder deutscher Städte (1983)

TV-Dokumentation. Ein CHRONOS Film von 1983, ausgestrahlt in der ARD. Chemnitz, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Sonnenberg, Industriestadt, Jakobi-Kirche, Petri-Kirche, Sachsen, Lokomotive Richard Hartmann, Reinecker, Mai-Kundgebung, Gustav Noske, Volksstimme, Richard Tauber, Carola-Hotel, Gut Heil, Dik

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Diary of A Snakebite Death

*** We're now on Patreon! - Please Help Support Our Video Productions! *** In 1957 at The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Dr. Karl P. Schmidt, famed snake expert and herpetologist, made a detailed scientific account of the effect of venom from a sn

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Exigencies: From Impermanent Emergencies to Enduring Exceptions: Negotiating the Rule of Law

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